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Topics - ColMaximus

Pages: 1
Regiments / The Wealdstone Raiders (EU)
« on: May 31, 2015, 04:07:14 pm »

The Wealdstone Raiders

Brief History

The Wealdstone Regiment of Foot was founded in 1794 during the second Division 2 wars, and was formed as a direct need of a force to fight against the hated and evil Whitehawk regiment (more commonly known as the Shiteawks). The First battle of Wealdstone took place on the 13th of August 1795 (Seen ) in which the Wealdstone Raiders fought the Shiteawks, who were defeated utterly due to their complete lack of fans and dire ground situation. The fact that they played like wankers did them no favours as the Raiders gave them some.

It's leader was and is, Gorty Bortlet. Of which there is only one. He was honoured for his victory after the battle of the clubhouse (Seen here ) in which he distinguished himself as he led the regiment for a total of not 15, not 16, but 17 years.

The regiment fought in a number of other battles, giving it to those who wanted it, and showing people without fans everywhere that they must fear the mighty Wealdstone.

Rank structure

    • Gorty Bortlett (Leader)
    • Only One (Close associates of the Raider)
    • Raider (Proud Wealdstone Raiders)
    • Hooligan (Common Fan)
    • Nutter (Simply a nutter)

Works in the name of the Raider

I will tell you a tale of a Raider
A man so brave and strong
Possibly the greatest soldier
Who was unable to do any wrong

He protected what mattered
his beautuful wealdstone home
the shiteawks were scattered
and his power became known

With the Aid of the mighty  gorty bortlet
he did rid the land of every wanker
and know that will never let
anyone be any danker

He had all the fans
while the shiteawks had none
Of fosters he'd finish many cans
and the enemy he'd make run

And he let a message to be known
To any shiteawk that may be around,
and surely they all did shout and moan
as he said 'you've got now fans, you've got no ground'
- Anonymous

-Artistic Impression of The Raider leading the Battle of Wealdstone.

Teamspeak ip:

We're not recruiting, just a group of friends that want to get back into NW without the seriousness behind regiments. (This doesn't mean we'll troll)

Regiments / 74th (Disbanded)
« on: April 26, 2014, 12:04:44 am »

History of the Regiment

The 74th was raised in 1787 by Archibald Campbell, their first colonel, and were known as Campbell's Highlanders.

They first saw action during in India during the Mysore campaign of 1789, fighting at Bangalore and Seringapatam. Later, under Wellesley they saw action in the Mahratta War of 1802, fighting at Assaye in 1803. Returning to Europe they served again under Wellington in the Peninsular campaign, and fought at Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, both sieges of Badajoz, the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, Vittoria, Nivelles, Tarbes, Orthe, and Toulouse. They were then sent to garrison Ireland, and so missed the Battle of Waterloo, although they were on their way to embark for Belgium when news of the battle arrived.

They remained in Ireland until 1818, were then in Canada and New Brunswick until 1828, Bermuda for a year, and in Ireland again from 1830 to 1834. Later in the 1830s and into the 1840s the 74th were stationed in St. Lucia, Barbados and other islands in the West Indies, keeping remarkably healthy apart from one outbreak of fever and dysentery. Then, without coming home again, they went to Quebec in Canada.

The 74th came back to Britain from Canada in March 1845 with a dreadful disembarkation from the open roadstead at Deal. Later that year they became the 74th (Highland) Regiment. They had served for their first fifteen years in India, where the kilt was considered too heavy, and although they resumed it on returning to Scotland in 1806, they had lost their Highland dress in 1809, and even the name “Highland” in 1816. However the commanding officer, Colonel Eyre J. Crabbe, who was about to retire after 38 years continuous service with the regiment, was able to assure the Commander-in-Chief, the Duke of Wellington, that "that throughout the varied services and changes of so many years, a strong national feeling, and a connection with Scotland by recruiting, had been constantly maintained.”

Rank Structure

Colonel (Col)
Lieutenant Colonel (LtCol)
Major (Maj)
Captain (Cpt) 
Lieutenant (Lt)
Ensign (Ens) 
Regiment Serjeant Major (RSM)
Company Serjeant Major (CSM)
Company/Colour Serjeant (CSjt) 
Serjeant (Sjt) 
Corporal (Cpl)
Lance Corporal (LCpl) 
Regular (Rgl)
Private (Pte) 
Recruit (Rct)


Steam Leader contact

Steam group


If you wish to contact me or the 74th use the links above or join our teamspeak!
Sir_Carson for making the header.

Pages: 1