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Topics - Lucifear

Pages: 1

Will be held on a Sunday 7pm EST
Next event will be held on August 30th 2015

First place will receive a $20 steam card (or I'll just send you the money.)
Second place with receive $10 on steam
Third place will receive $5 on steam

1. Each round will be played to the best two out of three. The brackets will be Single Elimination, which means if you lose once you are out of the brackets.
2. Both sides will use equal units. Failure to comply will result in forfeit.
3.All specs will remain quiet during the actual fight.
4. If there is an unfair round, either contestant can make a case for that round to not count. I.E. Lag, hardware failure or any other genuine excuse. It will be up to the Tourney staff to decide if a round is considered unfair.
5. Trash talk, gloating or other unsportsmanlike conduct is strictly prohibited.
6. Basic Line Infantry will be used for all duels, both duelists will only use the musket, no shooting is allowed. Shooting can result in removal from the event.
7. If a contestant fails to show up for their round, they will be given 5 minutes to appear. If not they will be forfeit.
8. Apart from staff (and duelists), no other user is allowed to be outside of spectator. Doing so will result in a warning and then removal from the event.
By applying you hereby agree to the rules above; failure to comply will result in permanent expulsion for the tournament
Regiment and Rank (if not in one leave blank):
Steam ID:
In-game name:
Skill level from 1-10 (Please be honest!!):

For more info add me or Sly (Brutus) on steam
Regiment Leader
Match Coordinator

Pages: 1