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Topics - Reindly

Pages: 1
Community / Free 50 Slot Mount & Blade Servers!
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:57:07 pm »

    The 1erMarins are handing out free 50 slot servers to the lucky few, new, and upcoming regiments.
    We are giving back the community that has given us so much. Upon posting we will be reviewing your regiment's eligibility for the free 50 slot servers.
    We are giving out 4, so 4 starting regiments can have a training server!

    Posting Information:

    Regiment Name:
    Regiment Leader:
    Regiment Numbers:
    Reason for wanting the server:

    *Please be descriptive and detailed as possible.


    Regiments / 1er Btln. de Marins de la Garde Imperiale [NA]
    « on: April 05, 2014, 08:08:33 pm »

      1er Marins de la Garde Impériale Teamspeak:


      Disciplined and ready for anything, the Marins are an elite unit in every sense of the word.

      The ranks of the Guard Seamen are filled with the best soldiers the French army has to offer. Chosen for their imposing height, good conduct and loyalty,
      these men have excellent morale and a positive effect on the morale of  friendly regiments. Their discipline is exemplary; their reload times and the accuracy
      of their musketry are the envy of many.

      Historically, the Seamen of the Guard were formed as a result of a decree by Napoleon. They were originally intended for action as part of the planned
      invasion of Britain, but when these plans were put aside they took a place in the Imperial Guard. In a few short years these men had developed a wide
      variety of skills that made them indispensible to the Emperor. He commented that “When occasion required they proved equally valuable whether as
      sailors, soldiers, artillerymen or engineers; there was no duty they could not undertake.”

      About Us

      Historically, the Marins  were a huge part of Napoleon’s Imperial Guard, they were Napoleon’s private crewmen originally intended to be the first to land in an invasion against england. Later, once it became clear that an invasion of england was impossible due to the british naval superiority, the Marins were turned into elite troops of many specialties. They could do anything and everything with excellent efficiency, and as such the Emperor inducted them into his personal ‘Old Guard’ troops.  As a community we have huge shoes to fill because these men where the elite of the elite, the best of the best. They believed they were the best troops on earth..and they were right. We work hard in building trust and a dedicated group of members so that in the field of battle we can perform as well as the Marins of days gone. We've been in the community for almost a year and grew from 5 to 40 active men in a span of a few months.


      Event Schedule:

      Linebattle Events
      Monday -
      Tuesday -
      Wednesday -
      Thursday -
      Friday -
      Saturday -
      Sunday - 63e Line Battle.

      Inter Regimental Events


      Commissioned Officers
      CbD - Capitaine de Battalion
      Cpt - Capitaine
      Lt - Lieutenant
      SLt - Sous-lieutenant
      OAjt - Officier Adjoint

      Non-Commisioned Officers
      AdjSO - Adjudant sous-officier
      AdjC - Adjutant-Chef
      Adj - Adjutant
      SgtMaj - Sergent-Major
      Sgt - Sergent

      CplC - Caporal-Chef
      Cpl - Caporal
      SdtP - Soldat Premiere Classe
      Sdt - Soldat
      Cdt - Cadet

      Wish to join?

      In-game Name:
      Steam ID:

      Or simply add Reindly on steam, or come to the TS and ask one of our members about the joining process.



      The Mess Hall / A guide to the internet.
      « on: January 18, 2014, 11:15:28 pm »

      Off Topic / NFL Thread.
      « on: January 18, 2014, 10:21:15 pm »
      AFC, and NFC.

      Patriots or Broncos (Patriots are ok)

      49ers or Seahawks (49ers the best)

      Pages: 1