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Topics - Oberst Uhtred

Pages: 1
Events: EU / New Monday Night Native Linebattle Hosted by Bebbanburg/5th
« on: December 11, 2014, 01:34:37 pm »

Welcome to the New Monday Night Native Linebattle, after taking part in a Native Shieldbattles, we decided that the rules/factions and balance were not tailored enough to the clans and players involved. Therefore, Bebbanburg are hosting a new Monday Night Line/Shieldbattle.We have very simple rules and we have a system to ensure fairness for all. 

Our Rules

- Archers and Cavalry are allowed but they are limited.
- Archers are limited to 1/2 of the amount of Infantry and cavalry is limited to 1/4 the amount of infantry.
                - Meaning if a regiment/clan comes with 12 people they could have 8 infantry and 4 archers or 9 infantry and 3 cavalry, you can also have a mix of all three but they must abide by the limits.
- No ramboing.
- However if agreed in Game for fun we will allow champions to fight, this will have reflection on the round just a bit of fun.
- Don't capture master of the field.

Best of 5 rounds 3 on 1 map and 2 on another. The first map will be pre-decided by admins but the second map shall be selected by the players.
After the LB all clan leaders are invited to vote on next weeks factions the vote will require 2 members from each regiment or clan.

To join all you need to do is fill out this application by midday Monday and then i will review and allow you in or not.

- Regiment Name
- Size (No. of Players)
- Preferred Combat style (Inf, arch, cav)
- Preferred faction (No effect tbh)
- Steam name.

Team 1
- Bebbanburg - 15 - Inf/Archer
- Clan Colcloughs - 5/8 - Inf
 - Orden de Alcántara 7- 14 Preferred Cav

Min 27 Max 37

Team 2
- Firewynes - 10/12 - Inf/Archer
 - 73rd 10-20 Preferred Cav
Min 20 Max 32

This will also be done on the new Viking Conquest Expansion every now and then so a heads up there.

Events: EU / NEW PW EVENT *Hunger Games*
« on: November 06, 2014, 01:27:56 pm »
Welcome to the new PW Hunger Games!

The Bebbanburg Clan is starting to let our own little clan event go public.

It is very simply run and easy to understand.

The Event Runs every Wednesday at 7pm GMT, on our own map based around the default map of PW.
Each Person is given 3500 gold to train as a class, think wisely, the class you choose cannot be retrained and therefore may mean life or death.
On the Start of the Games there will be a selection of Random Equipment spawned in the centre of the circle.
There is chests, carts, crates and other storage items around the ma - be warned there may be dud rewards in the chests.
The Game ends when one person is left alive. No shitty Let two lovers live like in the actual books.

How do I Apply??

Simple leave a short message here saying:
Name(s) -
Clan or Regiment (optional) -
Do you have TS? -
Numbers -

Numbers means one person can apply for a group of up to 4 people including yourself.

Applications close on Sunday before the event at 12PM.

Best of Luck and may the Odds be forever in your favour!

Regiments / 5th (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot
« on: January 02, 2014, 06:02:22 pm »
5th (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot

In 1674 King Charles II’s Britain made peace with the Dutch Republic after three years of war. As part of the settlement, the British raised four auxiliary regiments and transferred them to the Dutch army for use against the French.

One of these ‘Holland regiments’ was raised in Ireland by Daniel O’Brian, Viscount Clare. It returned to England with the other ‘Holland regiments’ in 1685 to help Charles’s brother James oppose Monmouth’s Rebellion, and again in 1688 to help King William III depose James. It fought for William in Ireland and the Low Countries before returning to Ireland in 1698.

From 1707 to 1712 it fought in Spain, before moving on to a 16-year garrison spell in Gibraltar. In 1751 it was given the numeral 5.

During the Seven Years War (1754-63) it was used for raids on the French coast and in Germany. In 1768 Hugh Percy, eldest son of the Duke of Northumberland, became the regiment’s colonel. He stayed in post for 16 years and led it during the American War of Independence (1775-83).

The regiment moved to the West Indies in 1778 as marines, adopting a white hackle from a French regiment it defeated at St Lucia, and added ‘Northumberland’ to its title in 1782. Its next foreign posting was 10 years in Canada from 1787, before returning to Britain. In 1799 it formed a 2nd Battalion, though this only lasted until 1816.

The next 20 years took the regiment’s 1st Battalion to the Netherlands, Gibraltar, Ireland, Germany and the Peninsula, as well as periods in Guernsey and South America. It was in Canada in 1814 for the War of 1812, but a year later was back in Europe for the Waterloo campaign (1815).

Joining the Regiment.
This is the Application form for the Regiment.

Where are you from:
Do you speak english:
Steam ID:
Taleworlds accountname/FSE accountname (Optional):
Do you have TS3 and/or a Microphone?:
Are you able to attend trainings? Are you able to attend trainings? :
What is your timezone? (Please respond in a GMT+N format):
How long have you played  Napoleonic Wars (or Mount&Musket):

How did you find out about the regiment?:
Prior clan/regiment experience:
Why do you want to join 5th?:

Current Roster
Col  Uhtred

Ensign Marcus_Latham

CSgt  Philip
CSgt Balariand
Sgt Wade Winstone
Sgt Sweet William

Cpl Nick
Cpl Aron
Cpl Richard
LCpl Kirby
Pte Jaras
Pte Ich Dien
Pte Gretir
Vol Firedude
Vol Darkfury

Pages: 1