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Topics - MrRiv

Pages: 1
Regiments / 4chan regiment ----- /b/rothers in arms
« on: July 06, 2013, 07:19:16 pm »

ITT: We discuss 4chan regiment and why you kids should join.

>be regiment
>/b/rothers welcome with open arms
>newboys can learn how to play
>oldboys welcome with open arms
>we good at game
>best NA/EU

tl;dr Join our reg.

Want to join?  We have rules too.


The founders of this beautiful regiment:

Add Brock or RivenX

General regimental stuff so we can be somewhat organized:
We do not have a banner.  Yes, go ahead and choose the one of the red chicken if you so decide.  This is entirely up to you. 

The tags are

We are aware that there is a Reddit brigade.  We are also aware of the differences between these two communities. Please, for the love of god, do not go onto their Teamspeak and harass them.  Do not go hunt them down in a server and harass them there either.  I do not want to bring any of that conflict over to this game.

There is no ranking structure, but that doesn't mean there are no leaders of this regiment either.  If there are any problems, please report them to Brock or RivenX as soon as possible.  We'll find a way to deal with the problem.

Pages: 1