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Topics - kanoedel

Pages: 1
Events: EU / 6te Garde Realistic Linebattle *Wednesday* [EU] *Cancelled*
« on: September 24, 2014, 10:29:06 pm »

A brand new LB type is here!

It´ll take place wednesdays, every two weeks, 19 GMT.
The next event: 26th November

You bought Napoleonic Wars to feel like a real napoleonic soldier? You want a LB type that makes you feel like one of those tiny figures in Napoleon Total War? Then this is the right event for you!

6te Garde has developed a brand new concept for our “Realistic LB“: Slow and static historical warfare, important tactical desicions by your regimental officers and an overall historical and realistic battle experience. We´ll play on medium sized maps to prevent too long marching distances. The maps will be both random and custom. Nations will also vary.

The rules have been created to offer you as much historical accuracy as possible while keeping the balance and prevent classes from becoming OP. This is also why there are no independent skirmishers (they would pick slow lines apart easily).

Since this is our first try with this new concept we will adjust the rules if necessary. So feel free to critizice and help us develope.


Your regiment has to be very disciplined and be able to march (and change directions) in a slow-march battle-formation (shown in our video below).
You have to accept the rules and play as historically accurate as possible.
And obviously you have to have the numbers for your class.

Formation Video

Event schedule:





Classes and Units:

Line Infantry (with Skirmishers) (7-30):
In single-rank or double-rank (depends on your numbers). May bring 1 skirmisher for every 5 men (4 max.). Those are allowed to move freely around the line in double-time and give supporting fire. They have to stay close to the line though (5 men gaps max.)
When 15 or more you have to bring a flag bearer and form double-ranks (when under 15 you may also form double-ranks voluntarily). When 20 or more you have to bring a musician (you may bring more musicians voluntarily).
So here´s an example: You bring 20 men. Then you have 1 officer, 4 skirmishers and 13 men forming double-ranks with 1 flag bearer and 1 musician.

Militia/ Light infantry (5-12):
Are allowed to use different kinds of cover (like trees, rocks, etc.) but have to move in battle-formation as well.
When 10 or more you have to bring a musician.
May bring a flag-bearer and additional musicians voluntarily.
Militia/ Light Infantry does not count as skirmishers and are not allowed to carry rifles!

Cavalry (5-15):
When 7 or more you have to take a trumpeter or flag bearer, when 10 both. You don´t have to move in formation, as long as you stay close together.

Artillery (6):
May only use 1 cannon and howitzer.
No arty guard! If you want to have arty guard take a line.

Sign Up:

Regiment name:
Players attending:
Preferred faction:
Preferred class:
Representative's Steam:
Understood and accept rules:
Attend once or regular:

If you sign up as regulars to our RLB, you´re accepted for one at first. After that we´ll decide if we accept you as regulars or not. Check out the new "sign-up open" post for the newly accepted regular attendants.

All attending regiments have to have at least one officer in our 6te Garde Realistic Linebattle Steamgroup. Server and PW will be given out there! When you sign up you will be added.


General Rules:

General Rules
- Since this is a slow-paced LB it is essential that officers communicate and coordinate!

- No firing in charge or out of formation (except for skirmishers or officers with pistols)

- No reloading in charge

- No officer aiming (except for skirmishers)

- No nonsense like ramboing, trolling, teamhitting or -killing, delaying, etc.

- Chat is for officers only, teamchat should be used for discussing tactics and coordination.
Everyone without an officer tag will be slain instantly when writing in chat! The „Dead“-chat is free for all

- Any unit with less than 4 men has to join another unit (except artillery)

- Any breaking of the rules will be punished with a slay. Repeated rule-breaks will end in a ban for the regiment.

Line Infantry:

Line Infantry Rules
- Has to move in a slow-march battle-formation. Exceptions are to form a line or anti-cav formation (you may use double-time for that) and to manoeuvre through obstacles (like thick forests, etc.) in slow-march.

- May only fire when in a line formation or a properly formed anti-cav formation.

- May only use double-time to charge (over a reasonable distance) or to retreat. If you retreat you can do it in slow-march and change directions at any time or you use double-time and have to retreat to the next friendly unit. You are not allowed to stop, form up again or change direction before you reach the next friendly unit.

- The skirmishers have to charge along with the line. If the line is killed and the skirmishers are retreating on their own they will be slain.

- May crouch behind cover like walls or sandbags but still have to be in line. If you are in double-ranks both ranks are allowed to crouch.

Militia/ Light Infantry:
Militia/ Light Infantry Rules
- Has to move in a slow-march battle-formation. Exceptions are to form a line or anti-cav formation (you may use double-time for that)

- May use one-man spacing when in formation

- May crouch when in formation

- May use double-ranks voluntarily

- May only fire when in a light infantry formation or a properly formed anti-cav formation.

- May use double-time to charge (over a reasonable distance) or to retreat. If you retreat you can do it in slow-march and change directions at any time or you use double-time and have to retreat to the next friendly unit. You are not allowed to stop, form up again or change direction before you reach the next friendly unit.

- May also use double-time to spread out behind cover like walls and sandbags but also in forests, behind trees, rocks and similar cover. When spread out behind cover you are of course allowed to fire without standing in line.

- Partizani or Militia without any kind of firearms are allowed to use double-time at all times

- You may take following units:
Prussia: Lützowsches Freikorps, Landwehr
United Kingdom: Light infantry
France: Infanterie legere (with weapons of choice)
Russia: Partizani, Militia (with weapons of choice)
Austria: Grenzer (with weapons of choice, No rifles!)


Cavalry Rules
- Has to stay close together at all times

- Has to dismount and join a line when 3 or less

- Dragoons have to dismount to fire. Dismounted dragoons have the same rules as militia/ light infantry


Artillery Rules
- May bring 1 cannon and 1 howitzer

- May bring 1 Sapper, 2 Arty-Trains, 2 Rankers, 1 Officer.

- Arty may use double-time to get to their position.

- Sappers are allowed to use explosive crates.

- Arty forts shouldn´t be purely functional. They should look good (and realistic) as well.

Your arty fort can look like this (if you got the time)...

...and shouldn´t look like that:

Show you sapper-skills and keep it stylish!

Attending Regiments:

Team 1
Team 2
Attending Regiments
Line Infantry (max. 67):
- 6te Garde Grenadier Regiment (15-25)
- Bulgarian Leib Guard (7-14)

Militia/ Light Infantry (max. 12):
- 1eCF (15)

Cavalry (max. 15):
- 73rd Cavalry Company (14)
Artillery (max. 6):
- FLG (6)
Attending Regiments
Line Infantry (max. 67):

Militia/ Light Infantry (max. 12):
- Preobrashensky Leib Garde Polk (12)

Cavalry (max. 15):
- Ve_1erCuirasier (10-15)
- Svensk Livgarde Nr 1 (5-6)

Artillery (max. 6):
- 12'ty Pułk Piechoty (6)

Regular attendants:

Regular Attendants
- 6te Garde - Line
-  73rd Cavalry Company - Cav
- FLG - Arty


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Or our TS3 Server: IP:

Special Thanks to:

1te Garde zu Fuß

Pages: 1