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Topics - 16thUhlans Col Witchking

Pages: 1
Name under which you were banned -  1stBD_Col_Witchking
Server(s) you are banned from NA1
What was happening when you got banned the dumb ass admin banned me for explaining to a guy why another person got banned because the guy said why is faggot a slur i said to the guy who was asking that the guy that got banned was a homophobe because he thought saying faggot wasnt a slur so then this dumb ass admin called 24th sgt getty banns me with the message ''dont people ever learn?'' good one getty your real smart the question is did you learn? by that i mean did you learn to look at the fucking text befor banning someone? I GUESS YOU DID'NT jesus christ people dont you read these guys applications befor you give them admin? learn to fucking admin properly befor you call this a community I also request that getty be taken off from admining NA1 for admin abuse he has so many damn banns its not funny half the time hes trolling around and someone jokes or makes THE SAME FUCKING JOKE he or one of the people kissing his ass says next second there banned for slurs are you fucking serious? this community is trash if admins cant even take the jokes someoe sent at them after they said and they cant bother to examin what happened befor they banned someone
Time and date tuesday april 1st 9:15
Timezone US eastern
User Identification Number*

Regiments / The 9e De Dragoons NA (recruiting)
« on: March 15, 2014, 04:44:38 am »
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Unido nós estamos unidos nós caímos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We are the 9e De Dragoons~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Regimental Summary
If you are looking for a skilled and structured North American Cavalry Regiment then we are the regiment for you.
Each member brings unique qualities to the table, but we do have a lot of important shared characteristics like being friendly and mature. Although our reputation in the NW community is important we do not bow down to other regiments just to please them . Our goal is to create a respectful environment in which players can enjoyably  participate in organized events for Mount & Blade: Napoleonic Wars.

We expect you to be active, but we won’t force you to come to any line battles. We just ask that if you do not show up please let us know.

To get in contact with us please friend these people on steam:
1: 9e Col Tarleton Dragoons

If you are interested please download our custom 9e banner made by The Col himself!
download link:     

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A LITTLE INFO  ABOUT THE DRAGOONS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The dragoons were trained in infantry and cavalry duties and for this reason their horsemanship "was wobbly" and their swordsmanship was not of the highest order. In the first phase of Napoleonic Wars they served on the primary theater of war, in Central Europe, charging in numerous battles and skirmishes. In November 1805 the dragoon brigade under Sebastiani took 2,000 prisoners at Pohrlitz.

French dragoons in Spain, by M.Churms. After 1807 majority of the dragoons served on secondary theaters of wars, Spain and Italy. Many of the regiments in Spain lacked uniforms, horses and equipment. For example in Spain they were dressed in the brown cloth of the Capucines found in convents and churches. They also had difficulty in obtaining eppaulettes for their elite companies and chin straps. For lack of sufficient number of regulation sabers the old Toledo-swords with three edges were used. But the dragoons were efficient troops. They fought a grim and deadly war of ambush and retaliation against the hostile Spaniards. They guarded communication lines and escorted convoys. They also participated in battles with the British and Spanish armies.
Lord Paget captured by French dragoons, by Dubourg In 1812 the second in command of the British army, Lord Paget (, was captured by the dragoons. Napier writes: "In one of these charges General Paget was carried off from the midst of his own men, and it might have been Wellington's fortune, for he also was continually riding between the columns and without escort." (Napier - "History of the War in the Peninsula 1807-1814" Vol IV, p 152)

Many individual dragoons were brave. Costello describes another gallant dragoon. "One of their videttes, after being posted facing English dragoon, of the 14th or 16th [Light Dragoon Regiment] displayed an instance of individual gallantry, in which the French, to do them justice, were seldom wanting. Waving his long straight sword, the Frenchman rode within 60 yards of our dragoon, and challenged him to single combat. We immediately expected to see our cavalry man engage his opponent, sword in hand. Instead of this, however, he unslung his carbine and fired at the Frenchman, who not a whit dismayed, shouted out so that every one could hear him, Venez avec la sabre: je suis pret pour Napoleon et la belle France. Having vainly endeavoured to induce the Englishman to a personal conflict, and after having endured two or three shots from his carbine, the Frenchman rode proudly back to his ground, cheered even by our own men. We were much amused by his gallantry, while we hissed our own dragoon ... " (Costello "The Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns" pp 66-67)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OUR SCHEDULE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday - Lunatic's Linebattle

Tuesday - 9ekickasslineBattle

Wednesday - double rank line battle

Thursday - breakday

Friday - training

Saturday - public LB

Sunday -   72nd sunday seige

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTERESTED IN JOINING?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Steam Name:                                                                         
Ingame Name:
In which country are you located? (we only accept North Americans):                                                                                   
Prior clan/regiment experience (if any):                                       
How long have you played Mount & Musket/Napoleonic Wars: 
Do you have a microphone & teamspeak:     

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RANKS FOR THE 9e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Senior Officers

Colonel (Col)

Lieutenant Colonel (LtCol)

Major (Maj)

Junior Officers :

Captain (Cpt)

1st Lieutenant (1stLt)

2nd Lieutenant (2ndLt)

Non Commisioned Officers:

Ensign (Ens)

Command Sergeant Major(CSM)

Sergeant Major (SgtMaj)

Staff Sargeant (Ssgt)

Drill Sergeant (DSgt)

Color Sargeant (CSgt)

Sergeant (Sgt)


Corporal (Cpl)

Lance Corporal (LCpl)

Regular (Rgl)

Private First Class (Pfc)

Private (Pvt)

]Recruit (Rct)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The 9e's very own horse wall!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pages: 1