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Topics - NickG

Pages: 1

Regimental History
Colonels and Chef-de-Brigade
Regimental war record (Battles and Combats)
1667: Created

1791: 29e Regiment d'Infanterie

1794: 29e demi-brigade de bataille (formed from the following)
1er bataillon 15e Regiment d'Infanterie
4e bataillon Volontaires de la Sarthe
14e bataillon Volontaires des Fedres

1796: 29e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following)
164e demi-brigade de bataille(2e Bat 90e Regt d'Inf, 1er Bat Vol d'Eure-et-Loir and 8e Bat Vol de la Meurthe)

1803: 29e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
1791: De Balleroy (Phillipe-August-Jacques de la Cour) - Colonel
1791: Dubouquet (Louis) - Colonel
1792: O'Gormocan (James) - Colonel
1793: De Cusson (Jean-Laroche) - Chef-de-Brigade
1793: Battin (?) - Chef-de-Brigade
1794: Patissier (?) - Chef-de-Brigade
1799: Mont-Serraz (Pierre-Francois) - Chef-de-Brigade and Colonel in 1803
1806: Billard (Pierre-Joseph) - Colonel
1811: Rousselot (Etienne-Nicolas) - Colonel
1813: Pierre (Charles-Antoine) - Colonel
1814: Adhemar de Cransac (Jean-Baptiste-Joseph d') - Colonel
1815: Rousselot (Etienne-Nicolas) - Colonel
1792: La Croix-au-Bois, Montcheutin, Valmy, Jemmapes
1793: Levens, Valeciennes,
1794: Hertogenbosch, Tiel
1797: Mantoue
1799: Perona, Magnano, Lecco, Vaprio, Verderio, Mantoue, Savigliano
1805: Verona, Caldiero,
1806: Gaeta
1807: Siege of Reggio
1808: Calabre
1809: Villanova, Saint-Boniface, Saint-Daniel, Raab, Wagram
1812: Osmiana, Wilna, Kowono,
1813: Koenigsberg, Ohra, Dantzig
1814: Willemsbourg, Hambourg
1815: Waterloo

1. You must demonstrate an acceptable level of maturity to be in the 29e. Respect each other and listen to the officers, we want you to have a good time.
2. Do not insult members in the regiment or in other regiments. Just don't be an asshole please.
3. Do not disrespect any opponent. Keep trash talking to a minimum, Preferably there should not be any trash-talking.
4. Follow the orders of the highest ranking person present.
Do not question their authority or decisions, as they are willing to put time and effort
into helping you have a fun experience.
5. Attendance is required. Don't become inactive. If you want to be promoted show up for events and trainings. Anyone that hasn't shown up in 2 weeks without notification can expect to be booted.
6. Do not take the rules into your own hands: this means it is forbidden to teamkill someone breaking the rules (unless otherwise instructed).
7. Never, never break a public server's rules intentionally.
8. Trolling is absolutely forbidden, including in teamspeaks.
9. Wear your tags in public servers! Visibility helps, and the more people we get the merrier!
Failure to follow this SIMPLE guideline will result in immediate reprimand.



Capitaine Cpt
The regimental leader. He will be responsible for leading men in the field and maintaining the regiment as well as the head administrator and diplomat.

Lieutenant Lt
Second in command of the regiment. The assistant to the captain in political and administrative (minor organizing and writing reports etc.)

Sergent-Major SgtMaj
Highest Nco same duties as rest , but will take lead if all Officers have fallen.

Sergent Sgt
Will represent regiments colors and is well informed on leading.

Caporal Cpl
Fresh Nco, will assist all Ncos and will learn leading strategies from superiors.

Soldat de Première SoP
Rank given to experienced soldiers that have proven themselves on the Battlefield.

Soldat de Deuxieme SoD
Given to rankers that have learned basics of war and line.

Soldat Sdt
The bulk of the regiment, these men will be the center of our field work.

Cadet Cad
Fresh recruits of the regiment that will learn basics of battles and such.

Work in Progress

If you are interested in joining the 29e add Garrick on steam


all new recruits use the tags [29e]Cad_Name
and our banner is

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Multiple Ban Requests
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:16:36 pm »
Name of the server you were on:Nw_Official_NA1
Name of the person causing trouble: Gotz , johannes_brahms , OP_Lw_Rek_LordGonsar
Nature of their offense:teamkilling at start of round multiple times and revenge tking between the three
Time and date of their offense  2-7-15 ~11:00 am pst
If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: witness
Any proof if you have it, For instance screenshots. (use spoilers!)



Prussian Husaren-Regiment von Seydlitz No. 8 was a battle hardened hussar regiment led General von Seydlitz they were part of many different conflicts and skirmishes throughout the napoleonic wars including the seven years war here's an excerpt about them. the Prussian cavalry force led by General von Seydlitz against the Russians at the Battle of Zorndorf on 25th August 1758.  Seydlitz’s squadrons crossed the Zabern-Grun stream, climbed the steep far bank and moved through an area of scrub, before forming 2 lines of 100s of troopers at the gallop so close together that the horses were touching and delivering a devastating charge at full gallop against unshaken Russian infantry, who were overthrown.  Against cavalry of this quality it mattered little whether the infantry was in line or square.
This extraordinary ability contrasted with most other European cavalry regiments which would form for the charge at the halt and then attack in a loose formation which would be lost in the course of the charge, ending with the horses blown and all cohesion lost.  If the infantry under attack seemed unduly aggressive, the attacking cavalry would be liable to swerve around them or pull up
It was Frederick’s order that any Prussian cavalry commander receiving a charge at the halt would be tried by court-martial.  Commanders had the discretion to attack if they considered that a favourable opportunity had arisen without waiting for orders

 1. You must demonstrate an acceptable level of maturity to be in the 8te. Respect each other and listen to the officers, we want you to have a good time.

2. Do not insult members in the regiment or in other regiments. Just don't be an asshole please. This also goes for public servers.

3. Do not disrespect any opponent. Keep trash talking to a minimum, Preferably there should not be any trash-talking.

4. Follow the orders of the highest ranking person present.
Do not question their authority or decisions, as they are willing to put time and effort
into helping you have a fun experience.

5. Attendance is required. Don't become inactive. If you want to be promoted show up for events and trainings. Anyone that hasn't shown up in 3 weeks without notification can expect to be booted.

6. Do not take the rules into your own hands: this means it is forbidden to teamkill someone breaking the rules (unless otherwise instructed).

7. Never break a public server's rules intentionally.

8. Trolling is absolutely forbidden, including in teamspeaks.

9. Wear your tags in public servers! Visibility helps, and the more people we get the merrier!

10. Recruitment is key to the survival of the regiment. Any time you find yourself on a public server that allows recruiting, do it.

Failure to follow this SIMPLE guideline, will result in an immediate reprimand.




The regimental leader. He will be responsible for leading men in the field and maintaining the regiment as well as the head administrator and diplomat.

Second in command of the regiment. The assistant to the Chef in political and administrative
(minor organizing and writing reports etc.) matters. will act as regimental leader when the Rittmeister isn't present.

The mid officer rank they primarily assist in the field as well as minor administrative work if the higher ranking officers cant. They are expected to be on good relations with other members and keep a high degree of discipline

For the most part has the same responsibilities as a Wachtmeister but is in command when the officers have fallen.

Will primarily assist the officer in wheeling and correcting misbehaving, or misguided rankers.

Will assist the Wachtmeister and/or the  Fähnrich  in his duties but will mostly have ranker privileges.

The highest Enlisted rank the rank of Gefreiter is given to Reiters who have shown exceptional skill , been very active or have helped the regiment is a positive manner.

The bulk of the regiment, these men will be the center of our field work

Fresh recruits of the regiment


If you are interested in joining the 8teHuss or you just want to merc add  [8teHuss]NickG or [8teHuss]Vincent  on steam
all new recruits use the tags [8teHuss]App_Name
 our banner is

Steam Group:

Regiments / 22-i Pekhotnyi Nizhegorodskii Polk [NA] #We're Back Babby
« on: March 15, 2014, 04:24:36 am »

We're back babby!

Russian National Anthem (String Orchestra)

The Preobrazhensky Regiment (Russian: Преображенский полк), was one of the oldest and elite regiments of the Russian army. Along with the Semenovsky regiment, Preobrazhensky Regiment also served as a gendarmerie unit for the state Secret Chancellery (secret police) in the 18th century, headed by the Prince Fyodor Romodanovsky.
It was formed by Peter the Great in the late 17th century from his poteshnye voiska (потешные войска, 'droll forces') during his military games in the village of Preobrazhenskoye (now a locality in Moscow). The Preobrazhensky regiment distinguished itself during the Great Northern War of 1700–1721, the Patriotic War of 1812, and the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. The regiment was disbanded by its last commander, Colonel Alexander Kutepov (later a general) in December 1917. The body-guard of Catherine the Great, as well as the main supporter of her bloodless coup against her husband Peter III, this regiment was declared the highest in order of military precedence from 14 July 1762.
   In the 18th and 19th centuries, membership was reserved to young Russian aristocrats and was considered a proof of loyalty to the government and Tsar. Among its membership was the Russian composer Modest Mussorgsky.

•   1700—1720 - Takes part in all major battles of the Great Northern War.
•   1700 - Before the Battle of Narva is officially named Leib-Guard Preobrazhensky regiment.
•   1706 - Tsar Peter the Great adopts the military rank of Colonel of Preobrazhensky regiment.
•   1722 - Takes part in the war against Persia.
•   1722 - According to Russian Table of Ranks soldiers of Preobrazhensky regiment were to be considered two ranks higher than in ordinary units.
•   1726 - Moscow company of Preobrazhensky regiment becomes a separate Moscow leib-guard battalion and later Murom leib-guard battalion.
•   1737—1739 - War against Ottoman Empire.
•   1737 - Takes part in the Battle of Ochakov.
•   1742 - War against Sweden.
•   1762 - On 17 July declared first and highest in the military order of precedence in the Imperial Russian Army and the Imperial Russian Guard.
•   1789—1790 - War against Sweden.

1. You must demonstrate an acceptable level of maturity to be in the 22-i.

2. Do not insult members in the regiment or in other regiments.

3. Do not disrespect any opponent. Keep trash talking to a minimum, Preferably there should not be any trash-talking.

4. Follow the orders of the highest ranking person present.
Do not question their authority or decisions, as they are willing to put time and effort
into helping you have a fun experience.

5. Attendence is required. Don't become inactive. If you want to be promoted show up for events and trainings. Anyone that hasn't
shown in a month without notification can expect to be booted.

6. Do not take the rules into your own hands: this means it is forbidden to teamkill someone
breaking the rules (unless otherwise instructed).

7. Never, never break a public server's rules intentionally.

8. Trolling is absolutely forbidden, including in teamspeaks.

9. Wear your tags in public servers! Visibility helps, and the more people we get the merrier!

10. We do accept volunteers and mercenaries, just if you are a merc don’t be an asshole. Do as you are told.

Kapitan Kpt
The regimental leader. He will be responsible for leading men in the field and maintaining the regiment as well as the head administrator and diplomat.

Poruchik Lye
Second in command of the regiment. The assistant to the captain in political and administrative (minor organizing and writing reports etc.)

Praporshchik Prp
Highest NCO same duties as rest , but will take lead if all Officers have fallen

starshiy Unter-ofitser SuO
Will primarily assist the officer in wheeling and correcting misbehaving, or misguided rankers.

Mladshiy Unter-ofitser MuO
Fresh NCO, will assist all Ncos and will learn leading strategies from superiors.

Grenadyer Gren
Highest Enlisted position given to some of our best soldiers!

Ryadovoy Ryd
The bulk of the regiment, these men will be the center of our field work. Expected to be good fighters and maintain discipline on and off the field. Flawless execution of all
commands is required to obtain this rank.

Rekrut Rkt
This rank is given to new members that have not yet bloodied themselves in the field of battle or fully mastered orders and drills.

to join add NickG on steam
all new recruits use these tags
and our banner is

Regiments / Sturm-Bataillon Nr.7 [7teSturm] (Recruiting NA)
« on: February 21, 2014, 09:09:45 am »











1. You must demonstrate an acceptable level of maturity to be in the 7teSturm.

2. Do not insult members in the regiment or in other regiments. In fact, don' t even use the in-game chat unless instructed.

3. Do not disrespect any opponent. No trash talking to anyone if you do, it will be an automatic kick from the regiment.

4. Follow the orders of the highest ranking person present. Do not question their authority or decisions, as they are willing to put time and effort into helping you have a fun experience.

5. As this is an Iron Europe regiment, there will be few events and attendance is required. If you cannot attend an event let an officer know.

6. Do not take the rules into your own hands: this means it is forbidden to teamkill someone breaking the rules (unless otherwise instructed).

7. Never, never break a public server's rules intentionally.

8. Trolling is absolutely forbidden, including in teamspeaks.

9. Wear your tags in public servers! Visibility helps, and the more people we get the merrier! (This is not too important, only during events are tags required.)

10. We do accept volunteers and mercenaries.



to join add [4eSuisse]NickG on steam
all new rekruts use these tags
and our banner is

Community / Request: Thread Rank insignias
« on: January 31, 2014, 06:28:34 am »
im trying to find some insignias for my FSE thread for french ranks and i don't want to steal anyone else's  i would love a link to some basic ones i can edit
thanks if you can help

Regiments / 4è Regiment d'Infanterie Suisse [Recruiting NA]
« on: January 26, 2014, 08:05:08 am »

    Overview of all Swiss mercenaries
    Although the four new regiments were authorized by articles signed on 27 November 1803, it was not until 5 July 1805 that the 1st Regiment was actually formed by decree, with the others following on 12 September 1806. Napoleon took pains over their formation, demanding that the French rather than the Swiss authorities select officers, and personally appointing those above the rank of major. He also had to approve all grenadier-company officers, from names put forward by the Colonel- General of the Swiss (a French appointment, held in 1808 by Marshal Lannes). To ensure that Switzerland did not evolve military institutions that would attract volunteers away from his Swiss regiments, Napoleon forbade the development of Swiss military academies or a general staff, and limited the home forces to a self-defence militia of no more than 20,000 men.
    In 1805, the emperor directed his minister to `write to the Landamann, write to the colonels; use M. de Maillardoz [the representative of the Confederation in Paris] a lot. Don’t let us be short of money! I mainly rely on these regiments to defend the French coast.’ On 18 May 1807, Napoleon told the Landamann that the units should be `composed of citizens of the area, with no admixture of deserters or other foreigners.’ It was `not the number of soldiers that take up arms, but their fidelity and their good attitude’ that mattered to him. He `wanted my Swiss units to be composed of Swiss, who are known for their loyalty, and not of my enemies.’
    Even though most recruits came from the disbanded Swiss demi-brigades, the 1st Swiss Regt in northern Italy, Corsica and Elba was not declared fully operational until 4 July 1806 – and even then, with only 2,887 men, to be increased by piecemeal arrivals from Switzerland over the following months. Colonel Raguettly, the former commander of the 3rd Demi-Brigade, was appointed to command the 1st Swiss Regiment.
    The formation of the 2nd Swiss in Provence followed between October 1806 and April 1807; only 666 recruits had arrived by 31 January 1807, but another 2,768 joined the ranks by that spring. Lieutenant Louis Bégos – one of five sons of an officer who had served the French Ancien Régime before becoming the foreign minister of the Helvetian Republic – joined on 26 March 1807. He had served in the Helvetian light battalion under Clavel, then in the 2nd Demi-Brigade until June 1805, but he wrote that in his new regiment `most of the officers and men were conscripts who had no prior military experience.’
    The 3rd Swiss Regt was formed in the spring of 1807, at Lille in Belgium. A 19-year-old volunteer named Bussy wrote that he had to argue `like the very devil’ to be accepted, because `I was of a small stature; I wasn’t even 5ft tall’; however, `an officer declared “Since he wants to go, let him go! He will make a good light infantryman.”‘ By the end of 1807, despite such easing of the criteria, only 2,711 men were under arms.
    The 4th Swiss Regt got off to a similarly slow start. Its Col Perrier arrived at its base at Rennes in Brittany on 22 November 1806. The first 466 recruits turned up in February and March 1807, but of these 300 had to be sent back after Napoleon heard that many Prussian prisoners of war had been included. He ordered an inspection to `dismiss on the spot anyone who is Prussian or, more generally, anyone who is not Swiss’. It was not until two years later that the 4th Regt could count 3,902 men under arms.
    The Swiss population then included only some 225,000 men of military age (from 16 to 40 years – the average recruit was 23.7 years old); therefore, if the four regiments were to be at full strength no fewer than 1 in 16 men needed to become a soldier – and that still excluded the notional 20,000 men allowed for the cantonal militias. In December 1807 the Landamann wrote to the cantons explaining the benefits of the French alliance, and stated that maintaining the regiments at full strength was `a rigorous and urgent obligation.’ Maillardoz suggested that cantons be given quotas for recruitment, and this unpopular policy was adopted. The Landamann pointed out that the numbers the cantons said they were providing and those entering the depots did not tally. This was due `partly to desertions that took place between canton and depot, but especially to the rejection of a fairly large number of recruits that the cantonal authorities had accepted,’ and was more prevalent in cantons that had seen a rapid increase in the number of recruits they provided. In 1809, when numbers fell off, d’Affry explained to Talleyrand that the extraordinary effort that had been made in 1807 simply could not be maintained, and conscription would not solve the problem. Certain cantons were stung into action, however, and did organize a press.
    Many of the foreign troops that Napoleon recruited found themselves sent to disease-ridden colonies blockaded by the omnipotent Royal Navy, but this was not to be the fate of the new Swiss regiments, since Article 18 of the November 1803 convention stipulated that they could not be asked to serve outside Europe. Even so, such was the size of the contingent envisaged, and the care taken over its selective recruitment, that it is not surprising that the units took some time to become fully operational. The consequence was that while the 1st Regt served complete in one theatre of war from 1805 to 1811, the battalions of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Swiss were deployed piecemeal across Europe.
    “The Swiss, like all mountaineers, make capital soldiers when drilled; and, wherever they have served as regular troops under foreign banners, they have fought exceedingly well. But being rather slow-headed, they need drilling much more, indeed, than either French or North Germans, to give them confidence in themselves and cohesion.” (Source -“The Armies of Europe” in Putnam’s Monthly, No. XXXII, published in 1855 )
    The Swiss troops served Napoleon but they also served Spain, Austria and the Pope. Swiss mercenaries have played their important roles in France. Francis I of France used some 120,000 Swiss levies in his wars. Under King Louis XIV, the Swiss troops were organized in two categories, with the king’s guard separate from the ordinary Swiss regiments. In August 1792 the Swiss Guards defended the Tuileries Palace in Paris during the French Revolution, when several hundred of the Guard were massacred by the Parisian mob that stormed the Palace. Their stand permitted the royal family to escape across the gardens.
    The French Revolution abolished mercenary troops in its citizen army but Napoleon used them. The Swiss served loyally so long as they were paid regularly. There was saying “No money, no Swiss.” They were well trained and disiplined. Their musket volleys were perfectly controlled, their shots well aimed. French General Merle said: “it was pity that the Swiss couldn’t handle two muskets at once, if they only could he would issue them”.
    Marshal Lannes was titular colonel of the Swiss troops in the French service. The Swiss served Napoleon well, in 1812 they distinguished themselves in Russia. The only setbacks they suffered were at Maida and at Baylen where after some fighting they surrendered to the Spanish troops. (The French provisional and reserve troops and the Guard Marines did surrender too.)
    While Napoleon was exiled on Elba (1814-1815) the grenadier companies of the Swiss regiments in French service served as part of King Louis XVIII’s royal guard.
    Below is a list of Swiss regiments and their war record during Empire (1804-1815).

    4eme Battles
    4eme Regiment d’Infanterie Suisse
    22 Battles: 1807 – Heilsberg and Friedland, 1808 – Lisbonne, Alcolea, Obidos, Rolicia, and Vimeiro, 1809 – Chaves, Tuy, and Oporto, 1810 – Vallavoid, 1811 – Magas, 1812 – Zoa, Llanguez, Polotsk, Beresina, Borisow, Cedano, Wilna, and Kowno, 1813 – Delfzyl, 1814 – Bescanon
    1806 – Perrier
    1806 – Freuler
    1810 – Affry

    Colonel NickG
    Major Hobbs
    Chef de Bataillon Akusei
    Capitaine Ramirez
    Lieutenant Speirs
    Sous-Lieutenant Harrick
    Non Commissioned Officers
    Caporal de Fortune Tk210
    Caporal de Fortune Krycerick
    Caporal Pastrami
    Soldat de FortuneBrew
    Soldat de Première Lavoie
    Soldat de Première Lipe
    Soldat de Première DogMakeaMove
    Soldat de Première Syrio
    Soldat de Première Niklaus
    Soldat de Deuxieme Drocto
    Soldat de Première Grub
    Soldat de Première Colak
    Soldat de Première MrBean
    Soldat de Première GreyFoxGrey
    Soldat de Première Sam
    Soldat de Deuxieme Pilon
    Soldat de Deuxieme Lazer
    Soldat de Première Kroeker
    Soldat de Deuxieme Lucas
    Soldat de Deuxieme Gulimus
    Soldat de Deuxieme Snipez
    Soldat de Deuxieme Zayas
    Soldat de Deuxieme Kennedy
    Soldat de Deuxieme Fritzy
    Soldat de Deuxieme Alec
    Cadet Garick
    Cadet ilcon



    The regimental leader. He will be responsible for leading men in the field and maintaining the regiment as well as the head administrator and diplomat.

    Second in command of the regiment. The assistant to the Colonel in political and administrative (minor organizing and writing reports etc.)

    Chef de Battalion
    Third in command will assist higher Ranking officers with political matters and leading the line.

    this officer leads troops when others are dead or is ordered to,will all so assist with training's and leading 2nd battalion when time comes.

    captains 2nd in command with leading and assisting in (minor organizing and writing reports etc.) matters.

    The low officer rank they primarily assist in the field as well as minor administrative work if the higher ranking officers cant. They are expected to be on good relations with other members and keep a high degree of discipline


    Highest Nco same duties as rest , but will take lead if all Officers have fallen.

    (color bearer).Will represent regiments colors and is well informed on leading.

    Caporal de Fortune
    Will primarily assist the officer in wheeling and correcting misbehaving, or misguided rankers.

    Fresh Nco, will assist all Ncos and will learn leading strategies from superiors.

    Newest Nco will learn basics of leading from other Ncos.


    Soldat de Fortune
    Highest Ranker position given to some of our best soldiers!

    Soldat de Première
    Rank given to experienced soldiers that have proven themselves on the Battlefield.

    Soldat de Deuxieme
    Given to rankers that have learned basics of war and line.

    Fresh recruits of the regiments that will learn basics of battles and the regiment.

    Friends of the regiment!
    Base Rank PSDs by

    Hint: click the image

    1. You must demonstrate an acceptable level of maturity to be in the 4eme.

    2. Do not insult members in the regiment or in other regiments.

    3. Do not disrespect any opponent. Keep trash talking to a minimum, Preferably there should not be any trash-talking.

    4. Follow the orders of the highest ranking person present. Do not question their authority or decisions, as they are willing to put time and effort into helping you have a fun experience.

    5. Attendence is required. Don't become inactive. If you want to be promoted show up for events and trainings. Anyone that hasn't shown in a month without notification can expect to be booted.

    6. Do not take the rules into your own hands: this means it is forbidden to teamkill someone breaking the rules (unless otherwise instructed).

    7. Never, never break a public server's rules intentionally.

    8. Trolling is absolutely forbidden, including in teamspeaks.

    9. Wear your tags in public servers! Visibility helps, and the more people we get the merrier!

    10. We do accept volunteers and mercenaries, just if you are a merc don’t be an asshole. Do as you are told.

    [youtube][/youtube]  [youtube][/youtube]

    to join add [4eme]NickG on steam
    all new recruits use these tags
    and our banner is

    Events: EU / Nr. 6 Wednesday Linebattle [Cancelled]
    « on: November 19, 2013, 03:22:31 am »
    Sorry everyone but the event is cancelled it was fun while it lasted it may start up again later

    Events: EU / 22-i Monday Line Battle Event
    « on: November 11, 2013, 07:44:30 am »
    event has been moved to wed

    heres link to new page!

    but if you want to come to small monday lb add [22-i]Sevren or [22-I]_NickG on steam

    Pages: 1