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Topics - Dainyel

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Active Events Roster [EU + NA]
« on: April 14, 2014, 05:13:10 pm »
The EU/NA Event Roster [NW]

The time has come for someone to replace the old thread with a new one, so heres the new one. Below are links to two spreadsheets that detail the EU events on Napoleonic Wars and the NA events on Napoleonic Wars. This thread does not contain all of the events on NW, some can be found in their respective threads. This is merely a thread to show the active events with public spaces available to any regiment. The thread will include all kinds of events, ranging from the standard LineBattle to rare Conquests.

Below are the Links to the EU and NA Napoleonic Wars Events
Any regiment that wants to register their event may do so on this thread using the template below. I will update the thread at least once every two days, If I don't; come and harass me on steam.
Event Name:
EU or NA:
Thread Link:
Teamspeak (Optional):
Description (Optional):

Many thanks to Death by EMP and SeanBeansShako for maintaining the previous thread.

Events: EU / 59th Friday Linebattle [EU]
« on: April 04, 2014, 09:32:03 pm »
The 59th Friday Linebattle [EU]
The Event
The 59th has decided to host a 200 slot linebattle event with Line, Light and Cavalry slots available to other regiments. Classes given out are dependant on who-ever signs up on the thread first. The event will begin at 7pm GMT and should end at 8:00 - 8:10pm GMT.

Bare in mind that the 59th will be reserving One Line, One Light and One Cavalry slot for our own use.

The event is not allowing more than one Light regiment per team and no Artillery what-so-ever to be more Line-friendly. All regiments are welcome and should feel free to question the admin - Dainyel.

The Rules

Line Infantry (minimum of 8, maximum of 35)

Use of fire-in-charge is permitted, reloading during a charge is obviously not allowed.

Traditional spacing for line infantry is employed, and ramboing is not tolerated.

Traditional formations for line infantry should be followed with no exceptions.

No crouching in line or exploiting cover excessively.

Do NOT Officer aim on purpose.

Light Infantry (minimum of 8, maximum of 16)

Use of fire-in-charge is permitted, reloading in charge is allowed.

Light infantry spacing of 2-4 men spacing is to be followed.

Use of terrain for cover is permitted.

Permitted to crouch when preferred.

Classes appointed by the admin are to be used by Lights as some nations don't have them.

Cavalry (minimum of 6, maximum of 15)

Employment of Cavalry formations and spacing is standard.

Under 4 Cavalry should dismount and join a line.

General Rules

As ever no trolling will be permitted by the admin/s.

Any kind of arguing with the admin is irrelevant, the admins word is final.

Any failure to follow the admins instructions will result in a blacklisting from the event.


All regiments wishing to sign-up should do so on the thread and later join the teamspeak at 6:30pm to ensure attendance with fortold numbers.

Thread sign-ups should include:

Regiment Name:
Expected Numbers:
Preferred Class:
Familiar with the rules:
Leaders Steam Contact:

Our Teamspeak:

Any concerns about the event, sign-ups or rules should be taken up with the head-admin Dainyel. It would be a good idea to have the admin/s on steam aswell, in-case of trolling.
Late Signups should proceed directly to the 59th Teamspeak and get in touch with the admin or 59th CO's to see if there is any space left.

Regularly Attending Regiments

46e d'Infanterie
120th Lights

Events: EU / 59th Sunday Linebattle [EU] [Only Accepting Lines]
« on: March 21, 2014, 07:17:00 pm »
The 59th Sunday LineBattle [EU]
The Event
The 59th has decided to host a 200 slot linebattle event with Line, Light/Skirmisher, Cavalry and Artillery slots available to other regiments. Classes given out are dependant on who-ever arrives in the teamspeak first.. The event will begin at 7pm GMT and should end at 8:00 - 8:10pm GMT.

Bare in mind that the 59th will be reserving One Line, One Light and One Cavalry slot for our own use.

The Rules

Line Infantry (minimum of 8, maximum of 35)

Use of fire-in-charge is permitted, reloading during a charge is obviously not allowed.

Traditional spacing for line infantry is employed, and ramboing is not tolerated.

Traditional formations for line infantry should be followed with no exceptions.

No crouching in line or exploiting cover excessively.

Do NOT Officer aim on purpose.

Light Infantry and Skirmishers (minimum of 8, maximum of 16)

Use of fire-in-charge is permitted, reloading in charge is once again not allowed.

Light infantry spacing of 2-4 men spacing is to be followed.

Use of terrain for cover is permitted.

Permitted to crouch when preferred.

Classes appointed by the admin are to be used by Skirms/Lights as some nations don't have them.

Cavalry (minimum of 6, maximum of 14)

Employment of Cavalry formations and spacing is standard.

Under 4 Cavalry should dismount and join a line.

Artillery (minimum of 5, maximum of 15)

One cannon for every five men brought to the event, with a maximum of 2 cannons per team.

Artillery Guards should go a class appointed by the admin.

One sapper is allowed to build defences.

Expect to "all-charge" should the need arise.

A maximum of one sapper is permitted per team.

General Rules

As ever no trolling will be permitted by the admin/s.

Any kind of arguing with the admin is irrelevant, the admins word is final.

Any failure to follow the admins instructions will result in a blacklisting from the event.


All regiments wishing to sign-up should do so on the thread and later join the teamspeak at 6:30pm to ensure attendance with fortold numbers.

Thread sign-ups should include:

Regiment Name:
Expected Numbers:
Preferred Class:
Familiar with the rules:
Leaders Steam Contact:

Our Teamspeak:

All regiments should be prepared to join the teamspeak at 6:30 GMT to finalise their attendance and numbers.
Any concerns about the event, sign-ups or rules should be taken up with the head-admin [59th] Dainyel. It would be a good idea to have the admin/s on steam aswell, in-case of trolling.

Regularly Attending Regiments

63e Line, Skirmishers and Artillery
88th Line and Skirmishers
1eCF Cavalry and Artillery

Regiments / 59th Regiment of Foot (2nd Nottinghamshire) [EU]
« on: March 10, 2014, 12:09:35 am »


The 59th (2nd Nottinghamshire) Regiment of Foot was an infantry regiment of the British Army, formed in 1755 in response to the threat of renewed war with France. On 23 December 1755 Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Montagu raised the 61st Regiment of Foot in the counties of Leicestershire and Northamptonshire. Following the disbandment of two junior regiments, the 61st was renumbered as the 59th Regiment of Foot in the following year.

Early Duties

Shortly after its formation, the regiment moved from England to Ireland, where it performed garrison duty until 1763. In that year the 59th Foot sailed to Nova Scotia where they remained until 1772 when they stationed in Boston, Massachusetts. The 59th were in Boston when the American War of Independence broke out, and suffered severe casualties. The remains of the regiment returned to England in 1776 to reform.

In 1782, the closing stages of the Anglo Spanish War, the 59th were assigned to the Gibraltar garrison, remaining there for ten years. From 1792–1794 the regiment was based in England and the Channel Islands. In 1782 all regiments of the line without a royal title were given a county designation and the regiment became the 59th (2nd Nottinghamshire) Regiment of Foot (the 45th Foot being designated the 1st Nottinghamshire).

Battle Honours List

The Cape of Good Hope, On 7 January 1806 the 1st Battalion of the 59th was part of a brigade that landed on the cape, and within two days the Dutch forces had surrendered. This was to be the 59th's first battle honour.

The 2nd Battalion, meanwhile, sailed for Spain in 1808. On 16 January 1809 it took part in the Battle of Corunna, a British tactical victory which allowed for the evacuation of their forces from the Iberian peninsula. From England, the battalion was dispatched to the Netherlands in July 1809, taking part in the fruitless Walcheren Campaign. The unit was to remain in England and Ireland until 1812.

From the Cape, the 1st Battalion sailed to India. In November 1810 the battalion took part in the invasion of Mauritius. In the following year they invaded Java. They remained in Java until 1815, when they returned to India.

In 1812 the 2nd Battalion returned to Spain. They took part in the Battle of Vittoria (June 1813), the Siege of San Sebastián (July – August 1813), the Battle of the Bidassoa (October 1813), the Battle of Nivelle (November 1813) and the Battle of the Nive (December 1813).

From France the 2/59th had sailed to Ireland. When Napoleon returned to France, triggering the "Hundred Days", the battalion was part of the British force dispatched to Belgium. While they were present in the Waterloo area, they did not take part in the hostilities. Having formed part of the army of occupation in France, the 2nd Battalion returned to England in 1816

Regimental Formation

Presently the 59th (2nd Nottinghamshire) is comprised of three companies: Line, Lights and Cavalry.

The Line company headed by Major Kaide operates in traditional line formations with very rare exceptions and high standards for discipline. The line anticipates high attendance (frequently 20-25+) and overall good performance during events. No exceptions are made for trolls or likewise behaviour.

The Light Company headed by Captain Dainyel operates in loose skirmish formations that are appropriate for a Light company. The light company expects good behaviour and espcecially good marksmanship. Once again no exceptions are made for trolls or trolling behaviour.

The Cavalry Company headed by Cornet Savage operates in traditional cavalry formations for hussars. The cavalry company anticipates disciplined behaviour as operating as cavalry is especially difficult.

Muster Roll

Centre Company (Line)


Major Kaide

Corporal Posh
Lance Corporal SaucyTurban
Lance Corporal Robinz
Lance Corporal Chief

Kingsman Strava

Sapper Yesaye94
Musican Rhaegar

Regular Aleth
Regular Toddy
Regular Tim
Regular Narutokk
Regular Grande
Regular Olly
Regular Sal
Regular Jimbob
Regular Kivele
Regular Proxjack
Regular Hypo
Regular Josh chapman
Marksman Gareth anderson

Private Yanice97
Private Zebaad
Private Basil121
Private Bombs
Private SilverFlamingo
Private Teash
Private Lucas
Private Peter
Private Milestone
Private Dincerz
Private Pikeman

Light Company


Ensign Griff

Lance Corporal Ketchup

Chosen Man AncientToken
Chosen Man Louis

Marksman Phoenix
Marksman Mattias
Marksman Arjackson
Marksman Roger McMuffin
Marksman Angelolewia

Private Olly
Private Hobbit
Private Mullins
Private Wolf
Private Spudgun
Private Alex
Private MagicSwagTowel
Private Stratmoss
Private William/Vilhelm
Private Munsta

Cavalry Company


Cornet Savage

Corporal of Horse Stonie
Lance Corporal of Horse Buntaoo

Veteran Horseman Redbeard

Horseman Blackdogtom
Horseman Hazzard

Trooper Viking
Trooper Snow
Trooper Callum
Trooper Valrin

Want to join the regiment?

If you want to join the 59th post on our thread:
Steam Name
Total hours played of M&B Warband
Previous Regimental Experience

If you need to contact the 59th or leadership our teamspeak is open to visitors at:

The 59th also enjoys the leisure of our very own commander battle server which is run and ready 24/7.

And our new Sunday Linebattle and Friday Linebattle Events are open to friendly regiments, add [59th] Dainyel for more information.

Servers / 59th Commander Battle
« on: March 06, 2014, 10:55:52 pm »
59th Commander Battle

Brought to you by Dainyel Inc. and hosted by MrSt3fan

General Information

The server is available publicly and is administrated by 59th RoF staff. Any complaints about quality of administration or user based 'drama' should be posted on the thread and will be addressed by a member of 59th Administration. Any other concerns contact me via steam [59th] Dainyel.


Normal rules are insisted upon so obviously no racism, trolling or use of derogatory terms what-so-ever and anyone appealing against a ban should note that the admin in question will be under criticism while the validation of the ban is considered. Unban appeals are to be brought onto the thread or by contacting me on steam at [59th] Dainyel.

Admin List



Admin Applications are currently closed
Previous applications are still under consideration and will be announced soon

Admin applications will be considered and are currently available, anyone applying for admin should post on the thread and include their:

Name/Means of contact
Previous Admin Experience
Total Hours Played

Alternatively you can contact me on steam [59th] Dainyel and we can cover the details.

Pages: 1