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Topics - Audiate

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6
Regiments / 1st King's Dragoon Guards
« on: January 04, 2013, 10:51:46 pm »

*reserved ;D

The Mess Hall / The Shout-Out Thread
« on: December 28, 2012, 11:16:47 am »
The place where you can show your appreciation for YouTubers, small projects you're interested in, fellow forumites, or those special peoples.
(But not restricted to.)

♥ Spread the love. ♥

I'm glad I could manage this for the seven months that I did, good luck to Nutty Pig with this list!

Thanks to Evanski

Also thanks to Gokiller, Tibbert, Mr T, and Furrnox for providing the community with the list before I.


All Factions, except the non-existent/Russia have there own post. This makes it much more efficient and easier to manage, as well as finding a regiment that suits your own need.

The things that will be included on the main post are the following :
- Intro - Introduction to the thread.
- Application Format - Fill in format what you will need to copy,paste,fill in and post to get your regiment on this list.
- Small Explanation of the Application Format - Basic explanation of the things that are included in the format.
- Contents of Thread - Explains what is on each post.

Polls will be put up on this thread from time to time. Results of Polls will be placed on the main post.

Regiment Application Format

[b]- Regiment Name[/b] : 
[b]- Regiment Tag[/b] :
[b]- Faction[/b] :
[b]- Class[/b] :
[b]- Based[/b] :
[b]- Thread Link[/b] :
Brigade/Division Application Format

[b]- Brigade/Division Name[/b] : 
[b]- Faction[/b] :
[b]- Involved Regiments[/b]
[b]- Thread Link[/b] :
Small Explanation of Application Format

Regiment Name - The name of your regiment/clan.
Faction - Which faction is your regiment based on? United Kingdom, France, Russia, Austria, Prussia or a nonexistent faction(other).
Class - What kind of unit is your regiment. What you play as.You can have more than one.
Based- Where is your regiment based? I.E  EU/NA.
Thread Link - Simply the link to the thread of your regiment (Preferably Taleworlds) Example,235986.0.html

Brigade/Division Name - The name of the brigade/division itself.
Faction - Which faction is your regiment based on? United Kingdom, France, Russia, Austria, Prussia or a nonexistent faction(other).
Involved Regiments - The regiments that make up the brigade/division. Feel free to add more spaces appropriately for the amount of regiments actively in the brigade/division.
Thread Link - The link to the thread for your brigade/division.


- Main post - Main Information
- 1st Post - United Kingdom
- 2nd Post - Empire Francais
- 3rd Post - Königreich Preußen
- 4th Post - Kaisertum Österreich
- 5th Post - Rossiyskaya Imperiya/Others (Due to there not being many Russian Regiments I'll just add the others to this post)
- 5th Post - Community Stuff


Please do say if your regiment disbands, otherwise the list will be clogged with disbanded regiments.
If your regiment changes thread or name, say what the name of your old regiment is.
International Regiments will also be put on EU/NA.


Which Guard Unit do you think is best?

Grenadiers de la Garde - France - 45 (27.1%)
Coldstream Guards - Britain - 60 (36.1%)
Leib-Gvardii - Russia - 21 (12.7%)
1. Garde-Regiment du Fuss - Prussia - 23 (13.9%)
Grenadier Battalion Purcell - Austria - 17 (10.2%)

Should I add another faction?

Yes, Netherlands - 47 (20.9%)
Yes, Sweden - 61 (27.1%)
Yes, Bavaria - 18 (8%)
Other - 42 (18.7%)
No. - 57 (25.3%)

Should a "Marines" section be added for each faction?

Yes, for all factions - 52 (75.4%)
No, a Marines section should not be added - 17 (24.6%)

Should  the Engineers section be removed?

YES!! DO IT NOW!! - 42 (35.3%)
Yes. - 21 (17.6%)
No way. -  56 (47.1%)

What Faction has the best Sapper uniform?

Britain! - 68 (30.6%)
France! - 61 (27.5%)
Prussia! - 42 (18.9%)
Austria! - 24 (10.8%)
Russia! - 27 (12.2%)

Regiments / ♔ The Royal Marine Corps ♔ [RECRUITING][NA/EU]
« on: December 16, 2012, 02:01:17 am »

  The Royal Marine Corps is the marine corps and amphibious infantry of the United Kingdom and form part of the Naval Service. The Royal Marines were formed in 1755 as marine infantry for the Royal Navy. The Royal Marines are a maritime-focused, amphibious, highly specialized light infantry force of commandos. They are capable of deploying at short notice in support of the United Kingdom Government's military and diplomatic objectives overseas.
 The Royal Marines served throughout the Napoleonic Wars in every notable naval battle on board the Royal Navy's ships and participated in multiple amphibious actions. Marines had a dual function aboard ships of the Royal Navy in this period; routinely, they ensured the security of the ship's officers and supported their maintenance of discipline in the ship's crew, and in battle, they engaged the enemy's crews, whether firing from positions on their own ship, or fighting in boarding actions.


In-game Banner:

HMS Victory___
Admiral Culverton Fox (Audiate)
Lieutenant Andrew Hayes (Dwarf)
Colour Sergeant Ray Stopps (Sevey)
Colour Sergeant Richard Portman (Genocide)
Sergeant Nicholas Gregory (Julius)
Corporal Humphry Bradford (Bacon)
Corporal Ian Farr (Insomniac)
Corporal Patrick Dorking (Niophoris)
Lance Corporal Andrew Gedgrave (Marsh)
Lance Corporal Steven Cooke (Cook)
Private Benjamin Lamb (Newton)
Private Eric Palmer (Blake)
Private Harrold Gordon (Dino)
Private Jack Bramley (Assassin)
Private Lee Miles (Lee)
Private Philip Planer (Zacattack)
Private Steven Bensing (Altaire)
Private Thomas Wareing (Odysseus)
In-game Banner:

HMS Dreadnought___
Captain Malcolm Coppleman (Holo)
Sergeant Edward Dodds (Brave)
Sergeant Jeff Kirkham (Dread)
Corporal Ray Griffith (Jake)
Lance Corporal Stuart Portman (Wolf)
Private Clive Damant (Nicky)
Private Danny Tronson (Watano)
Private Dereck Crystal (Hood)
Private Garry Coulson (Bohannon)
Private Robert Sumpter (Vallthor)
Private Robert Sutton (Vladmir)
Private Rowland Sturgis (Rzar)
Private Stuart Peckham (Warlocal) 
Private Trevor Brown (Aviation)
Private Trevor Paton (Khalifa)
Private William Davis (Suo)

Boot Camp___
Recruit Alfred Harker (Space)
Recruit Brady Flynn (Dodo)
Recruit Charles Worley (Warpig)
Recruit Christien Whitson (Hovis)
Recruit Gordon Malahide (Diablo)
Recruit Ian Ryall (Blueslice)
Recruit Jack Aubrey (Captain Jack Aubrey)
Recruit Jack Holmes (Unicorn)
Recruit Jeremy Marker (Brandon)
Recruit Mark Edmand (Rick)
Recruit Nick McVicar (Globo)
Recruit Nigel Robertson (Loyalist)
Recruit Patrick Fox (Sith)
Recruit Steven Hobbs (George)
2 Commissioned Officers
3 Sr. Non-Commissioned Officers
5 Jr. Non-Commissioned Officers
8 Enlisted
Total: 18
1 Commissioned Officer
2 Sr. Non-Commissioned Officers
2 Jr. Non-Commissioned Officers
11 Enlisted
14 Recruits

Head Count: 48

Point System
Earning Points
Recruiting one player: 20 points
Recruiting one player during a Recruitment Drive: 30 points
Attending a training: 10 points
Attending a recruitment drive: 10 points
Attending an event or battle: 15 points
Posting on the forums: 1 point for each post
Losing Points
Report of aggressive trolling (with given proof): -10 points
Report of disruptive behavior: -10 points
Disobedience to Officers: -10 points
Unexplained inactivity for fourteen days: -20 points
Reaching below -30 points: Demotion
Reaching below -50 points: Removal

Battle Record
1v1 Line Battles
RM vs. EQFL WIN 14-1
Multiple Regiment Battles
RM and 6thEPC vs. 44ste and 112thVA - DRAW 1-1
6/1/13 Saturday Siege - WIN 2-1
13/1/13 Saturday Siege - WIN 3-1
2/2/13 Saturday Siege - WIN 3-1

Click 'Select' and copy the highlighted text. Paste it in a reply, and answer each question. Be sure to click 'Post'!
[b]Steam name:[/b] 
[b]In-game name:[/b]
[b]What country you live in:[/b]
[b]Infantry, Skirmishers, or Artillery:[/b]
[b]Regiments and ranks have you achieved previously:[/b]
[b]Activity likelihood (1-10):[/b]
[b]Recommendations (optional, but can help towards receiving a higher rank):[/b]


Made by: kpets

Made by: Xeroth

Made by: Glory



Off Topic / What are you listening to right now?
« on: December 01, 2012, 04:50:31 am »
Daniel Johnston - Speeding Motorcycle

The Mess Hall / Forum Legends - Canada Nomination rap-ups
« on: November 18, 2012, 02:02:10 am »
The FSE Forum Legends of Today
Simply put, you can nominate forumites of the currently selected region to be voted for. There isn't a prize to the winners, only bragging rights. The forumites selected to win should be active, well received by the community, helpful, nice, etc. THOSE kinds of traits.

  • You can not nominate yourself, only others.
  • You can only nominate forumites for the specific region that is currently selected.
  • You can only nominate formites with 50+ posts, either on FSE or Taleworlds.
  • You are allowed to nominate up to three people per region, with a maximum of 5 total, so choose wisely.
United States: Windbusche
Canada: Frederickson
Central + South America: Betaknight
United Kingdom: Blobmania
Spain + Portugal: Maia (banned)
France: qq
Germany + Austria: qq
Italy: qq
Sweden: Svensson + Pinkknight
Russia: qq
China: qq
Rest of Asia: qq
Australia + New Zealand: qq
Other: Augy (though vague)

United States: Deofuta (2), Sir Audiate (2), LedZepp1109 (1), McEwanMaster (4), Windbusche (5), Menelaos (1),
Canada: Stefiboy (3), Odysseus (4), Frederickson (6),
Central + South America: Betaknight (1),
United Kingdom: PrideOfNi (2), Teble (2), Jarvismo (1), Harry (2), Cherry (2), Blobmania (3), Betty (2),
Spain + Portugal: Maia (2), Megaberna (1),
Sweden: Svensson (2), Pinkknight (2),
Other: GoKiller (2), Augy (3), Fortune (1), Beaver (1), Harbinger (1),

Nominations will transfer to votes after the time is up.

When a forumite surpasses 10 votes more than the following nominee, or the poll becomes inactive, the highest voted person will win.

United States
Deofuta: 2 + 2
LedZepp1109: 0 + 1
McEwanMaster: 3 + 4
Menelaos: 0 + 1
Sir Audiate: 1 + 2
Windbusche: 12 + 5

Happy voting!

The Mess Hall / Epic show of the week! (This week - Blackadder)
« on: November 15, 2012, 03:00:43 am »
This thread works very simply. Every week, a new show is picked to be talked about. You can talk about anything related to the show, pictures, clips, whatever you would like. You can PM me any ideas for the next show to discuss, and I'll put it onto the poll for the week. At the end of the week, the most voted show will be picked.

This week...

Community / If we all wrote one big story...
« on: November 14, 2012, 10:52:08 pm »
 Revived, and re-posted because of misuse. And re-posted again because of trolls. Anyone breaking the rules will get a sharp wag of the finger and escorted over to the moderator's office.

1. You can not end the story.
2. Your part of the story must be a continuation of the last part, and it must be able to be continued. The objective of this is not to make it difficult for the next participant to continue the story.
3. You can not post more than 3 sentences per post.
4. You can not double post.
5. This isn't a tennis - You must wait for a minimum of 4 people to post before you before you can, unless the thread has become inactive. If it has become inactive, feel free to post, or get someone else to continue the story themselves.
6. The point is not to be random. The point is to attempt to drive the story into the direction you think it should go. This creates a tug-and-pull effect, which when looked back upon, is quite hilarious. That said, try to make sense.

 Here's what the story is so far...

 Spiderman dashed out of the Right-Aid to see that a wild Pikachu was about to thundershock him. Realizing the danger, Spidey picked up a newspaper laying next to him, and was about to use it as a weapon, until he spotted the headline: "Cop - Discovered to be both a bad boy and a courageous outstanding penis!". He then sat down to read the story which followed: All new fapping cream "fap well tonight". He ran away in tears because of the shocking news and saw a rat. He cowered in fear and accidently fell out his window. When he fell on the trampoline conveniently placed out his window, he immediately ducked, as there was a large swan about to hit him in the face which had a laser rifle strapped to it's underside. After taking the rifle from the speeding swan he entered VATS, which he does regularly due to his overly compulsive disorder, and spotted Zach Galifianakis in the distance. He appeared to be friendly, but just to be careful, Spidey approached him in sneak mode. As he got close, he realized that Zach Galifianakis is loaded with comedy cash, the best kind of cash, so he attempted to pickpocket him. However he somehow triggered a nuclear explosive device, completely obliterating everything nearby (and beyond.). Meanwhile, in Canada, the situation was getting worse, the penguins-for-equal-rights-movement had risen up and taken Quebec along with a Nazi invasion fleet from Antarctica which was bent on taking Mr. Bob who had previously danced horribly at the Nazi and Zani wedding. Bob used his explosive dancing to seduce everyone in sight. Soon he had everyone, man, dog and woman chasing after him! But all did not go well because Bob had forgotten to apply deodorant thoroughly to each armpit that morning! As everyone got closer to Bob to where they could smell his dance-BO, he began dancing again to save some time. However the stripper with the caramel coffee was having none of it, and began laughing hysterically as the muffins ate her jacket. It was cold, and the movie was almost over. Suddenly, elephants rained from the sky with pink bandanas and tutus. They start playing music with their trunks and Bob continues his stinky dance marathon.Then the brony's came along and raped him savagely but then he continued on his dance marathon, and then he danced until his right leg fell off, which he now needs some serious surgery. Mr. MacJellyface reattached his arms for free, with a 10 million dollar labour charge. Everyone lived pretty much perfectly, except Steve who died of AIDS three weeks later, and Fred who got mauled by a vicious pack of a genetically enhanced penguins.

The Mess Hall / Official Spiderman Thread
« on: November 14, 2012, 10:46:09 pm »
 Perfect summary of me right now:

 Just kidding, but that IS me 90% of the time.

 The best way to explain is to look at my thread for the 11th New York. Simply put, I think that the scroll ordeal for threads that are too big for the screen's resolution should have some sort of replacement... I'm not sure how everyone else agrees/disagrees, but I'd prefer it, since I have a smaller resolution.


Off Topic / I love the whole world (what do you love?)
« on: November 14, 2012, 02:40:55 am »
 Pretty simple, and just for fun. Following in the style of this:
Post one sentence about what you love the most. This is pretty self explanatory. Have fun!
 (Try to keep it to the rhythm, if possible ;D)

 I love funky beats.

North & South: First Manassas / Unofficial Community Banner Pack; for N&S!
« on: November 12, 2012, 12:51:32 am »
That's right!
The UNOFFICIAL Community Banner Pack is here; for N&S!
Each new version should come out every week, up to two weeks maximum.
This pack works just the same way as it did for NW, only it will be updated this time!  :lol:

Note that we are all still waiting to see if the devs are going to be updating the game version to 1.006 (NW), so for the time being it does not matter whether or not you flip your picture. I do require everyone to tell me if they flip theirs or not, otherwise your banner will remain flipped (or unflipped). Also note that a mirror will be added later in.

There are some glitchy looking banners in this release, but they aren't very screwed up in-game. Most of the problems at the moment involve the original banners, which shouldn't be a problem for the people who actually use this pack for a reason. I'll be sure to start the pack from scratch for the next release, now that I got all of the complicated stuff out of the way.

(Show up normal in-game)

1a - available
1b - available
1c - available
1d - available
1e - available
1f - available
1g - available
2a - available
2b - available
2c- available
2d - available
2e - available
2f - available
2g - available
3a - 4th Vermont "Applebuckers"
3b - 5th Texas Cavalry
3c - 2nd California Cavalry
3d - available
3e - available
3f - 00th Intergalactic Space Regiment
3g - available
4a - available
4b - available
4c - available
4d - available
4e - 1st New Jersey Artillery
4f - available
4g - available
5a - available
5b - available
5c - available
5d - available
5e - available
5f - 6th Wisconsin Infantry
5g - available
6a - available
6b - available
6c - available
6d - 73rd New York "2nd Fire Zouaves"
6e - available
6f - 3rd United States Infantry
6g - 69th New York Infantry
7a - available
7c - available
7e - available
7g - available
8a - available
8b - available
8c - available
8d - available
8e - available
8f - available
8g - available
9a - available
9b - available
9c - available
9d - available
9e -  available
9f - available
9g - available
10a - available
10b - available
10c - available
10d - available
10e - available
10f - available
10g - available
11a - 13th Massachusetts Infantry
11b - available
11c - available
11d - available
11e - available
11f - 11th New York Infantry "1st Fire Zouaves" "Ellsworth's Zouaves"

Installation Instructions:
1. Back-up your and files into another folder. These files will be found in the location shown below, unless you have Steam installed in something other than C:, or if you did not install from Steam. If you did not install from Steam, it should be in wherever you installed Warband.
  C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband\Modules\North and South v0.3\Textures

2. Extract the .rar into the file shown above.
3. Test it out and enjoy!

Read this if you're interested in having your banner here:
Obviously, regiments that have their banner ready to be imported will be put in to whatever grid point they desire, as long as it is not already taken. Regiments that do not have their banner made can ask for me to do it for them, if they want to hear a big fat NO. I repeat, I will not be doing the work for regiments that are ill-prepared. Keep in mind, banners should be 147x147 pixels.
I am also fine with reserving in-game, regiment-specific flags for regiments on request, but they must be active in at least 1 event per week.

North & South: First Manassas / Civil War Wednesday!
« on: November 12, 2012, 12:46:56 am »
The Excelsior Brigade Presents:
An NA PUBLIC Line Battle Event!

I hope everyone understands how this works. If not, I will explain, here:

A public line battle is when a regular line battle is organized, but allows people that are not in regiments to show up and participate. The doors will open for public players, and regimental players, to join the TS server. Soon afterwards, a very quick, 15-30 minute training session will begin. This teaches everything the public players will need to know to participate; nothing fancy, just the basics. Then, the even will start. Regiments from both sides will have groups of public players "issued" out among them to make it fair.
Wednesdays every week
Sign-ups: All day until 7:30pm EST (-5 GMT)
Training: 7:30pm EST to 8:00pm EST
Regiment set-up: 8:00pm EST to 8:05pm EST
Pubbers join regiments they're assigned to: 8:05pm EST to 8:10pm EST
Line Battle: 8:10pm EST to ~9:30pm

Pubbers' Sign-ups:
TeamSpeak sign-ups:
Log into the TeamSpeak channel below and wait in the Excelsior Brigade's sub-channel Public Line Battle's sub-channel Sign Ups on the night of the event.

Alternatively, you can fill out the form below and paste it in this thread if you want to join a specific regiment.

[b]TeamSpeak name:[/b] 
[b]What side do you want to participate in? (North/South):[/b]
[b]What regiment do you want to participate with?:[/b]
[b]On a scale from 1-10, 1=lowest, 10=highest, what is the likelihood that you can attend?:[/b]

Regiment Sign-ups:
Refer to the TeamSpeak channel and information above, or fill out the form below.

[b]Regiment name:[/b] 
[b]Leader name:[/b]
[b]Regiment type (infantry, skirmishers, cavalry, artillery - can be more than one, but it must be at the same time):[/b]
[b]Expected participation (how many players total can attend?):[/b]
[b]What side do you plan to participate in? (North/South/Doesn't matter):[/b]

Participating Regiments

18th Louisiana Infantry
33rd Virginia Volunteer Infantry - Company E
Rockbridge Artillery Battery (33rdVA)

1. All players MUST be with a group. For example, a random players on horse trying to hack and slash at regiments is not acceptable.
2. A regiment cannot change their unit type at any time. The unit type they start as is the type they must stay as until the end of the battle.
3. If a regiment drops below 4 members (officer and ranker alike), and if there is a allied line of 3+ rankers alive at that moment, they must join that line.
4. No ramboing.
5. No firing out of line.
6. No sappers (except for artillery).
7. Regiments of all types are allowed to crouch at all times.
Line Infantry
1. Minimum player count is 8.
2. Up to one man spacing is allowed.
3. When behind cover of any kind, rankers must be shoulder to shoulder.
Skirmisher Infantry
1. Minimum player count is 6.
2. Maximum player count is 12.
3. Up to four man spacing is allowed.
4. May use skirmish formation (use cover at will in a specified area).
1. Minimum/maximum of 4 per crew.
2. Maximum of 2 cannons/crews per team.
3. Each crew includes: 1 Train, 1 Commander, 1 Ranker, 1 Sapper
4. No Howitzers
5. No guards of any kind - you must rely on friendly regiments to provide safety.
1. Minimum player count is 8.
2. Maximum player count is 12.
3. Must be dismounted before firing.
4. Must charge a single target - No branching off to attack different targets.

We're excited to see you all attend!

Regiments / 1st Royal Green Jackets
« on: November 11, 2012, 06:50:36 pm »
 If they really care, they can make their own thread.

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