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Topics - EdwardC

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Other Games / Assassin's Creed Unity
« on: June 10, 2014, 04:08:48 am »
Set amidst the chaos of 18th Century France, Assassin's Creed Unity tells the story of Arno and the Brotherhood of Assassins as they struggle to uncover the dark forces manipulating the of the French Revolution.

Take to the streets, the rooftops, and the catacombs beneath the city alone or with up to three friends in the brand new co-op mode to make history and leave your mark on the French Revolution.


This co-op looks amazing!

I think it's the  late revolution, the reign of terror.


What are your thoughts about it?


The Mess Hall / Ask the person below you a question.
« on: May 27, 2014, 01:31:49 am »
Title says the topic.  ;)

*Edited from ask the person above you*

Other Games / Fistful of Frags - Pass the Whiskey
« on: May 18, 2014, 06:54:29 pm »
A new free to play game on steam which used to be a mod. It's set in a western atmosphere. The game is easy to learn but might piss you off after awhile.
First thing you need to know is that you can kick like in Mount & Blade, but the kicks in this game can make you fly across the map, or just kick you to death.
There are three types of starting weapons and different traits you can play with. In most severs the gun you start with are decent but you might want to go and find the three gun storage boxes. The best one is golden, the second best is red, and the least valuable is blue.

Classic death-match and up to 4 teams death-match: non stop, all around action
Detailed dual wield system: double dynamic crosshair, weapon flip for extra accuracy options, drop or throw your handguns as projectile attack
Advanced multiplayer bots for off-line practice
Historical black gunpowder based weapons as Colt Peacemaker/Navy/Walker, S&W Schofield, Volcanic pistol, Deringer, Smith Carbine, Sharps rifle or Henry Rifle
Customization options: choose primary/secondary weapons and special perks

[left-shift] to kick and remember press x-4 to say "Pass the Whiskey"

Whenever you die, you have to press a key to respawn, however the key changes when ever you die... so that can be frustrating, that's one of the only downsides to this game.

Title says it all.


Off Topic / Gif Thread
« on: May 01, 2014, 04:34:46 am »
I'll start off.

Off Topic / Turkey
« on: March 14, 2014, 08:52:18 pm »
On March 11th Berkin Elvin, a 15-year-old Turkish boy died after spending 269 days in a coma. The teenager had been buying bread in his neighborhood last June, when a tear gas canister struck his skull during a brutal police crackdown against citywide demonstrations.

As news of the boy's death spread, Istanbul's streets filled with mourners and protestors shouting anti-government slogans in a massive outpouring of grief and rage against police brutality and the increasingly authoritarian government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The demonstrations, which led to violent clashes with police were the largest and angriest protests seen in Turkey since last summer.

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