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Topics - Savolainen5

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General Discussion / Thank you, FSE!
« on: January 29, 2013, 02:50:05 pm »
Having just played in Bauer's Mount & Musket linebattle last night. I was able to get a close comparison of MM and NW, and I got a nice dose of nostalgia, even if I only came in in the last six months of MM. :)

Despite the nostalgia, I was struck at how different and how much more clumsy MM feels in comparison to NW. FSE, you guys improved on most everything from MM, and I want to thank you for that!

Other Games / DCSS
« on: January 23, 2013, 08:49:10 pm »
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup reporting in. I'm trying to play a VaWz (or whatever the abbreviation for Vampire is) of Sif Muna, but I'm awful at DCSS. The best I've ever done is a two-rune SpEn, I think. What's your best run? Looking for tips? Favourite set up?

General Discussion / Groupfighting guide
« on: January 09, 2013, 06:06:48 pm »
I'm compiling a guide on groupfighting for people in the Reddit Brigade, and I'd love your input. Here's what I have so far.

In the beginning (of the fight, as well as when you're a groupfighting noob), block. Nothing sucks more than dying to the first stab you come into because you misjudged the situation. When you get better, you'll be able to better judge when to release an attack and kill someone who's going to try to stab you. But it never hurts to block if you're only being pressured by one person.

Move around a lot. Because enemies are all around you, you need to make yourself a harder-to-hit target. The best way to do this is to not stay still for any moment. I can't tell you the number of times that I've died in a groupfight simply because I got stopped (whether on an obstacle or by a glance off an enemy or a blocked attack). And know that, once you get good at it, you'll do a lot more moving than blocking (which doesn't mean you should never block of course).

Be conscious of your surroundings. Because enemies are all around you, you need to know where you can go, who you can attack, or what direction you need to block. For this reason, if I'm not immediately pressed by enemies, I'll take a very brief moment to do a 360 and take stock of the situation. If you can avoid being caught by surprise, you have a MUCH better chance of surviving. It'll also help you to catch enemies by surprise (see below)

Attack unsuspecting enemies whenever possible. When you're outnumbered, with enemies closely surrounding you, you can thin out the herd by suddenly turning and stabbing an enemy following you. A good portion of the player-base will fall for this trick, as they'll be following you assuming that you're focusing on someone else. When you catch one person off-guard, you often will have the opportunity to chain more attacks, because the enemy will think you're vulnerable. In that situation, keep moving and stabbing. (I got 5 melee kills in the space of about 7 seconds at an LB yesterday just from chaining together kills beginning when I caught someone off-guard. "It really really works!")

That said, don't be that unsuspecting enemy. If you're in close proximity to an outnumbered enemy, be ready to block whenever at any point. You don't necessarily need to hold a block, but pay attention to what the enemy's doing. You'll have a window when they turn with an attack at which you'll have PLENTY of time to get a block up. But you have to pay attention.

Use your allies as distractions for a target. A great way to get kills in groupfighting is to wait for an enemy to get engaged with an ally, and just swoop in and stab him when he moves into range of you. Of course, this doesn't mean you shouldn't be prepared to block (as good groupfighters will take the opportunity to get a stab on you if you're just waiting for them to come into range and don't have your wits about you). But it often happens that an ally and an enemy will be fighting in a counter-clockwise motion, and you can just wait for them to come into range while they're busy blocking. Of course, you can also be the distraction while your ally gets the kill. In a line battle, all that matters is that your line comes out on top. The overarching idea is to gang up on enemies as much as possible, because if you can swarm an enemy (and not TK), he will be hard-pressed to survive.

Don't focus too heavily on going after a single target when there are plenty to choose from. If you get tunnel vision and go after just one guy, you're BEGGING to get stabbed, because you start to lose your sense of awareness. If you keep shifting targets, that means you keep moving, and that makes you hard to hit.

Be unpredictable. This is my most general and most important piece of advice. A player moving unpredictably and going after (seemingly) random targets is much more likely to survive than someone who always does the same thing. Don't do the same attack every time, the same spin, the same movement.

To steal Hekko's summarising format, let's sum this up:

Do block (at least at the beginning)

Do move around a lot

Do pay attention to what's going on around you

Do attempt to catch enemies by surprise

Do not get caught by surprise

Do use your allies to help you out

Do not target a single person when there are many

Do be unpredictable

Technical Support / What's with this indented chat text?
« on: January 07, 2013, 08:18:54 am »
I was in US_1 half an hour ago or so (1:30-40 roughly), and I noticed some chat pop up in my name which I had never written... It was perfectly aligned with everything else, but a few minutes later I saw this:


The header is indented strangely, and again, I never wrote that. It was someone else somehow using my name at the same time as I was in the server.

A few minutes later was this, the last of this stuff:


What is this? Hacking of some sort, I assume? From the way Cat was talking, I thought he might have been the one to do it, but it stopped.

Name of the server you were on: US_1
Name of the person causing trouble: Refrigerated_Cucumber
Nature of their offense: TWing and TKing
Time and date of their offense: 3 January, between 2:09 and 2:14 AM
My connection: After killing me in one round on a previous map and calling me some name, we found ourselves on the same team, and he came after me on cav, for three rounds TWing me (and on the third TKing me as in the third screen. I didn't manage to get a screen of the first round TW, since I didn't know who'd done it) He left after the third round.
Second round TW:
Third round TW:
Third round TK. He apologised after, but it was clearly intentional, as there was no way for him to make that mistake:

Last one for the night, I promise. :)

Name of the server you were on: US_1
Name of the person causing trouble: SWAG_YOLO_GroundBEEF
Nature of their offense: TKing
Time and date of their offense: 2 January, roughly 11:40 PM

Busy night.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban request for US_1: yOURmOTHER
« on: January 03, 2013, 06:57:33 am »
Name of the server you were on: US_1
Name of the person causing trouble: yOURmOTHER
Nature of their offense: TKing
Time and date of their offense: 2 January, roughly 11 PM

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban request for US_1: Serene_Psychosis
« on: January 03, 2013, 06:42:54 am »
Name of the server you were on: US_1
Name of the person causing trouble: Serene_Psychosis
Nature of their offense: Consistent TKing (later targeting a played named Brin)
Time and date of their offense: 2-3 January, roughly 11 to 12:30

Edit: Just as I posted this, LittleGuy said he took care of it.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban request for US_1: Jake
« on: December 22, 2012, 04:40:02 am »
Name of the server you were on: US_1
Name of the person causing trouble: jake
Nature of their offense: Mass TK with explosive crate
Time and date of their offense: 10:34 PM EST, 21 December
If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: Observing. There had been Jake and OsamasFollower who had been TKing in smaller amounts before.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban request for US_1: 1stMar_Cpl_Gh0st
« on: December 22, 2012, 04:25:06 am »
Name of the server you were on: US_1
Name of the person causing trouble: 1stMar_Cpl_Gh0st
Nature of their offense: Mass TK at beginning of the round
Time and date of their offense: 10:15 PM EST, 21 December
If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: Just observing

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban request for US_1: IMP_Konrad_Cruze
« on: December 11, 2012, 06:56:39 am »
Second one tonight. How busy.

Name of the server you were on: US_1
Name of the person causing trouble: IMP_Konrad_Cruze
Nature of their offense: Mass TK at round's beginning
Time and date of their offense: 00:48 EST (11 December)
If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: The round began, and Cruze decided to go on a TK spree. Smithy had JUST gotten off, too.
Any proof if you have it:


Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban Request for US_1: Assassin
« on: December 11, 2012, 05:54:21 am »
Name of the server you were on: US_1
Name of the person causing trouble: Assassin
Nature of their offense: Teamwounding and attempted TKing over the course of two maps
Time and date of their offense: 11-11:30 EST (roughly) (10 December)
If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: It started with Assassin TKing 1stBE_BersS_Pulliamino. I was on the other team, and kept seeing the latter TKing Assassin. When I told him I would report (since there was no chatter), he confessed that Assassin was attacking him unprovoked thereafter (although he had TKed Assassin for several rounds in self-defence it seems). I spec'd him and Assassin and found this to be the case (he also started going after Chev). Chev and I impressed upon him not to TK even in self-defence, and he stopped.
Any proof if you have it:


Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban request for US_1: SuckFace
« on: November 30, 2012, 08:26:11 am »
Name of the server you were on: US_1

Name of the person causing trouble: SuckFace

Nature of their offense: Multiple teamwounds (possibly a TK, but I don't recall)

Time and date of their offense: Fri., Nov. 30 at 1:25 AM

If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: I noticed SuckFace teamwounding everyone in the images below, and that there had been a few complaints in the previous minutes with no admin around (as far as I know) to deal with him. I decided to go over and get some hard evidence. I believe he was shot by one of the teammates in the picture shortly thereafter and left the server.

Any proof if you have it, For instance screenshots. (use spoilers!):

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