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Topics - Gluk the Walrus

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Other Games / Reign of Kings
« on: June 09, 2015, 06:47:09 pm »
So it's been out for a while so what is everyone's thoughts on the game? What do you like about it? What do you not like about it? I'm fairly new to the game but i've enjoyed it quite a bit.

Here is a video i made for it,

I'm also putting together a little group for it if anyone is interested. Not a clan, just a bunch of people who play RoK.

The Mess Hall / Smoke Weed Every Day?
« on: June 07, 2015, 02:42:29 pm »

At first i was just curious, i wasn't sure if his teachings should be taken seriously. But then i began to listen, for the first hour i was skeptical of what he said but i kept listening. As i went into my 3rd hour of listening to this man talk about himself in the 3rd person and to live by the creed of "smoke weed everyday" i began to wonder if this really was the truth. I went further. By the 6th hour, i began to really open up, i began to see the legitimacy of his words. At the 8th hour, i was convinced. I was now ready to live my life this way. I would now begin to smoke weed every single day until i die. These words are wisdom, they are truth, i urge all of you to follow this sacred creed and live your life by it. The great wise snoop lion demands it!

Mods plz no remove, this is obviously a joke.

Other Games / The Deek Clan (Unturned Clan) [WIP]
« on: June 04, 2015, 12:20:15 pm »
Work in progress.

Mods feel free to move the thread.

Off Topic / Need some help (Buying a laptop)
« on: May 30, 2015, 10:09:49 pm »
So i'm looking to buy a new laptop, specifically for gaming. My price range is from 900$-1500$ (USC) and i'm trying to get the best quality i can for as little of price as possible. So please don't say "alienware" because yes, they are very good but you are literally paying several hundred more for the brand name. I don't care what brand it is, as long as it's good.

Couple things,
I would prefer if it was windows 7 instead of 8 but that's not a huge deal
I would prefer if it was able to play any game i like but knowing that this is going to be a fairly cheap laptop, i'm assuming i shouldn't put the bar too high.

Finally before you go on a rant about "DESKTOPS ARE BETTER," i would agree. They are better but i need a laptop because my dad lives in florida and i need to be able to play games or my life will end. I also don't have any room for a desktop in my house, fairly small house.

I'm not very intelligent when it comes to this sort of things but here is what i've been looking at,

ASUS Black 17.3" G750JM-DS71

ASUS G751JY-DH73-CA Republic of Gamers (ROG)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


*SIGN*Competition Details
The North American Duel League is a monthly league in which players will compete against others of similar skill to rise through 6 divisions of the league: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. At the beginning of every season, players in each division will play each other round robin style, with 10 rounds (10 duels) being played against each of the players in their division. Players will accumulate points based on how many of these rounds they win (ex. Player 1 wins against Player 2 6-4, he gets 6 points, Player 2 gets 4 points). At the end of this phase of play, the regular season will be declared over and the the #1 ranked player in Masters division is declared the League Champion. After this, the Postseason will begin with the top 2 players of each division playing each other to represent their division in the league' playoffs. After this is done, playoffs will proceed as follows: The Bronze representative will face the Silver representative, with the winner proceeding to face the Gold representative, and the winner of that facing the Plat one, then the Diamond one, and finally the Masters one, with the  winner of that final match will be announced the winner of the League Playoffs. After the League Playoffs, promotion stage will begin with the top 2 of every division playing against the bottom 2 of the division above (ie. #1 of Gold would face #6 of Platinum, #2 of Gold would face #5 of Platinum), and the winners of those matches will proceed to the upper division, with the losers getting demoted to the division below.

*SIGN*First Season Competition
For the first season of the league, where players have not had ranks prior to this season, the season will begin randomly placing players into the 6 divisions (which for now will just be called division 1,2,3,4,5,6). After that, the league will proceed as normal with a round robin between all the players of each division. Afterwards, the top player of each division will be placed in Masters for next season, the second player in Diamond, the third in Platinum, and so on. There will most likely not be playoffs this first season, however there will be a post-season tournament with a round robin in the masters division to determine the regular season champion.

-The Round Robin part of the season will go for two weeks after the start of the season. There will be no set date of when players have to duel, besides the deadline at the end at the end of the second week. However, Players MUST schedule ALL of their matches in their division before the end of the first week, or risk getting disqualified or automatically demoted
-Each duel will consist of 10 rounds played, no more, no less. If a player leaves in the middle of a duel, they risk forfeiting all points they won in the duel, and the remaining player will get all 10 points
-Any player who schedules a duel and fails to make the appointed time without clearing it with me or another co-organizer/referee automatically forfeits the match, with a 0-10 loss for them
-All duels must either be reported by BOTH players or observed by a referee. A referee can either be an official one that I have appointed myself, or just a random person who both players agree may observe the match and report the score
-No trash talking. If you are saying things that are hurtful to the other player, you can risk forfeiting points depending on the severity of the offense
-Post-season tournaments will begin the week after the regular season, and will be on set dates. If you qualify for a postseason game but fail to attend it, tough luck.
-Have fun :)

Division 1
Superbad, Nevino, Theodin, Killershark, Shadow, NickCole and Russianfury
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Division 6

*SIGN*Upcoming Important Dates:
 -Season 1 start: Around June 5th
Player Applications!
Player name:
Steam name(with da link)
Referee Applications!
In game name:
Does AP0C know me? (Yes/No):
Does AP0C have me on steam?(Yes/No):
(Spoiler: If you have answered no to either of those questions, your application will probably be denied. Make sure that you have added me, AP0CALYPS3, on steam and made sure I know who you are before applying.)

-Credit to GlukTheWalrus for the threadworks. This thread is controlled by AP0C.

The Mess Hall / 2015 FSE Presidential Election
« on: May 23, 2015, 07:26:08 pm »
So what is this all about? Well it's basically a popularity contest, it truly means nothing at all and i'm only making this thread because i am bored a fuck right now, oh and for teh lolz.

Anyone can run, but must announce their candidacy on this thread.
May use whatever means of communication to obtain more votes (as long as you follow FSE rules).
Bribery is not only allowed, but encouraged.
You may run for a certain party or you can run as an independent (mostly for the lolz)

The winner of the election will be given the title of FSE President which of course means nothing and its only real purpose is for epeen boi.

Current Presidential Candidates

Weeb Party Candidate:

Meme Party Candidate:

The Kaasovic'sMemesSuck Party

Anti-Smug Cockhole Party
Colonel Howe

Freedom Party of 'Murica! (Freedom, Fuck Yeah!)

Put Weebs Heads on Pikes Party (bashing weebs since 2015) *funded by your friends at the Anti-weeb campaign fund

Tomorrowland Party

Losers Party (aka, independent)

Candidates for some other shit

The Unseelie Court

Candidates have until 11:59 pm EST on May 25th to announce their candidacy. The election will be from May 26th until 11:59 EST on May 27th.

The Mess Hall / Serious Question to Karth. What is Love?
« on: May 07, 2015, 05:45:44 am »
Karth, what is love?

Baby dont hurt me
dont hurt me
no more

Twitch :
Steam Group :

Twitch Napoleonic Wars Fantasy League is a game in which players compete against each other by managing groups of real players in TNWL. This league will happen in accordance to the TNWL finals. It will be a bracket style tournament, if you're team loses a match, you're out of the competition. Each Regiment in the TNWL finals will present 6-12 players who they deem "The Best" of their regiment (still working out the details of this). Each team will pick their players in a draft. The draft order will be determined by some sort of game (will be determined at a later date).

Fantasy League Staff:
Commissioner: Gluk The Walrus
Vice-Commissioner: Nappy Surena.
Feel free to contact us about league information or if you have questions about the league

(These rules will be constantly updated before the league starts so bare that in mind)
1. An In-Game player can not be on more than one fantasy team. 1 player per team per league.
2. Points will be as such: 1 pt for a kill, -2 pts for a teamkill
3. Point value's double if a player is the last man alive on his team. (IE: 2 pts for a kill)
4. Trades are allowed but must be approved by the commissioner or the vice-commissioner and a post must be made on the thread to inform all of the trade.
5. Limit of 8 teams per fantasy league, we may start more leagues if enough people are interested.
6. There can not be a tie, if a tie occurs then there must be some sort of tie breaker (will be determined later).
7. Matches will be determined by the collective total of points for your team's line up for a given TNWL round.
8. Every week, teams will pick a line up of players from their team. Line ups can only have 4 players. (Rest on the bench)
9. Line ups can only be changed once a week. If you don't change your line up from the previous week, the line up will remain the same.
10. In-Game players can only be on your team by the original draft or by a trade.
11. Fantasy Team players are not allowed to be on the draft.
12. You can not trade with eliminated teams.
13. Collusion is banned. (IE: Teams working together in order to advance further in the league.)

Team Name:
Team Captain(steam link):
Other Team Participant(s)(leave blank if none):
Do you understand the rules of this league?:
Will your team follow the rules of this league?:

NOTE: The participants on your team are not the players that actually compete and give points to your team. They are meant to only be people who are interested in helping pick line ups and make decisions for your team.

1st Foot Guards
Captain: Nappy Surena
Gluk's Walrus Pack
Captain: GlukTheWalrus
Vice-Captain: Meltzer
58e Ligne
Captain: Lawbringer
Lovely Bunch of Coconuts
Captain: Coconut
Captain: NickCole
Participant: Kupkake
Participant: Sean
79th Highlanders
Captain: Modernassassin
Päpstliche Schweizergard
Captain: Windflower
The 4e's Young Bood Negas
Captain: Chantakey

Example League:

Round 1
Team 1 vs Team 5
Team 2 vs Team 6
Team 3 vs Team 7
Team 4 vs Team 8

Regiment 1 vs Regiment 2
Regiment 3 vs Regiment 4
Regiment 5 vs Regiment 6
Regiment 7 vs Regiment 8

Line Ups:
Team 1 Line Up:
1 Player from Regiment 1
1 Player from Regiment 4
1 Player from Regiment 5
1 Player from regiment 8
Team 2 Line Up:
1 Player from Regiment 2
1 Player from Regiment 3
1 Player from Regiment 5
1 Player from regiment 7
Team 3 Line Up:
1 Player from Regiment 1
1 Player from Regiment 3
1 Player from Regiment 6
1 Player from regiment 8
Team 4 Line Up:
1 Player from Regiment 2
1 Player from Regiment 5
1 Player from Regiment 6
1 Player from regiment 7
Team 5 Line Up:
1 Player from Regiment 1
1 Player from Regiment 3
1 Player from Regiment 5
1 Player from regiment 8
Team 6 Line Up:
1 Player from Regiment 1
1 Player from Regiment 4
1 Player from Regiment 5
1 Player from regiment 8
Team 7 Line Up:
1 Player from Regiment 1
1 Player from Regiment 3
1 Player from Regiment 5
1 Player from regiment 8
Team 8 Line Up:
1 Player from Regiment 2
1 Player from Regiment 3
1 Player from Regiment 6
1 Player from regiment 7

(Determined by the collective points from each Team's players)
Team 1: 10
Team 2: 12
Team 3: 11
Team 4: 14
Team 5: 8
Team 6: 10
Team 7: 16
Team 8: 15

Team 1 vs Team 5: Team 1 Wins! Team 5 is Eliminated.
Team 2 vs Team 6: Team 2 Wins! Team 6 is Eliminated.
Team 3 vs Team 7: Team 7 Wins! Team 3 is Eliminated.
Team 4 vs Team 8: Team 8 Wins! Team 4 is Eliminated.






*Keep in mind that the pre-draft is just a list of players that MIGHT be on the draft. This is only to be used to begin formulating your strategy. It is not to be used as a basis of your entire strategy. Players on the pre-draft may not be included in the final draft. Players that were not on the pre-draft could potentially be on the final draft.

NOTE: This thread is a Work in Progress and is not finished. The thread will be constantly updated even when the game starts.

Servers / Boycott of the 15th Humans vs Bots [VICTORY!]
« on: March 24, 2015, 07:17:18 am »
First i would just like to point out that this thread is not about hating on the 15th or any one person in particular. This is simply a constructive criticism of the server as well as a public response to the problem. On this thread, we intend to follow the forum rules exactly and know that this is not a rant against the 15th. If i find that this thread does not abide to forum policy due to my misunderstanding of my own interpretation of the rules, then i will edit or lock the thread. I ask that everyone who posts on this thread also follow the forum rules.

From the forum rules:
Please do not rant and rave
Please do not create a hate filled thread or post that serves only to stir up popular sentiments against a user, policy or product  in a pitchfork and torch fashion. If possible please keep all criticism constructive and non-abusive to enable everyone to focus on the problem rather than the hatred it has generated. Thank you! 

So first off, if you have never been to the 15th Humans vs Bots, here are a couple things about it. Currently it is the most popular Humans vs Bots server on NW, the alternatives are limited. Humans vs Bots is where the humans face off in a siege type battle against a horde of AI bots, it can create a rather enjoyable experience. Often the 15th HvB will have 100+ players on their server regularly.

So you might be asking yourself, "Well what's the problem then?"

The problem is that as i said, the alternatives are limited. Several HvB servers have been tried and failed and none can match the 15th HvB. This would be fine and dandy had it not been for one major problem. The 15th have a problem with banning their players.

"Why should i listen to you? Weren't you banned?"

Yes, i was banned. But also know that my credentials should be irrelevant as this is a public response, not a personal one and will be edited accordingly based on public input. I may have at times broken rules in the past on a few servers and know that i apologize for that.

"What is so bad about the server?"

Well to be honest, most of the time the server is a fun and enjoyable experience. The primary issue with the server is their current banning policy which is "UNBANS WILL NOT BE GRANTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES" as they say on their thread. So if you mess up and get perm banned, there is no going back to this server, ever. It does not matter how sorry you are or how much you have changed since then or how long it has been since you were given the ban. You are never getting back on that server, ever again unless you buy a new CD key which costs money which not everyone has.

"Well, what do you want to change?"

I want 1 of 2 things to happen, preferably both.
1. 15th HvB changes their banning policy to allow unban requests
2. More HvB servers become more populated so that they would be as enjoyable as 15th HvB
The goal of this thread is to enlighten people of the 15th HvB server from the perspective of an average player. It is then to find alternatives to the 15th Humans vs Bots server to create a more enjoyable experience for everyone. Obviously the 15th have no obligation to follow this thread and it becomes their decision on how they wish to respond. Maybe the 15th will never change their policy, that is fine by me but there should at least be an alternative that is just as enjoyable.

Thank you,

Update 1:
Everyone check out 30th Humans vs Bots :D Cool guys, much respect

Update 2:
First poll result, out of 99 votes, 84 voters want something different.

Should the 15th HvB change their banning policy?
46 (46.5%)Yes
15 (15.2%)No
38 (38.4%)We should play on another server instead

Update 3:
Check out the new server, Human vs. Bots Rebirth!

Update 4:
Second poll result!

Will you pledge to stop playing on 15th Humans vs Bots until they change their banning policy?
76 (55.9%)Yes
27 (19.9%)No
33 (24.3%)We should play on another server instead

Update 5:
Rebirth has passed 15thHvB HURRAH!

Regiments / La Garde Impériale - "Les Immortels" [NA/EU][WIP]
« on: February 07, 2015, 10:27:00 pm »

General Information


The Garde Impériale is a french army based around the core principles of dedication, discipline and valor. It is compromised of three core regiments which are the 1er Btln. de Marins de la Garde Impériale, 1er Regiment de Grenadiers a Peid de la Garde Impériale, and the 84e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne "Un Contre Dix". All of these regiments are professional, well established regiments who attend league and are competitive at heart.

The purpose of establishing this army is to ensure that professional regiments have a home to thrive in and community of like-minded individuals to play with. As such, the army focuses on teamwork and a strict chain of command to ensure swift victory in battle. However, politically the army is fully democratic with a national assembly consisting of three representatives from each participating full member regiment voting on every issue and law.


No Napoleonic unit marched into battle with more confidence and promise of military glory than the Imperial Guard. They embodied the physical strength and bravery that characterized anciet warriors. Chandler writes that the Imperial Guard was "one of the most celebrated military formations in history" (Chandler - "Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars" p 205 publ. 1993)

The Guard drew extra pay and allowances, they got better housing and enjoyed the highest prestige. Discipline was high, it was forbidden to brawl at the canteens or get drunk. The history of Napoleon's Guard is short but very colorful.

"The Guard's origin was double. One ancestor was the guard of the National Convention. That was rough duty: 'Deputations' from various disorderly sections of Paris had the habit of swarming in, brandishing their sundry blunt and edged weapons, to acquaint the Convention with their conflicting versions of the people's voice. Anyone choosing to stand in the way of such intrusions ... might suddenly find his head ornamenting the point of a partiot's pike. ( The resultant atrition on the 'grenadier-gendarmes' who had that duty prompted the Convention to augment them with selected infantrymen and artillerymen and to form the whole into a seven company guard. Between the Paris mobs and the Paris politicians, those veterans found themselves in bad company. Though repeatedly purged, reorganized, and renamed, this Gardes du Corps Legislatif remained unruly and sullenly contemptous of its civilian masters.


Full Members

1er Régiment de Grenadiers-à-Pied de la Garde Impériale [NA]


The Old Guard was the elite of the elite, the creme de la creme of Napoleon's infantry. You cannot exaggerate about them. They were convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth- and the amusing thing about it is that they were. If the men of the Old Guard had the chance to fight the enemy today in a pub, they would take them to the cleaners then drive them back in a school bus sobbing like the muppets. The Emperor was proud of their reputation, appearance, and always gave them a prominent place in his great exhibitions at Paris. They occupied the barracks of the Cent-Suisse, nearest the Emperor. Over the door was carved: "The Home of the Brave". One of the commanders of the Old Guard was General Gros. Napoleon had a very particular regard for him. “Gros, he said, lives in gunpowder like fish in water: it is his element.... He is a finished trooper.” Gros was masculine, very brave but poorly educated, the way in which he expressed himself belonged only to him. With their wounds, tattoos, and golden earrings, the fearsome legionnaires inspired awe. Napoleon selected his guardsmen carefully and the requirements were not easy to meet for the candidates. In 1806 only one man from each infantry battalion was admitted to the Old Guard.

We try to keep up the standards of the Old Guard, therefore each member must be trained hard! Discipline is vital! If you do not obey, you're out! Fooling around on training, or trolling will be punished hard! That does not mean we are a bunch of hardcore gamers, we are very friendly, and consist of a nice group of people and a healthy community.

Forum Post:

84e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [NA]


84e is one of the most prestigious and long-standing regiments in the community, not many are able to boast the longevity and existential stability of the 84e and as such the first thing 84e can offer is a prolonged and reliable place in a respected and tightly-knit community.
84e is primarily a melee focussed regiment and reflects this in its training and battlefield tactics, but not in its selection processes! No one is ever refused admission for inadequate skills, nor kicked from the regiment for lack of progress; all that 84e asks is activity and maturity, with emphasis placed on a fun and communal experience for all involved. We have some of the best and most experienced players in the game who strive to pass on their knowledge to new recruits, who soon themselves become seasoned veterans with unquenchable bloodlusts, and it is this perpetual skill base and not an elitist recruitment policy that has allowed 84e to remain as one of the premier regiments since its founding.

Historically, the 84th Line, created in 1684 was known by the Battle of Graz .On 25 and 26 June 1809, two battalions of the 84th defended a church cemetery for many hours against thousands of Austrian soldiers. In the end, the regiment broke through and escaped their enemies. In honor of the regiment's outstanding bravery on this occasion, the 84th was allowed to add the words UN CONTRE DIX (One Against Ten) on their colors.
Here are a few details about this combat.

Two battalions of the 84th Line with 2 guns entered the town of Graz, seized the stable and cleared the streets, and took 450 prisoners. The Austrians held only the church and cemetery. Fierce musketry halted the 84e, but at midnight the French scaled the cemetery's walls and took the defenders by surprise. Approximately 120 Austrians surrendered. The French realized that there were more Austrians in the neighbourhood, and the 84th considered a withdrawal only to find that the whitecoats had surrounded them. The 84e put all prisoners into the church, and took cover behind cemetery wall. Although most of the Austrian forces were militia, they outnumbered the French by 10 to 1, the only first rate unit was the Simbish Infantry Regiment. In the morning the whitecoats attacked the cemetery several times. In one attack they penetrated the church to liberate their comrades, in another attack they dragged off one cannon before the French counterattacked and retook it. In one of the last attacks the whitecoats scaled the wall and captured one of 84th's eagles, but Sergeant Legouge single-handedly entered the fight to save the eagle. Running out of ammunition the French decided to use bayonets and cut their way to safety, and they escaped and met up with a relieving troops sent by Marshal Marmont.
For the loss of three officers and 31 men killed, 12 officers and 192 men wounded, and 40 captured, they inflicted an estimated 500 casualties on the Austrians.

Forum Post:

58eme Régiment d'Infantrie de Ligne [NA]


The 58eme Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne is a serious regiment formed from the ashes of the notorious Nr37, a highly competitive and carefree regiment lead by a dear friend Waste. The 58e strives to reach total mastery of melee and shooting in order to reach the name the Nr37 has carved into the community, however doing so in a more serious manner. The 58e has roots from the 3eVolt, 58th, and Nr37 to form a powerful group of meleers and NW veterans. The 58e fights for the La Garde Imperiale army, and prides itself in bring the "Fist of the Garde" the most powerful and competitive regiment.
The regiment focuses mainly on competitive One Versus One line-battles and events with the army. We do not publicly recruit and only admit new members by association to existing members in order to ensure a friendly environment with loyal members.

Forum Post:

4e Régiment de Hussards [NA]


It was created as the hussards Colonel Général on 31 July 1783 for the Duke of Chartres, by taking one squadron from each of the Bercheny, Chamborant, Conflans and Esterhazy regiments of hussars. On 30 May 1788 it was reinforced by a contingent of soldiers taken from the régiment de Quercy, régiment de Septimanie, régiment de Nassau, régiment de La Marck, régiment de Franche-Comté and régiment des Évéchés, all then cavalry units.

The hussars played a prominent role as cavalry in the Napoleonic Wars (1796–1815). As light cavalrymen mounted on fast horses, they would be used to fight skirmish battles and for scouting. Most of the great European powers raised hussar regiments. The armies of France, Austria, Prussia, and Russia had included hussar regiments since the mid-18th century. In the case of Britain four light dragoon regiments were converted to hussars in 1806–1807.

Hussars were notoriously impetuous, and Napoleon was quoted as stating that he would be surprised for a hussar to live beyond the age of 30 due to their tendency to become reckless in battle, exposing their weaknesses in frontal assaults. The hussars of Napoleon created the tradition of sabrage, the opening of a champagne bottle with a sabre. Moustaches were universally worn by Napoleonic period hussars, the British hussars were the only moustachioed troops in the British Army—leading to their being taunted as being "foreigners" at times. French hussars also wore cadenettes, braids of hair hanging either side of the face, until the practice was officially proscribed when shorter hair became universal.

The uniform of the Napoleonic hussars included the pelisse: a short fur edged jacket which was often worn slung over one shoulder in the style of a cape, and was fastened with a cord. This garment was extensively adorned with braiding (often gold or silver for officers) and several rows of multiple buttons. Under it was worn the dolman or tunic which was also decorated in braid.

Forum Post:

Voltigeurs Canadiens de la Jeune Garde [NA]

Forum Post:

34e Régiment d'Infantrie de Ligne

3ème Voltigeurs de la Garde Imperiale


The Garde Impériale is open to inviting other regiments to join our ranks. This must be ratified by our national assembly. Some basic guidelines of what we require to consider a full member regiment include:
  • Must be a serious, professional and dedicated regiment
  • Must be atleast 3 months old.
  • Must be active and attending events
  • Must have french allegiance

A regiment can also be admitted as an observer regiment (no voting powers) due to not enough attendance or young age, and will be upgraded to full membership at a later date.

Contact and General Staff

Lieutenant, 1er Grenadiers
Elected Feb. 6th 2015

Colonel, 84e Ligne
Elected Feb. 6th 2015

Colonel, 4e Hussards
Elected Feb. 6th 2015

Ryan Jenkins
Elected Feb. 6th 2015

Army Teamspeak:

Events: NA / La Garde Impériale - Saturday Line Battle Event [CLOSED]
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:05:16 am »

The Garde Impériale are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a line battle event every Saturday starting February the 7th of the year 2015.


•Event Will be played in battle mode entirely.
•The event will begin at 8:00pm EST and all regiments are expected to be present 15 minutes early for team assignments and balancing.
•Sign-in is held at 7:30pm EST on the GI teamspeak only.
•The event will be hosted on our server.
•There will be 2-3 maps with 2-3 rounds and a 40 minute time limit to each map
•Event time will be around 1 h to 1h 30mins
•Classes will be decided the day of the event during check-in.

Event Rules

General Rules
-No FOC.
-No ramboing.
-No trolling.
-Minimum of 8 members attendance per regiment (no exceptions).

Infantry Rules
-Minimum of three members to be considered a line.
-Half man spacing
-Must be in a straight line to fire, can move in any formation
-No crouching and firing at the same time, can crouch in double column.

Cavalry Rules
-Maximum of 16
-No dragoons
-Must move in tight formation
-If you are 3 or less members, you must dismount

Artillery Rules
-Max of 3 guns (may be set to 2 depending on attendance)
-Max of 10 gun-crew (excludes artillery guard)
-Each gun must have its own officer, loader and gunner.
-May have one sapper (sapper counts as gun-crew)

Light Infantry
-May not go rifles/skirmisher, light infantry must be bayonet equipped light units(eg. chasseurs, light infantry, etc)
-3 man spacing
-Must move in formation (column, attack column, ranks, etc)

Attending Regiments:

-1erGren (20-25)
-84e Regiment d'Infantrie de Ligne (15-25)
-58eme Régiment d'Infantrie de Ligne (10-15)
-4e Régiment de Hussards (10-15)
-63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne (Cavalry) (10-15)
-1er Régiment des Chevaux-Légers Polonais de la Garde Impériale (Cavalry) (8 - 15)
-Voltigeurs Canadiens de la Jeune Garde (8-12)
-104th Regiment of Foot (15-20)
-30th Regiment of Foot (20)
-38e~Regiment d'infanterie Suisse (10-15)
-64th (2nd Staffordshire) Regiment of Foot (6-15)
-Carabiniers de Monsieurs (8-15)
-1st Foot Guards (8-15)
-5th Line Battalion, King's German Legion(10)

Estimated Attendance: 158-200

Event Signup Form

Regiment Name:
Regiment leader(s) steam:
Forum Post URL:
Regiment expected attendance:
Did you read all the rules and agree to them?:

GI Teamspeak:
Server: Garde_Imperiale_Battle

Contact Info:
My Steam: (Friends List May be Full)
Steam Group:

Gluk The Walrus
Father Damien

Gluk The Walrus
Lieutenant, 1er Grenadiers
Empereur, La Garde Impériale

General Discussion / Napoleonic Wars: The Story [WIP]
« on: January 22, 2015, 09:03:01 am »
In the beginning there was nothing. The year was 2010, nothing in the world mattered. But then, one day everything changed. The glorious FSE gods created a world, they called this world "Mount and Musket." They created everything, the sky, the ground, and even the poorly animated people to live in that world. It was a chivalrous time, people would slay each other in combat and they would simply respawn. These were simpler times, before napoleonic wars, before the plague of autism corrupted our beautiful world.

*dramatic music plays*

I give you the Napoleonic Wars: The Story!

*side note, im just doing this for fun cuz im bored. Ill add to the story whenever i get bored.


We have begun taking applications!
Keep in mind that you do not have to have a full team to apply but you do need a team of at least 3 players the day before the event starts. The team captain is allowed to swap players in and out before the event as well as long as they notify the event hosters.

When: February 8th 6PM EST

Where: Garde_Imperiale_Battle_Server

TeamSpeak IP: (may change)


- No shooting-
- Line infantry are the only unit classes allowed-
- No Jump stabbing or fisting-
- Bayonets are the only weapons allowed-
- 3v3 Duels are single elimination, if your team loses you're out -
- Rounds will be first to 5 rounds won, Once in the Semi finals and Finals it will become first to 7 rounds won-
- Be gracious in Victory and defeat, if you wish to question an admins decision then please do so through steam-
- If you arent present when your turn is called, you will be disqualified. -
- Keep team names mature and civil, but be creative :D -

If you don't understand a rule or need clarification, please ask either me or an admin before the event day


Keep in mind with this application. Applying means that you can and will be able to show up.

Copy and paste this

Team Name(Be Creative):
Team Captain (Steam Profile Link):
Team Members (3 starting, 2 subs):
Do you agree with the rules?:
Will you be able to attend on the specified date?:

If you wish to be an admin instead of a participant *admins will not be allowed to participate

Copy and paste this

Admin Application
Steam Name:
In-game Name:
Do You Agree To The Event Rules?:
Do You Have Any Experience With Administrating?:
Will You Be Able To Attend The Specified Date?:
Can Anyone Vouch For You?:



Note: If your team isnt on here after 24 hours of being accepted, please let me or one of the admins know. Also the team you are facing on the bracket may not be the team you face in the tournament

Previous Tournaments:


Head Admin:

[58e] Nekobringer
Commander Bondage

*Important Note: We need more admins for this event.



The Sky Warriors
Captain: NicePooba
Player: General5Star
Player: Aratrex
Sub: BlackBart(Flo Mega)
Sub: *Undecided*

The Extra Chromosomes
Captain: GlitterFairyLilo
Player: Disgruntled Persian
Player: ZeMoosyKatze
Sub: Ruffledport
Sub: *Undecided*

Green Bay Packers
Captain: Professor
Player: Gavoon
Player: Brett
Sub: Macky
Sub: Beech
*Important Note: We plan on choking in the Semi's*

ez shots Guise / esG
Captain: Krastinov
Player: Crumpets
Player: Eazy E
Sub: Duuze
Sub: Curtis Shuttler

Bydand For Doris
Captain: Catbutts(Robert Campbell)
Player: Orcaryo(James MacFarlane)
Player: Audiate(James Henderson)
Sub: *Undecided*
Sub: *Undecided*
*aka, that weird Scottish team*

Captain: Cheesypants
Player: Blade
Player: Skinny
Sub: Achilles
Sub: Tacoman

54th old is the new?
Captain: [54th]DrByeBYe
Player: [54th]Becker
Player: [54th]Mitchygitchy
Sub: [54th]Vinago
Sub: [54th]Decimos

The Seadderal Deflatriots (Plus a Canadian)
Captain: Shine
Player: Fireboy
Player: Theodin
Sub: Blackfysh
Sub: Steven

Dj and The Funky Bunch
Captain: Dj OverJoy
Player: Alexander
Player: Klasse
Sub: Ragnar
Sub: Hobo

Jumping Amazing Super Optimistic Noodle Squad
Captain: MangWang
Player: Kovy
Player: PolarBear
Sub: *Undecided*
Sub: *Undecided*

Ionioi Hetairoi (Army of the King)
Captain: Windflower
Player: KnightofStJohn
Player: Chev
Sub: *Undecided*
Sub: *Undecided*

The Razzle Dazzlers of Fantazzmagazzles
Captain: Chantakey
Player: Volkwin
Player: Honeybear
Sub: Wolf
Sub: Pag

The Cadets of The OG Nr92
Captain: North
Player: Cadet_Caribou
Player: [1tes]Deadeye
Sub: Bird

The Weast Machines
Captain: NickCole
Player: Ser_Wall
Player: PopeSean
Sub: Hedge
Sub: Justin

Captain: Pinkerton
Player: AsianP
Player: Colonys22
Sub: R093R
Sub: Ritz407

Total: 15

Note: If your team isnt on here after 24 hours of being accepted, please let me or one of the admins know.
Season 2 1v1 TournamentWinners

Additional Information
We are only accepting 16 Teams. This thread is constantly being updated so a rule that is listed today may not be the same tomorrow. Don't worry though, all the rules will be stated at the event. Please make sure that you are in our TeamSpeak, 15-30 minutes BEFORE the event. You are not required to be quiet in TeamSpeak while the tournament is going on, those who wish to have quiet may mute their sound. If your team is eliminated from the tournament you do not have to stay in our TeamSpeak but you can if you like.

My Steam:
Steam Group:
Season 1:

"It's not about winning, it's about fun." - Spongebob Squarepants

General Discussion / Gluk's Personal Regimental Tier List
« on: January 18, 2015, 11:46:52 am »
Due to Marceaux leaving the NW community, i decided i would make another regimental tier list. Entirely my own opinion, based on marceaux's list, 1v1 records and NANWL. Unlike marceaux's list, this will be judging competition as well as proffesionalism.

S Class Ranked Regiments
1st - 63e
2nd - 71st

A Class Ranked Regiments
1st - Nr. 37
2nd - 5th
3rd - 18th

B Class Ranked Regiments
1st - 33e
2nd - 1tes
3rd - USMC
4th - 87th
5th - 84e
6th - 30th
7th - PSG
8th - 1erGren
9th - 27th
10th - 54th
11th - 1erMarins

C Class Ranked Regiments
1st - 8th
2nd - 3DM
3rd - 53e
4th - 1stEPI
5th - 19te
6th - KPR

D Class Ranked Regiments
1st - VC
2nd - 25e
3rd - 80th
4th - 57e
5th - 00th
6th - 2abH
7th - 18thArty

So today is my second in command's birthday, to celebrate we are hosting a special linebattle just for him! Bear Force 2 is a star wars mod based in Early Star Wars (movies 1-3) between the Republic and the Separatists. Click Here to download Bear Force 2

1. Line and Skirm rules only, 5 man spacing max, shooting past this is considered Firing out of Line and you will be slayed. Firing on Charge is allowed
2. Officers are allowed to go Jedi Class and NO ONE ELSE. There is a limit on only 2 Arc troops or 2 Magna Guard per regiment.
3. No Jet Packs, no Jedi Teleportation.
4. Be respectable, no swears or slurs in chat and no offensive nature.
5. Regiment size must be atleast 4 players.
*More Rules may be added*

Regiments smaller than 4 or people who just want to come for the fun of it are allowed to merc. If you would like to merc for us go to this TeamSpeak3 address

Fun names are allowed but you must have some sort of tag to let us know who you are with.

Application Guidelines:
Regiment Name:
Leader Steam Link:
What is your estimated attendance?:
Which Faction would you prefer to be?:
Did you read all the rules and are you willing to abide by them?:

Gluk The Walrus
Jedi Day

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