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Topics - AP0CALYPS3

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Technical Support / How do you go about changing your name?
« on: June 13, 2015, 12:06:26 pm »
I did read through an earlier thread by [28th] Stark and I too would like a name change. How would I go about doing so? (I did see the post about PMing mods, but I don't even know who they are or how to get a hold of them.)

So basically, this is my idea for the 3rd NW Duel League. Itll be a helluva lot different, and function a helluva alot different, and I think itll be a helluva lot better.

Heres the google doc because I typed it up there and I am too lazy to type it up/paste it here.

(WARNING: I drafted it up when I was really tired. Prepare yourself for typos/errors ye frikin grammar nazis.)

If it is popular enough, I will post the official thread for the tournament and open signups in the next few days.

Now im going to bed. Please post what you think.

Other Games / Any other SMITE playing regiments out dere?
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:20:50 am »
I'm rly bored.  Someone 5v5 us in Smite.

Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / disregard
« on: March 22, 2015, 08:21:11 am »

So I was looking at all these various leagues in the NW community (cool stuff  8)) and I was thinking that there should be some form of invitational tournament or cup type things. Looking at European Football (Soccer) they have several things like that, such as the Champions League and random competition that occur kind of parallel to the various leagues, with invitations being given out due to teams performance in certain competitions. So I was thinking having some kind of proposing something of the sort and seeing what you guys thought:

1. My first idea I thought was to have a single-match invitational thing similar to the FA Community Shield where the winner of the NWL would take on the winner of the TNWL in maybe a best-of-3 series of first to 10 games over the course of a week or so.

2. My second idea was a FA Cup style knockout tournament, where any number of regiments can sign up with maybe the bigger boys of the community not getting in on the action til the later rounds to allow the smaller regiments to get some tournament experience and advance abit. Of course, drawbacks would be organizing that thing and setting up how it all works, which I am not gonna bother myself with x.x

3. My third idea was another knockout tournament, but being alot simpler than my previous idea. I was thinking more of just a straight up invitational tournament with invitations being given to regiments based on their performance in their respective leagues (kinda like the champions league). Ex: Invitations go out to the 1-3 Place of the TNWL, 1-3 place of League 1 of the NWL (if a regiment in 1-3 place of NWL already qualified, qualification would trickle down the list until it got to someone without an invitation), 1-2 place of Semi-Pro TNWL, 1-2 place of League 2 of NWL.

I know theres alot of leagues going on right now, but the way I am designing this is so itd happen "post-season", so after they all finish. Also I think a tournament like this should be kind of important is competitive NW is to survive as there needs to be something really centralizing the competitive scene without merging/removing leagues (The more competitions, the better you ask me). Tell me what y'all think!

General Discussion / Regimental Tier List
« on: March 17, 2015, 06:27:52 am »
So I decided to do this since it's apparently the cool thing to do.




1. Every other regiment

My list is backed by stats, pls no hate.

General Discussion / Introduction to advanced melee
« on: January 17, 2013, 07:04:57 am »
So, I am dead on US_1, and the respawn time is ridiculous so I decided, WHY NOT TALK ABOUT MELEE ON THE FORUMS?! Except...What am I gonna talk about?
Well, I am gonna talk about pretty much everything besides blocking in melee!

OK lets get to the most basic trick, Feinting
Now feinting is the pub-stomping gift from the gods, it will get your bayonet into that mediocre blockers body in no time. All ya gotta do is right click to cancel your attack then left click to get it up again. This will allow you to change your directions REALLY fast if done right. This will allow you to kill most low level- medium level blockers. HOWEVER, like all things, feinting is best done in moderation, which brings me to the counter of feinting. You are always gonna encounter that one guy who doesn't know the meaning of the word moderation, hes gonna be spammin all over the place. At first you are gonna be like "Gee golly, he sure likes feinting, and I dont know how to stop him!" then, you are gonna realize that you are not playing Final Fantasy and you can attack out of turn. Feinting has a key flaw- it slows down the initial attack. This opens the gate way for the quick minded person to sneak an attack in while he is feinting, and if he is feinting non-stop, you dont even have to guess when his next feint is gonna be.

Now, the next trick, Chambers
One day, you are gonna be having a swell time on US_1 or EU_1 or wherever you play, and you are gonna be approaching ye old n00b when suddenly, the unexpected happened! He somehow blocked your attack without even blocking at all! This is called a chamber, where you just simply block an attack, with an attack. Given a little luck, people can pull of a chamber unintentionally, all they have to do is happen to attack in the same direction as you at the right time. However if you do not wanna rely on luck alone, learning to chamber can be quite simple. All you have to do is attack the same direction as your opponent right as he finishes readying his attack (this can vary for the down and the up stab), and boom, you blocked his attack and your attack is on its way towards his now unguarded body (chambers have a stun effect on them making them really difficult to block). Just how do you block the perfect weapon that is the chamber? You cant feint around it unless he decides to pull his chamber back, because the chamber would get to you before you finished the feint in the form of a regular attack, so just how do you counter it? Simple, you screw up the timing. In chambering, timing is everything, so if you want to throw off a chamber, you simply hold your attack back abit, then let go once you see him trying for the chamber. However, if this does not seem to work for you,  there is always the option to chamber his chamber (Yeah, its possible, and really really fun).

Now lets get to the last trick and probably the trickiest for most, Kicking
More often than not, your E key has sat there lonely next to your overused WASD keys for a very long time, because whenever you have tried kicking, it has been in a fist fight. However, what if I told you, that you can kick someone using a weapon while yourself is using a weapon? This is where we come to the main use of kicking- to stun the other guy so he cant react. Lets say that you find that one guy with 21932132391 tournament wins and hes the best NA, EU, AUS, Asia, Venus, Mars or wherever he is, and he blocks every single goddang attack you throw at him from chambers to feints to anything, this is where the kicks come in. A kick can stun (and slightly damage) an enemy close to you and leave him wide open for a freebie attack to the face (often resulting in a one way ticket to visit Napoleon way down there). You are probably thinking this is the best possible thing ever because you can now beat those brick-wall-of-a-blocker people that you couldnt before. You would be wrong. Kicking is probably the most dangerous thing to do besides chambering because it does two things; 1. It leaves you open to down stabs (you cannot downblock while kicking) and 2. You cannot move for a brief second or so (this is especially dangerous in groupfighting situations). Kicking takes ALOT of practice, even more so than chambering, and you are probably going to need to try out kicking some low skilled players before you move on to kicking the more experienced BA fighters that you may find in tournaments and so on.

Forgot to add this earlier, so because someone asked (and I am bored again) I am gonna add Holding and Spinning!

So lets get to Holding
Eventually you are gonna encounter some people who do not even use their right mouse button and prefer to just chamber the living !@#$ out of you. How are you gonna get an attack past his addiction to chambering? Again, screw up the timing. People may say that chambering is just blocking with the left mouse button, but thats a lie, because the difference between the two is that blocks are able to block an attack past one millisecond. So, all you gotta do is make sure they miss that timing. You can do this with a hold. Just simply hold down your left mouse button until they try the chamber, then stab them in the face when they do. However, holding is not exclusive to people who chamber. You may encounter a speedy guy who fights like lightning. Usually, these people find the pace of the battle and tune themselves to it, to make it easier to know when to focus on attacking/defending. You can get rid of these guys with the ultimate pace changing weapon, the hold. All you gotta do is make sure that you dont get hit while holding, because this brings me to my next thing, the counter to holding. Just like feinting, holding slows down your attack, and can sometimes lose your chance to attack. Also, if the person can opt to ignore to defend a hold if he sees it coming and just go with a down attack (up attacks are way too slow to catch someone holding off guard) and quickly turn your choice to hold against you

GROUPFIGHTING TIME! Lets get to Spinning
Sometimes, you may find yourself fighting more than one guy, or a guy may get behind you and thinks you dont see him, for this, you use the spin. The spin is simple, just turn around while attacking super fast to try and turn the hunter (the guy behind you) into the prey. The best way to pull off a successful spin is to try and convince the enemy that you want to spin on that you do not see him. The best way to do this is to either use the - key (if in combat) to get a better view of everything near you or the ~ key (if not in combat) to take a quick look around you. Once you do this, there are three ways to pull off a good spin move; 1. Do not hold your attack, make a sudden turn while attacking and try to aim for the end of the attack to be in the guys face 2. Act like you  are approaching a melee fight trying to aid an ally, prepare your attack, then quickly turn around on your opponent while he goes for an easy kill 3. Act like you are making the mistake of holding your attack, then quickly feint as you turn around (Not usually the best way to do it). ALWAYS SPIN ON THE GUY WHO DOESNT EXPECT IT! It is by far the easiest way to get kills if you spin on the guy who does not expect it! Also, spinning is not only a good tool against infantry, it is the best thing to use against cavalry. Rule 1 of Cavalry: Never charge from the front (unless you are a highly skilled lancer). this means that Cavalry almost exclusively go for your rear, which makes acting like you do not see them excellent bait for all forms of melee cav. The cav will see you acting oblivious, and start trying to creep up on you (you can watch them using the ~ key, or if you are pro, just listen to the sound of their hooves) and when they are almost on you, getting ready for their usual easy kill, you suddenly turn around, stab the horse (killing the horse is usually your best bet, because killing the rider is tougher than killing the horse, and if you kill the horse, the rider will be left without a getaway ride and will be momentarily defenseless on the ground) then finish off the defenseless rider.


Feinting= Good vs. Low/Moderately skilled players
Drawback: Requires a little bit of time to do and can give up your attack.
Counter: Spam/double stab

Chambering= Good vs. All Players
Drawback: Its either you miss or you dont: if you hit the chamber, you have a high possibility to kill your opponent, if you dont, pray that you will survive.
Counter: Holds/counter-chambers

Kicks: Good vs. Better Players (Not usually worth the risk of taking down anyone but a good player that is a threat to you)
Drawback: Leaves you vulnerable for a brief second or so to downstabs or other enemies than the one you are kicking.
Counter: None really, however if you notice a guy kicking alot, you could spam down attacks, or try and keep your distance by going backwards or make the fight move sideways, not back and forth. Most of the time you are gonna have to rely on the kick missing, which they usually do unless you are hugging the man.

Holds: Good vs. Chamberholics/Speed-Demons
Drawback: Same as the chamber, you are open to spams and can possibly lose your chance to attack.
Counter: Spam/Kicks

Spinning: Good vs. Low-Medium Skilled players and Cavalry
Drawbacks: you leave your back open for a very short amount of time
Counter: Spam (People can keep going forward right into the middle of your spin, screw you up, and stab you instead of blocking)

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Unban Request- AP0CALYPS3 US_1
« on: January 14, 2013, 02:54:49 am »
I was log banned for some offensive language.
I was kinda careless and near alot of my friends, and its my bad.

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