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Topics - Millander

Pages: 1 2 3 4
Modifications / Question with a problem im having.
« on: November 18, 2013, 07:20:31 am »
Hello folk I have a dilemma. I am working on converting the 15e Legere to the 15e Voltgieurs de la Garde as they would have appeared in early 1814. I was working on the French_Shakos file and this happened. Do you know what might have caused this?

Community / A question to the EU community. What has become of the 51st?
« on: November 03, 2013, 08:04:51 am »
Its not often that I make threads here but I have a question that has been bothering me. To the EU community what happened to the 51st?

I remember them being considered the best regiment in the community then disbanded fairly early into NW. From what I had heard they went to Planetside and thats the last I have heard.
The other day I tried to get on their website but Google chrome stated it was an unsafe sight and would not let me proceed. Thats likely just an error with by browser but it furthered my interest.

 ~ Millander

Events: EU / 21e Saturday Classical Linebattle [8est]
« on: October 15, 2013, 06:03:29 am »

       Event Summary

21e Régiment d'infanterie de Ligne would like to present a new unique linebattle to the NA community. The Purpose of this event is to provide a simple classic linebattle experience. This is done through the use of only line infantry and flat medium sized maps. We hope to make the experience of this event fast paced and action packed rather than the drawn out ultra tactical gameplay of other events.

How Do I join this event?

We only accept units in which I believe are of the caliber of joining. We expect attending units to bring at least 15 people on average. Members and officers of the applying regiment must be completely capable of interacting with the other regiments in a mature manner and themselves must be respectful. Individual trolls will be dealt with by the administration. Officers of the regiment in which punished members are in will receive the blame.

To join submit the appication below in the reply box. I will get to you as soon as I can. as well as add [21e] Millander on steam when you submit so I may reach you easier.

Event Rules

  • Lines may have no spacing when in a line of battle.
  • In no circumstances including officers may a player fire his weapon in anger outside of an unbroken formation.
  • No team killing before or after a round is tolerated. Units will be punished after one warning.
  • Trolling in any form will be first be punished by the staff and followed by Regimental Staff.
  • No spamming that chat during or before game
  • Any movement around the map on the offence must be done in formation. Ramboers will be slayed. If a unit is decimated three or more survivors must make a line and will fight the same as any normal line. If under three men are present then the survivors must find a friendly line. they may not engage unless they themselves are engaged in this trip.



Attending Regiments
  • 21e Régiment d'infanterie de Ligne
  • 33e Régiment d'infanterie de Ligne
  • 44th (East Essex) Regiment of Foot "The Fighting Fours "
  • 12th (East Suffolk) Regiment of Foot
  • 3ème Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
  • 27th (Inniskilling) Regiment of Foot
  • 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
  • 47th (Lancashire) Regiment of Foot

Quote from: Expectations
Members and officers of the applying regiment must be completely capable of interacting with the other regiments in a mature
manner and themselves must be respectful. Individual trolls will be dealt with by the administration. Officers of the regiment in which punished members are
 in will receive the blame.

Quote from: Application
Regiment Name :

First and second in command's steam names :

Expected Attendance :

Do you fully understand the event rules and will take responsibility for any infractions :

Historical Reenactment / Reenactment Videos
« on: June 18, 2013, 11:54:25 am »
Share your favorite reenactment videos.

 Video of my first event

 150th Balls Bluff. Short but great acting

However this is definitely the best edited video.

Media / Single best screenshot of your unit
« on: June 04, 2013, 10:07:04 am »
post the best screenshot of your unit or previous ones you have lead.



Events: EU / 21e Saturday North American Siege Event [8est]
« on: June 02, 2013, 09:05:51 am »
21e Saturday North American Siege Event [8est]

Steam Group : (In progress)

The 21e has decided to provide the community with a quality siege event. This will be enforced by a trusted crew of 21e and non 21e admins using our server. We strive to only have skilled.mature and respectable units in this event. If you feel like your unit is like this feel free to apply.
Head Admin - [21e] Millander - Co Orginizer - [9y] Mack

Siege Maps (Provided by the 84e)
Fort Brochet
Siege of Toulon
Charge to the Rhine
Fort Friedrich
Citadelle Napoleon

About the Event
Regiment expectations
  • 1. Units must behave with dignity expected from a unit attending this event.
  • 2. Any actions of a member that violates our rules will have the unit's commander will be held responsible.
  • 3. Do NOT open the gate as defender! (inner gates can only be opened when the area around them is secure)
  • 4. Do not impede in anyways the defence/attack of the fort.
  • 5. Do NOT waste buildpoints as sapper. Only Use what is needed
  • 6. Do NOT spam Engineer stuff (plank walls)
  • 7. Do NOT hit your own walls as defender with explosives/cannons.
  • 8. Behave in a mature manner to other units. Trash talking wether it be on the same team or opposing will not be tolerated. Both parties will be held responsible.
  • 9. Comman sence is required. If somebody is doing something wrong that is not listed here they are still objected to punishment.

Gameplay Rules


    • Do NOT teamhit/teamkill, if it happens accidentally then apologies!!!
    • Do NOT counter teamkilling/hitting
    • Do NOT make insults, racist commentaries e.t.c
    • Light Infantry and Cavalry are not allowed. Normal Infantry may not go artillery.
    • Defenders may only sally out of the fort to use a piece of natural cover in a close proximity of the fort. If your unit is out fighting and you are in the fort you may not join them. all sallying must be done in formation. Ramboers will be subject to slays and repeating offences will have the unit commander be held responsible.
    • Each Defending regiment is allowed one sapper. This sapper may not directly make a breach impassible such as building plank walls etc. Dirt mounds in doorways is not tolerated.

    • Attacking Formations must advance as a unit. Straggling behind your line isnt allowed. If a player runs out by himself he is subject to a slay.
    • Attackers may not have sappers

    • Attackers may not use howitzers.
    • Attacking Artillery are restricted to half battery (2 guns)
    • Defending artillery may use whatever is available.

    We are looking for established respectable units in this event. If I see you were made the other day there is a chance that you might not be accepted. Be Warned.

    Regiment Name :
    Leaders Steam Name :
    Projected Attendance (minimum or 14) :
    Do you swear up have your unit follow the event rules? upon agreeing I recognize the admins judgment law and must abide by it at all times. (Yes/No) :

    As well as eternal Gratitude to the 84e for allowing us to use their maps and rules.

    Recruiting 16+ Mature Players

    This regiment fights for the
    Teamspeak :

    A Proud members of the IX Corps d'Armee

           Regimental Summary
    If you're looking for a mature, large and active Mount&Blade: Napoleonic Wars regiment and small community entirely based in North America region then the 21e de Ligne is for you!
    Our goal is to provide a fun and entertaining Napoleonic Wars Line-Battle experience that will appeal to seasoned players and newcomers alike. We strive to reach a level of maturity and skill reached by few in the NA community by providing a host of skilled and active players.

    We are a French Infantry regiment. Our goal as a regiment is to be a driving force in line battles. Our goal during linebattles is to smash opponents with thundering  musket volleys and skilled use of steel as well as providing a fun organized linebattle experience for all members.

    We strive to be a disciplined regiment. This of course will not get in the way of having fun but we will need to maintain a moderate silence amongst rankers during battles.
    A higher degree of discipline will lead to a more enjoyable training's which will lead to a increase in skill and performance in the field.

    If you have any questions about the regiment feel free to join our teamspeak,post a reply or add an officer on steam. We are happy to answer any questions if possible applicants.

    Weekly Events
    • Sunday - Linebattles 8est
    • Monday - Regimental Training 8est
    • Tuesday - [21e Hosted Event] Millanders Classical Tuesday Linebattle (Fire In Formation/Single Rank) 8est
    • Wednesday - Free
    • Thursday - [21e Hosted Event] Battalion Training and Drill 8est
    • Friday - Thundersnows Linebattle (Double Rank/Fire In formation) 9est
    • Saturday - [21e Hosted Event] Saturday Siege Event 8est

    If a member shows a high degree of loyalty and maturity as well as a understanding of regimental tactics you will be promoted to a NCO rank. From here you will gain responsibility for maintaining formation. Also upon being promoted to NCO rank you will begin to be further taught your role and regimental tactics in a more advanced format. If you continue to show that you posses leadership skills and are growing at a respectable rate you will be potentially given a higher NCO position and possibly an officer role.

    The Officer and non-commissioned staff are composed of the social elite of the regiment. The cream of the crop,the big guys, the bosses and the big cheese. Whatever they are called their job remains the same. They have the responsibilities of maintaining discipline, assisting administratively and in the field as well as being the Aide-de-camp to the Kapitian. They are also expected to  be fluent in leading training and the line during linebattles.
    • Chef de Battalion: The leader of the Battalion. Leads the regiment in all aspects. All lower ranks answer to him. Known as the "Big Cheese".
    • Capitaine : Littererly translated to "Over Leutnant" this role is the 2nd in command. He expected to be able to handle all changes the Kapitän faces as well as being his Aide-de-camp.
    • Lieutenant : The lowest official officer rank. This role requires an active and skilled officer who is able to pick up leading the line on the fly as well as  assist the Officer staff .
    • Adjudant : The highest NCO rank he is responsible to make sure orders from the officers are filled out properly. Also expected to handle administration properly. 
    • Sergent-Major:  These members are expected to assist in drill and point out and fix errors in formations.
    • Sergent : Primarily assists the Sergent-Major in fixing formation. They are the designated File Closers in the Company.

    The Fusilier (line Infantry) make up the backbone of the Battalion. They as the name refers, fight in line with your average Musket. Firing in Massed volleys they aim of these members to to be the main driving force of our regiment and secure victory. All members upon enlistment will be placed in the Infantry with the rank of Cadet unless an exception is made.
    Skill with the Bayonet and 1809 Pattern Infantry Musket is required. Upon being promoted to the rank of of Musketeer you will have this rank until merit and skill at arms attracts attention from the officers.
    • Cadet : Gained upon joining. Will hold this until you have attended 10 events.
    • Soldat de Deuxième : After attending 10 events you will be promoted to Soldat. You will have this rank untill you show yourself skilled enough to be promoted.
    • Soldat de Première : Considered skilled Soldats. Members who have shown themselves skilled,active and loyal to the regiment.
    • Grenadier : Considered the "Shock Troopers" of the Regiment. Consisting of the extremely skilled players of the regiment. All members should aspire to be. 

    Of all positions in the regiment being a part of the artillery is the most glamorous. Most members like to  jump at the opritunity to be in the artillery during linebattles.
    Being good with cannons and killing up to 10 enemies in one shot makes you the rock star of the day. However to be a par of this elite group you must have very skilled experience with artillery.
    Newcomers who show potential are often apprenticed for an event where they show if they are worthy to be a a part of the artillery.

    If you wish to join the 21e Infantry de Ligne and participate in
    linebattles and be in our community with us fill out this application on our website.

    You must register an Enjin account and an officer will make a comment on it within 24 hours. Then you must come into the provided Teamspeak3 server and conduct a short interview

    21eForum  signature
    21e Custom Banner
    I would like to thank spunned of the 51st for his photoshop tools which has aided myself improve upon my skills. Also to Menelaos16, for fixing my god awful spelling.

    A buddy of mine is planning on making the black watch for liagle and im helping him out. Could you folk help me by posting an account of the black watch on the Waterloo campaign and preferably quarte bras? Would be appreciated.


    For a very long time it seems daily that I hear somebody say in chat that they wish there was an American siege server. I have felt that I am able to remedy the situation. Therefore I have launched the 1stFKI_NA_Siege Server. We Will be using the god-like Maps made by the Demi-Gods of the 84e mappers.  Our server is also the Server used for Cop's NA Saturday Siege event.

    Siege Maps (Provided by the 84e)
    Fort Brochet
    Siege of Toulon
    Charge to the Rhine
    Fort Friedrich
    Citadelle Napoleon

    Siege Rules
    Gameplay Rules
    • 1. An artillery Sergeant has the priority to own a cannon at the depot/spawn.
    • 2. When an artillery owner gets killed and doesn't come back after 1 min the arty is available to the next artillery player who wants to claim it.
    • 3. Do NOT open the gate as defender! (inner gates can only be opened when the area around them is secure)
    • 4. Do NOT block ways with artillery carts.
    • 5. Do NOT waste buildpoints as sapper.
    • 6. Do NOT spamm Engineer stuff (plank walls)
    • 7. Do NOT hit your own walls as defender with explosives/cannons.
    • Do NOT teamhit/teamkill, if it happens accedently then apologies!!!
    • Do NOT counter teamkilling/hitting
    • Do NOT make insults, racist commentaries e.t.c
    • Only 2 Regiment advertisements per Round.

    If you have  a question or complaint Contact me via steam in the 1stFKI Siege Steam group
    As well as eternal Gratitude to the 84e for allowing us to use their maps and rules.

    The Mess Hall / America Circle Jerk thread!
    « on: April 25, 2013, 02:46:45 am »

    Historical Discussion / Some nice Civil war photographs I found.
    « on: April 23, 2013, 08:30:52 pm »
    Was browsing the internet and found a flickR album with these large and detailed photographs from Mathew Brady. I will try to post more. If anybody wishes to contribute feel free!

    Western Federal Companies ligned up on parade (Notice the hardees and slouches)

    Camp of the 44th New York in Alexandria Virginia (notice the company streets) 
    A Company Drilling Near Harpers Ferry 1861 (Notice the Sword Bayonets)
    Eastern Federal Companies Formed up on parade

    Federal Soldiers and a Colored man in camp

    Historical Reenactment / Gettysburg 150th
    « on: April 16, 2013, 10:51:36 pm »
     Will you be there, what unit will you be with, are you going to GAC or BGA?


    Personally im going to GAC. From what ive read it seems BGA will be better however im sure both events will be a blast plus im going to be with my unit. My Unit 20th Maine Company G is based in California but some 30 of us will be flying back East for the event. Apperantly we will be the largest fielding maine unit there. I'm definitly fortunate that I will be able to be at gettysburg in my FIRST reenacting season. Do you folk know how many people will be there?

    Historical Reenactment / Reenacting stories
    « on: April 15, 2013, 08:29:35 am »
    Post your reenacting stories. epic, funny whatever.

     This is of my first battle at my last event. Inthe first battle I took the most hits of anybody in my entire company.

     We were going down the road facing the Rebel lines. I decided to take a perma hit (stay dead) because I had already taken a couple temp hits (come back up). I went down face first into the dirt road. Our line was falling back and I was acting that I was attempting to crawl back to them screaming in pain (in full view of my unit and the rebs). I turned over and began clawing at the coat acting as if I was trying to find my wound. I noticed the reb line in front of me was about to take aim and I decided if any of them aimed for me I would pretend I was shot. Of course 4 of them or so aim lower than the others at me and fire. I pretend I was shot and ly there for a couple minutes.

    Then a rebel medic comes to the guys around me and I act wounded. As he comes up to me I say something along the lines of I dont need no help from a dam reb. He tells me to die and as he turns around I beging to plead with him to help me. he gives me some water and asks me if I will live. I tell him no and my last words is for him to go to hell.  shit was swag

    Historical Reenactment / how do you clean a civil war musket?
    « on: April 09, 2013, 08:04:54 am »
    Im going to start cleaning my 1853 enfield for the first time but im confused on how to go about it. What materials do I need and what order should I do things?

    Regiments / 8e Regiment de Cuirassiers (Rekruting Disciplined NA)
    « on: April 01, 2013, 09:27:51 am »

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