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Topics - PurplePanda

Pages: 1 2
Regiments / The Free Army -TFA (Accepting EU/NA Regiments) *WIP*
« on: June 15, 2014, 06:51:03 am »

Current Regiments

Rules of The Free Army

  • You must be free of oppression
  • Jokes are funny but when someone asks you to stop you must stop
  • Do not recruit members from regiments in the army
  • Zero drama allowed. You will be struck down from the heavens if there is drama
  • Do not mess around with permissions, if you don't know how to set them ask another server admin to help
  • Try not to disband within the week you joined
  • Be respectful to all members within and out of the community
  • The Channels you make should be used, if you have too many un-needed you will be asked to remove them

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / UNBAN REQUEST- 30th_Maj_PurplePanda
« on: June 14, 2014, 07:41:50 am »
Name under which you were banned - INCLUDE IN TOPIC TITLE
Server(s) you are banned from NW_Official_NA1
What was happening when you got banned: I said Crackers and I pressed enter instead of space then later said: "are yummy" to save myself from a misunderstanding which happened anyway
Time and date 11:40PM 2014-06-13
Timezone Mountain Time
User Identification Number* No luck with the tutorial

The Mess Hall / Looking for answers on today's cyber attack?
« on: June 09, 2014, 06:23:40 am »
The reason all servers and Taleworlds is down is a result of a massive Cyber Terrorist Attack.
"At approximately 5:30am CST and large scale Cyber attack begun on all major and non-major hosting providers and then main database for servers on Napoleonic Wars. This attack was not just held to Napoleonic wars, The attack was against 82 other Games. Arma 2 & 3 had a 3% loss of all servers and 15% of people reported losing Competetive matchmaking games on CSGo (During Match). Many Games were harmed in this attack and Many are still being attacked. As a concerned Friend of the Gaming industry and Participant of the many funs games the community has to offer I beg for these people to cease with what they are doing. They are causing un-needed harm to there fellow internet friends and hopefully do not recieve the same respect and support they once held with our community."

Some guy on pw forums

Articles and Forum Posts relating to attack.

Media / Wherner's Melee Rage Videos
« on: May 22, 2014, 12:39:00 am »

More episodes inbound.

The Mess Hall / Grimsight admits it
« on: May 19, 2014, 09:18:35 am »
[3eVolt] Grimsight 18e: my toes are very salty

Community / Bean's 16x16 Teamspeak Icons [Requests Open]
« on: May 16, 2014, 05:57:12 am »
Here you can view bean's extraordinary icon packs.
If you wish to make a request add On steam or you may post a application on the thread. All of the following work posted is by Bean.

Template for application
[b]Regiment Name:[/b]
[b]Resources (Pictures & Links):[/b]


30th (Cambridgeshire) Regiment of Foot's Icons. *Please leave a reply if you are using them*


Recruit (Rct)

Private (Pte)

Regular (Rgl)

Lance Corporal (LCpl)

Non-Commissioned Officers

Corporal (Cpl)

Serjeant (Sjt)

Colour Serjeant (CSjt)

Serjeant Major (SjtMaj)

Commissioned Officers

Lieutenant (Lt)

Captain (Capt)

Major (Maj)



Muster Role

Commissioned Officers
 Major Stonewall
 Captain Carson

Non Commisioned Officers
 Serjeant Major Ogrelord
 Serjeant  Shadow
 Corporal  Mormon_Jesus

 Guard  Lice
 Guard  Mardark
 Guard  Cade
 Lance Corporal  Zalva
 Lance Corporal  Glenn
 Lance Corporal  Greystark
 Regular Peter Chao
 Regular Singe
 Regular Yellowsnow
 Regular Spooky
 Regular Gman
 Regular Hurky
 Regular Richard
 Private Subzero
 Private Thewarfox
 Private Scott
 Private RussT
 Private beagleyes
 Private Skipperwarp
 Private Parkhurst
 Private Llawliet

 Recruit John Halloway
 Recruit  Azzandroin
 Recruit  Arty
 Recruit  Nocti

About Us
The 30th is a new regiment for
Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic
Wars, formed on May 12th, 2014.
This regiment is the spiritual successor
to the 15th (Yorkshire, East Riding)
Regiment of Foot, founded by PurplePanda
& TheMightyLips. We are a regiment
dedicated to professionalism and maturity.
The 15th (Yorkshire, East Riding) Regiment
of Foot was a very large and active
regiment until the loss of interest and
lack of attendance that led up to its
disbandement. But now we are back
and ready to make the 30th twice as
large as the 15th, hence the name 30th.

Our Rules
    • Do not ever teamkill or
      teamwound with our tags
      on. It creates a bad name
      for us and will most certainly
      get you kicked out of the
      regiment. *If you teamkilll
      accidently make sure you type
      sorry in chat*
    • Be Mature, for example when
       we are getting shit on I don't
      want people yelling and screaming,
      that really slows down my thought
      process and what would  have been
      a retreat order will be me telling you
      guys to shutup and by then we
      are probably all dead.
    • Here in the 30th we expect a
      moderate silence among the
      rankers while someone is leading.
      If you have something important to
      say please use PTS
      (Permission To Speak).
    • Respect everybody in the
      community, I do not care if they
      started just it  don't make it a
      bigger deal than it already is.
    • When joining this regiment I
      expect for you to be here for 1
      event a week. If you won't be
      able to come for awhile make
      sure to notify an officer.
    • If you have a noisy background,
      please for the love of all that is holy
      and pure USE PUSH TO TALK

    The regiment spent most of the French
    Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802) back
    in the Mediterranean. It fought at Toulon
    (1793), on Corsica (1794) and Minorca
    (1798), before moving to Italy and
    Malta in 1799. The 30th then joined
    the British force in Egypt in 1801.
    It returned to Britain in 1802 and a
    year later formed a 2nd Battalion.
    This served in the Peninsular War
    (1808-14) from 1809, fighting at
    Fuentes de Onoro (1811) Badajoz
    (1812) and Salamanca (1812),
    where it captured a French eagle.
    It had suffered such losses by
    December 1812 that its six weakest
    companies had to return to Britain to
    recruit, while the four strongest ones
    merged with a battalion of the 44th
    Regiment of Foot to form the 4th
    Provisional Battalion. This dissolved
    in 1813 and the four companies from
    2nd Battalion re-joined the six
    newly-recruited companies in Jersey
    later that year. 2nd Battalion moved to
    Holland in 1814 and fought at Waterloo
    (1815), at one point forming square and
    resisting 11 French charges. In 1817 the
    battalion was disbanded. In the meantime,
    1st Battalion sent five companies to fight
    in Hanover and northern Germany in 1805,
    before regrouping the following year to
    travel to India. It stayed there for over 20
    years, sending detachments to Java and
    Portuguese Macao in 1807-08. It also fought
    in the Third Maratha War (1817-19).
    For the next 35 years it alternated between
    overseas postings, including Bermuda, Nova
    Scotia and the Ionian Islands, and time in Britain
    and Ireland. The regiment deployed to the
    Crimean War (1854-56), serving at the Alma
    (1854), Inkerman (1854) and Sevastopol (1855).
    Thank you to the National Army Museum website
    for this information!


    Major: Maj
    Captain: Capt
    Lieutenant: Lt
    Non-Commissioned Officers
    Serjeant Major: SjtMaj

    Colour Serjeant: CSjt 
    Serjeant: Sjt
    Corporal: Cpl
    Lance Corporal: LCpl
    Regular: Rgl
    Private: Pte
    Recruit: Rct


    • Sunday: 63e Linebattle * EST
    • Monday: Training @ 8 EST
    • Tuesday:Union Gaming Linebattle @ 8 EST
    • Wednesday: Freeday
    • Thursday: FH Linebattle 8 EST
    • Friday: UG Linebattle 9 EST
    • Saturday: Freeday






    How To Join



    Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Na1 BAN REQUEST -Lobisac
    « on: April 21, 2014, 07:03:39 am »
    Name of the server you were on: NW_official_NA1
    Name of the person causing trouble: Lobisaac
    Nature of their offense: Teamkilling then leaving
    Time and date of their offense: 11 PM Mountain Time April 20th 2014
    If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: Victim
    Any proof if you have it, For instance screenshots. (use spoilers!) Yes


    Post your most valiant defeat or stunning victories in any total war game

    Here are some of mine:




    Servers / SSDPowered-High Quality Hosting |20% off| Best Hardware
    « on: April 08, 2014, 05:17:22 am »
    Get 20% off the first month!  Use the promo code ssdpwrdlaunch



    This regiment fights for The Seven Nation Army.


    The Garde-Jäger-Bataillon has its origins back to the wars of King Frederick the Great. In 1813 and 1814 they fought in numerous engagements and saw some action during the Waterloo Campaign in 1815. They wore dark green coats, red collarres and cuffs, grey trousers, shako covered with oilcloth, and cartridge box with brass star.

    Are you looking for a fun and organized regiment? Are you tired of standing in a line and getting shot? Well, look no further. The Jägers are here for you. As a Jäger, you will have one of the most honorable positions in the whole battlefield. Teammates will love you, and the enemy will abhor you.

    The unit was founded in 1744 near Brandenburg as a field rifle corps, colloquially referred to as Jägers. Jäger is literally translated as hunter, a testament to the fact that Frederick the Great of Prussia recruited the first 144 soldiers of the unit from local hunters and their sons. These hunters brought with them their own personal hunting rifles that became a central component of the regiment, as they were considerably more accurate than the smooth bore muskets of the time. The unit grew to consist of over 300 men by 1757, formed into two companies. However, during an action in Charlottenburg (A village near Berlin) in 1760 the unit was nearly destroyed by Russian Cossacks as a result of poor leadership and field positioning. The unit was formally formed into a regiment of ten companies in 1784. Until this point, the unit had varied in size as a result of need or situation. Following its formation as a regiment, the unit became known as the Jägerbataillon Nr.1, the foremost Prussian rifle corps. They fought against Napoleon as a part of Blücher’s army in 1806, and again at Leipzig in 1813, where they distinguished themselves through intense urban combat in the Battle of Möckern. They helped to prevent French reserves from joining the battle line and as a result contributed to the major victory at Leipzig. After the wars, members of the battalion were granted jobs in the Prussian Forestry service, as recognition for their skill at marksmanship.

    • 1790-1808 von Voß
    • 1808 von Witzleben
    • 1809 Friedrich Wilhelm von Jagow
    • 1813 von Seydlitz
    • 1813 von Witzleben
    • 1815 August Wilhelm von Neumann-Cosel

    Commissioned Officers

    Hauptmann: PurplePanda
    Oberstleutnant: Bahakawits
    Leütnant: Carson

    Non-Commissioned Officers 




    Gefreiter: Xozzey
    Gefreiter: Crimson_
    Gefreiter: KernalKitty
    Gefreiter: Welsh
    Gefreiter: Mormon_Jesus
    Gefreiter: Sargeant_Sexy
    Gefreiter: Kaiser
    Gefreiter: Shadow

    Jäger: Bird
    Jäger: TLE
    Jäger: Client
    Jäger: Necronlord214
    Jäger: Newplayer
    Jäger: SirLoLWhut
    Jäger: John
    Jäger: Rabid
    Jäger: Dead
    Jäger: Lice
    Jäger: BitBoy
    Jäger: WillieJ
    Jäger: HeadHunter
    Jäger: YellowSnow

    Rekrut: MagyarMike
    Rekrut: CollinR
    Rekrut: McLovin
    Rekrut: AdmiralK
    Rekrut: Shane
    Rekrut: GreyStark
    Rekrut: Arthur
    Rekrut: Jacob the brave
    Rekrut: Stoner
    Rekrut: Wiggilz


    Sunday: Siege at 8 EST
    Monday: Free Day / Recruiting
    Tuesday: Free Day/ Recruiting
    Wednesday: Wednesday STC LB @ 8 EST
    Thursday: Training @ 8 EST
    Friday: 7NA Linebattle @ 8 EST
    Saturday: Prussian Army Linebattle @ 8 EST

    In-game Tags: [1teGJB]Rank_Name
    Banner: Black background, silver Prussian eagle

    Contact List


    Media / 1. Garde Jäger-Bataillon Media
    « on: April 03, 2014, 10:08:04 am »











    Media / 15th Yorkshire Linebattle Videos!
    « on: February 09, 2014, 10:19:17 pm »




    Recruitment Video *OUTDATED*




    Feb. 27th, 2014



    Never will I forget these moments spent with these lovable goofs.





    Feb. 27th, 2014


    #Reform Summer 2015

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