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Messages - Vespasian

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happy bday 2 me

Other Games / Re: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:51:17 pm »
Isn't it due this month?

does this mean i can finally make reg called 22st huehue
no fuck off

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: January 24, 2015, 03:28:15 pm »
I just bet on all the underdogs yesterday, including against Dig. Anything can happen in a BO1
Wise logic and I agree to the premise but there are a few world class teams who are consistent throughout their BO1's in comparison to those world class teams who are not. For example, Fnatic, Dignitas and Titan, the bets you place against these guys if they play a low team are just skins down the drain, save them for world class teams who are inconsistent such as VP, HR, C9 and ESC.
Nice job on the other matches if you won though.

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: January 24, 2015, 02:18:26 pm »

#Underdog #BO1
rip skins
Why would you bet against one of the most consistent teams in Counter Strike? You bet on the underdog when the other team is inconsistent, e.g. C9

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: January 21, 2015, 06:43:44 pm »
How do you guys feel about the Hellraisers/dAT roster changes?
S1mple is a machine, any team that has him benefits from it.

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: January 18, 2015, 09:04:10 pm »
Does anybody use

Other Games / Re: Total War General Discussion Thread: Shogun to Rome 2!
« on: January 17, 2015, 03:58:47 pm »
To be honest Total War is a very nerdy kinda game, Warhammer is equally as nerdy, there is going to be a huge correlation between Total War fans also liking Warhammer. Don't see the problem, if anything it attract more people.

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: January 16, 2015, 06:27:59 am »
balling in the skins lately

Keep this forum page up though. No need to lock it.

Hello there !

My name is JohnnyMoustache, and I've been playing on your humans versus bots server for few years now if I'm correct.

I've been permanently banned today around 22h30-45 GMT (under this name : "Homme_Patate"), and I'm wondering if I the ban could be lifted by any chance.

I've been banned for ridiculously offending words in global chat, and I totally understand why the admin gave a permanent ban.
Actually, a friend of mine and me were chilling, totally drunk, in my living room, and he played M&B on my account for a while. After a while, he told me he stole somebody's name (Cpl_Hawk, if he remembers well.) and used it to insult an admin (Cenkris), in a quite rude way. The innocent Cpl_Hawk was banned.

When I realized my friend got an innocent player permanently banned, I felt so bad for that guy. That's why I've connected back instantly on the server, and managed to tell Cenkris (who didn't believe me at first) that Cpl_Hawk was victim of a troll who stole his name. I really wanted this guy to be unbanned, so I've insisted, explaining it WAS a name troll who was responsible for the offensive chat, and that Cpl_Hawk was not guilty at all.
Therefor, I knew the admins would check the IDs and that they would find out my ID was the same, and that my account was the one used to send these offensive messages.

I understand why this ended in a permanent ban, but if I was a troll, I wouldn't have come back to mention Cpl_Hawk was victim of a troll. My main mistake was to let my drunk friend play on my computer while I was busy.

I only wanted to fix his mistakes, by helping that other player who was wrongfully banned, even if it had to cost me.

Considering I came back on the server to warn the admins an innocent player was banned, because I felt so guilty for my friend's behaviour, I think I could be eligible for a ban lift and It would be kind from you to grant it to me.

Thanks for reading, and apologies to Cenkris for the offensive global chat sent with my account.

PS. (unlike the other players, there's no chance I give away my CD Key here for obvious security reason. I could PM them.)
Just move on and forget this server buddy.  Snip

Do not try and start a pointless fight by insulting a user/group.

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: December 30, 2014, 12:38:56 am »
All hail our 100th page before we have to start a new one.

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: December 25, 2014, 01:27:01 am »
Gratz to Meister and Mike getting to LE

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:45:07 am »
I was thinking the other day, concerning betting, and the prices of skins on csgolounge. Couldn't you buy skins where there are only about 3 on the market all for about £7 or so, and then put it up for £42 on the market. Wouldnt this item then be £42 on csgolounge seeing as you completely overhauled the market price for that skin?

I'm sure it works on averages, so you need a shit ton of people to put it up for the same price for it to raise. If you only do it it would raise by a very small percentage.

Hope you get what I mean :)
No but i mean if you bought EVERY item of that particular type, not just a couple and then bump it up a few $$

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: December 13, 2014, 07:22:54 pm »
I was thinking the other day, concerning betting, and the prices of skins on csgolounge. Couldn't you buy skins where there are only about 3 on the market all for about £7 or so, and then put it up for £42 on the market. Wouldnt this item then be £42 on csgolounge seeing as you completely overhauled the market price for that skin?
Not how it works.
How does it work then?

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