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Messages - olie90

Pages: 1
Community / Re: Community? thats a laugh!
« on: August 26, 2013, 07:07:59 pm »
Oh look out its mcewan in his cheap rented three wheel van, come to warn me

Community / Re: Community? thats a laugh!
« on: August 26, 2013, 07:05:59 pm »
Posts: 8
Come back later mate.  :D

No thanks, i have more of a feeling of `community` whilst up against a wall facing a firing squad, than here.

Community / Community? thats a laugh!
« on: August 26, 2013, 07:03:26 pm »
Just seen a guy named burakkuada who has a ton of posts and a pretty good decent posting history get banned.
I am an admin on abovetopsecret forums website and we are the only conspiracy forum in the world who do not tolerate spam or `omfg i just saw a 10 foot tall giant` b.s sort of threads. Incidentally we are the largest conspiracy forum in the world.
I have never seen people perm banned on our forums for the most ridiculous reasons, be them political or just petty childishness, and then the censorship of `do not discuss or perm ban for you too`. Or, `if you do not like it go elsewhere`. 

That lame, ridiculous anti social behavior is exactly why i see just about 3 people viewing this section of the forum and 6 on the regiment section and thats it.

Your community is absolutely dead, even on a saturday there's a couple of big servers and that is it. And you only have yourself to blame.

And before you give a silly childish meme picture reply, remember, its that b.s why your community is dead.

Forum & Website / Re: Custom Titles?
« on: August 26, 2013, 01:29:45 am »
Have you got a crush on betty or something? must be because you feel the need to bring her name up quite a lot.

Just a word, real men do not hate on women.
Enough said

General Discussion / Re: JackieChan's Bayonet Melee Guide
« on: August 25, 2013, 10:25:24 am »
Useful guide, helpful, now it will help if enemy will stand still in the battle server so i can practise on them  ;D  ;D

Forum & Website / Re: Custom Titles?
« on: August 25, 2013, 01:16:40 am »
I request a custom title:

"Presidente, Banner of Bettys"

Support my claim guys?

Piece of shit, would be a better title, just my opinion though.


Community / Re: Question about the ban on sight policy
« on: August 25, 2013, 12:52:33 am »
Not going to state names or anything because i will then fall into the trap of giving fodder for trigger happy admins to accuse me of sticking up for people or siding with people, when anything but. I play the game to have a nice time with decent people, whilst i do not play with people who purposely make problems, i dont appreciate playing with a genuine player in game and seeing that player being perm banned on sight as a `known troll`. Granted if they have a bad history i would fully recomend the admin keeping an eye on the person. But a perm ban on sight when they are behaving, that is just about ridiculous, and to have that sort of attitude in life will not get anyone anywhere

Community / Re: Question about the ban on sight policy
« on: August 24, 2013, 10:06:50 pm »
Well i have noticed some of the server admins who implement this retarded policy have viewed this thread and not commented, simply because there is no answer

Community / Re: Question about the ban on sight policy
« on: August 24, 2013, 06:55:34 pm »
Welcome to the Community mate.

Thanks, can you tell me what the rgl error i get when trying to join some servers is about?

Community / Question about the ban on sight policy
« on: August 24, 2013, 06:52:21 pm »
Just got a question, and this is because i was on a server playing with some people before, normally, they were not what you would call a typical troll, they were not causing problems just playing normal.

Then an admin came on, and without hesitation just gave them a perm ban on the spot, i asked why and his response was `known troll`.

Now, can i just say, in the real world, or even on any other game in the world, it doesnt work like that, if you behave in a game there should not be an issue with you being on the server. I mean, in real life, do the cops, upon seeing a previous offender, simply arrest the person on spot even if he is doing nothing wrong? of course not.  Nor in any other game that i play such as fifa, c.o.d w.o.w do i see people banned simply for being there.

And, ive noticed in my month of playing the game, that there is a pretty lame generic response of `if you dont like it get your own server`, and let me tell you its because of that kind of attitude that on a saturday afternoon the servers are more or less dead besides for a handful.
I used to play warband a couple of years back, took a break, and then came onto this game recently, and the unwelcoming nasty cold attitude is pretty much appalling it has to be said.
Thats it mini rant over.
Also can anyone ask me why i am crashing when i try to join some servers? thanks

Pages: 1