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Messages - Dr.Frog

Pages: 1 2 3
Events: EU / Re: 47th Boxing Duel Tournament [EU] Steam games prizes
« on: February 01, 2015, 08:19:35 pm »
Community name:Robinz
Steam name:Robinz2137
In game name: 47th_LCpl_Robinz

Regiments / 77th Regiment of Foot "East Middlesex" (EU) Recruiting
« on: August 24, 2014, 12:58:44 pm »

In 1787 the Honourable East India Company decided to raise four regiments in Great Britain for service in India in response to the threat of French military intervention there. The regiments were raised by the Crown with a number of officers nominated by the company. Colonel James Marsh was authorised to raise a new unit, the 77th (Hindoostan) Regiment of Foot, on 12 October 1787. Members were recruited throughout Great Britain and Ireland, and the 77th Foot was first embodied at Dover in early 1788. They arrived in India in August 1788, remaining there until 1807.

On arriving in England in 1807, the 77th was given a county designation, becoming the 77th (East Middlesex) Regiment of Foot. They then went off to fight in the Napoleonic wars which leads to today.


Officer Ranks
Colonel - Col
Lieutenant Colonel - LtCol
Major - Maj
Captain - Capt
Lieutenant - Lt
Ensign - Ens

Non Commissioned Officer Ranks
Regimental Sergeant Major - RSM
Sergeant Major - SgtMaj
Sergeant - Sgt
Corporal - Cpl

Enlisted Ranks
Lance Corporal - LCpl
kings man - kgm
Private - Pte
Recruit - Rct

In game



To join

Servers / Team_Deathmatch_Server (eu) Recruiting Admins
« on: August 23, 2014, 04:29:55 pm »
The server is owned by Robinz2137, brand new and hopes to bring fun back to the team death match Game mode.
It will host events every Sunday that will include:
A map that includes two bases opposite sides of the maps armed to the teeth with cannons and destroy able defenses. It will be played in the Battle game mode and the objective is to wipe out the other team. The winner will be the first to five.

This game mode has two "commanders" (admins), these two players will command each team to victory commanding their own team across the map to steal a flag you may have already guessed this game-mode will be played on capture the flag and the map very similar to the base war's map. The winner will be first to 10 captures.
Protect the sapper
Cav vs cav warfare on french farm with a twist on both teams is a sapper that needs to be protected. The sappers get 1 life after that they goes to spec and round over its first to five.

    • No team killing
    • Respect other players
    • Respect Admins Decisions
    • No Abusive behavior: Racism, Trolling or swearing towards another player.
    • No Recruiting unless a 47th member

    Admin Application
    Steam name?:
    How will you help the server?:
    Why do you want to be a admin?:
    Are you apart of the steam group? if not join


    Regiments / Looking for fairly new regiment EU
    « on: July 24, 2014, 09:41:51 pm »
    I am looking for a fairly new regiment i could help become succesful and grow by recruiting and supplying my skills in melee and shooting. I have a huge ammount of experience in regiment from Enlisted to Colonel which has supplyed me with a range of different commands and tactics.  PM me if your interested . If needed i could supply a ts/NW server or help keep one running.

    P.S ik im not ment to post this here but noone looks at that other post

    Regiments / Re: 2nd Tactical Regiment of foot [2ndTact]
    « on: May 18, 2014, 12:51:10 pm »
    Pleased to see a regiment which will finally be able to 720 tac no-scope in line battles  ;D  :D ;D ;D
    :P ill try

    Regiments / Re: 2nd Tactical Regiment of foot [2ndTact]
    « on: May 18, 2014, 10:55:44 am »
    Good luck! But just a heads up, there's already a regiment with the name 2nd. You might want to get in contact with their leader to discuss ingame tags!
    Yep our tags are completely different so its all good :)

    Regiments / Re: 2nd Tactical Regiment of foot [2ndTact]
    « on: May 15, 2014, 06:50:48 pm »

    General Discussion / Re: When did you start playing MM/NW?
    « on: May 14, 2014, 09:10:33 pm »
    The Original :D

    Regiments / Re: 2nd Tactical Regiment of foot [2ndTact]
    « on: May 14, 2014, 08:03:06 pm »

    Regiments / Re: 2nd Tactical Regiment of foot [2ndTact]
    « on: May 14, 2014, 07:54:45 pm »
    To join add Markz1160 on steam or just PM me your details

    Regiments / 2nd Tactical Regiment of foot [2ndTact]
    « on: May 14, 2014, 07:53:30 pm »

    This great and powerful Fictional regiment was built in the great honor of our former leader Tactical stab
     who left and disbanded the regiment, But now under the Orders of our king George III                       
    The regiment is back now led by Markz to Fight and defeat all those that go against us.
    This Regiment Is for the bravest of the brave and will accept only those who can handle it.

    Who we are based apon
    We are based Apon the 2nd Regiment of foot here is a bit about them.

    On the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars, detachments were in the West Indies and acting as marines in the Channel Fleet, notably at the battle of the Glorious First of June in 1794, where they served on Howe’s flagship, Queen Charlotte and also on board Russell, Defence, Royal George and Majestic. In recognition of the Regiment's service, it was granted the distinction of wearing a Naval Crown superscribed 1 June 1794 on its colours. Another Regimental tradition dating from this victory was that of drinking the Loyal Toast seated (as is Royal Navy custom, owing to the difficulty of officers standing in the low, crowded and often unsteady wardroom of a man-of-war). This tradition is maintained by the successor Regiment, the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment. The Regiment was then reunited and sent to the West Indies where it took part in the capture of Guadeloupe in 1794, although the occupation was short-lived owing to outbreaks of disease, particularly yellow fever, among the troops, and the capture of Trinidad in 1797. A second battalion was formed in 1795 and stationed in Guernsey before being shipped to Martinique, where it was disbanded in 1797, its personnel being absorbed by 1st Battalion.

    The Regiment was transferred to Ireland in 1798 where it helped put down the Irish rebellion and then took part in the unsuccessful 1799 Helder campaign. In 1800, it was part of the abortive expedition to Belle Isle, from which it sailed to Egypt where it fought at the Battle of Alexandria and the Siege of Alexandria.

    During the Napoleonic Wars, the regiment first fought in the Peninsular War at the battles of Vimeiro and Corunna. It then took part in the disastrous Walcheren Campaign before returning to the Peninsula to fight at the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro, the second Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, the Battle of Salamanca and the unsuccessful Siege of Burgos. By the winter of 1812, the Regiment was so depleted by casualties and disease that four companies were amalgamated with the equally weakened 2nd Battalion, 53rd Foot, to form the 2nd Provisional Battalion. Six cadre companies returned home to re-form. As part of the 4th Division, the Provisional Battalion took part in the Wellington's triumph at the Battle of Vittoria on 21 June 1813, followed by the Siege of San Sebastian and, 1814, the battles of Orthes and Toulouse. In 1814, the Provisional Battalion was broken up and the Regiment re-formed.


    The tags are 2ndTac_Name_Rank For example 2nd_Tac_Captain_Markz

    The banner is The Union jack.



    Just PM me or add Markz1160 on steam to join

    Events: EU / Melee Competition all regiments welcome to apply [EU]
    « on: April 21, 2014, 03:55:19 pm »

    Servers / Re: Jail_Break2 59th Edition
    « on: April 21, 2014, 02:33:43 pm »
    Hi all banned people a full unban has been made if you deserved the ban you will be banned again if you commit the same offence.

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