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Messages - Mortycry

Pages: 1
How did you guys make that beautiful GIF? Msg me on steam: ValeriyKarushev

Regiments / Re: Leib Grenaderskii polk *NEW* *Recruiting*
« on: May 17, 2014, 02:58:41 am »
Thanks for all the support guys!

Regiments / Leib Grenaderskii polk *NEW* *Recruiting*
« on: May 16, 2014, 12:57:16 am »

We are the Leib Grenadierskii Polk Regiment. We strive to offer our members an enjoyable and memorable experience. Our members are very friendly and easy to get along with. You will easily make friends within the regiment. We would like to warn you that unless you are not fully dedicated to getting the job done then we recommend not sending in a application. During training and events we uphold a strict discipline level, this is to help people hear everything as we practice with people individually to help develop their NW skills and as a regiment. Outside of events and training the members are quite fun to relax with and play a game or talk about anything.

If you are an active player wanting to make new friends and get involved in a regiment, then we are the right regiment for you. If you have any questions about anything please post in this thread and we will assist you with your question A.S.A.P

1. You will stay active in the regiment and be mature and loyal. If you are having exams or going on a break please notify a HR or a NCO that can report it to Moose or Yolle

2. No Trolling or Flaming to Anyone in the regiment and to any other members or NCO's in another Regiment. This rule is also in effect during line battles. If you are found doing this in a battle you will be removed from the battle and be given a infraction.

3. You will respect all NCO's. They are your superiors and have worked very hard to be where they are. Disrespect to a NCO can also be included as breaking rule #2 and you could be given 1 infraction up to 3 for your actions. Also note that if you reach a total of 6 infractions in the regiment you will be removed from the Regiment Permanently.

4. When a map is being switched during a line battle you are to NOT jump around or team kill any other members in the regiment. This rule also stands as Absolutely NO Team Killing once so ever. We will not tolerate it and you can be removed from the battle and given a infraction.

5. You will respect and be nice to all other members in the Regiment. This rule is similar to rule #3 and if a NCO sees you being Disrespectful to another member of the regiment or being rude, you will be given a infraction.

6. You are to ALWAYS have on the proper tags in the game and on Steam!

(Steam Tags: [RLGP] full rank name)
(In Game Tags: [RLGP]_ingamerank_name)

7. You are to be in one regiment, and one regiment only. Upon joining RLGP you are to make sure you are in no other regiments that are M&B warband related. If you are caught you will be warned once, then exiled. The reason for this is because we want to guarantee activity and dedication to the group.

Remember, if you can't handle the requirements then don't join. We are not going to force you to join, its your choice. Don't rage because we are very strict about are policies, and don't tell us we didn't warn you.


Training will be held at 5:30 PM EST on Mondays, Wednesdays, and both days in the Weekend. Any events (Line battle, Siege, ect. ect.) will be notified via steam chat.


#. Name of Rank = English Equivalence = In Game Tag

1. Grenadier = Grenadier = Gren
2.Podpraporshchik = Corporal = PPrap
3.Praporshchik  = Ensign = Prap
4.Podporuchik = Sergeant = PPoru (This is the "NCO")
5.Poruchik = Lieutenant = Poru (This is the lowest "HR" rank)
6. Bolkavoit = Captain = Bolk
7. Mayorp = Major = May
8. Podpolkovnik = Lt. Colonel = PPolk
9. Polkovnik = Colonel = Polk



Preferred in-game name:

Steam Username:



Previous in game experience:

Experience with Napoleonic Wars:

Will you be active and loyal to the regiment?:

Will you follow the Code Of the Regiment and not break any of the rules?

Send Applications to Moose's Steam. (In his profile)



Coming Soon! ;)


Regiments / delete please
« on: July 17, 2013, 02:23:37 am »
North Carolina Militia

North Carolinians, Arms to Arms, Lets fight the Union!


Some North Carolinians, especially yeoman farmers who owned few or no slaves, felt ambivalently about the Confederacy; draft-dodging, desertion, and tax evasion were common during the Civil War years, especially in the Union-friendly western part of the state. Central and Eastern white North Carolinians were more enthusiastic about the Confederate cause; North Carolina contributed more troops to the Confederacy than any other state.From September 1861 until July 1862, Union Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside, commander of the Department of North Carolina, formed the North Carolina Expeditionary Corps and set about capturing key ports and cities. His successes at Roanoke Island and New Bern helped cement Federal control of a part of coastal Carolina.

Fighting continued in North Carolina sporadically throughout the war, particularly along the coast, where the Union army launched several attempts to seize Fort Fisher. In the wars closing days, a large Federal force under William T. Sherman marched into North Carolina, and in a series of movements that became known as the Carolinas Campaign, occupied much of the state and defeated the Confederates in several key battles, including Averasborough and Bentonville. Unlike the wanton destruction Sherman's troops wrought upon Georgia and South Carolina, they proceeded into North Carolina with a modicum of restraint, as the state had not been especially eager to join the Confederacy. The surrender of General Joseph E. Johnston's Confederate army at Bennett Place in April 1865 essentially ended the war in the Eastern Theater.

Our TeamSpeak is

We appreciate you looking at our forum, for more Info, visit our teamspeak

Forum is still under construction!

Regiments / Re: French Garde Nationale (Garde Mobile)
« on: July 16, 2013, 02:48:18 am »
Thanks Everyone! We now have a server on M&B Warband Blood and Iron mod, look out for FGN_Official!

Regiments / French Garde Nationale (Garde Mobile)
« on: July 13, 2013, 03:47:35 am »
French Garde Nationale Bénévoles Milice
French National Guard Volunteer Militia

A Blood and Iron Mod Group

Sons and Daughters of La France, Join, Volunteer, and fight for your Mother Land!

French Guard Militia is a small group of soldiers in the suburbs of Paris, out to fight against the Prussians


The National Guard (French: la Garde nationale) was the name given at the time of the French Revolution to the militias formed in each city, in imitation of the National Guard created in Paris. It was a military force separate from the regular army. Initially under the command of the Marquis de Lafayette, then briefly under the Marquis de Mandat, it was strongly identified until the summer of 1792 with the middle class and its support for constitutional monarchy. The National Guard had some impact on the Revolution, but was disarmed by Napoleon except for its recall in 1809 and 1814 to help defend France. Reestablished after his exile, it continued to play a significant role in each French Revolution of the 19th century.

We are a small, yet organized group of gamers from throughout the world. We have a TeamSpeak 3 Server for communication, We participate in different mods, other than Blood and Iron. We play The Anglo Zulu War mod, North and South, Native, ect. ect.

We feel our soldiers should work for their rank, instead of being told it. We have a tight schedule and are active. We also would like to be as authentic as possible, for example, our ranking system is contained with only period ranks, in French!


Monday: Training at 6:00 PM EST
Tuesday: Nothing
Wednesday: Training (Optional) at 6:00 PM EST
Thursday: Nothing
Friday: Battle Prep at 6:00 PM EST
Saturday: Line Battle
Sunday: Line Battle

Le Rangs (Ranks)
5. Sergent-Major
6.Adjudant sous-officier
9.Capitaine adjudant-major
11.Chef de bataillon
13.Commandant et le chef de la garde

If you would like to join, add me on steam @ MortyCry

Our tags are [FGN]_Rank_Name

Link for steam group is: ; Our server for M&B Warband, Blood and Iron Mod is FGN_Official, and as a reminder our TS3 Server is

Thanks For Visiting, Vive La France!  ;D

Pages: 1