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Messages - /b/ leguion member

Pages: 1
Regiments / Re: 4chan regiment ----- /b/rothers unite
« on: July 08, 2013, 06:10:49 pm »
Not sure if this guy is trolling or not. It's either that or he is a huge summerfag who's been browsing 4chan since the end of May.

But anyway, disband this regiment. It's not only bad for the community but you're also exposing my sekrit club and you are making a fool of yourself to anyone genuinely visit 4chan regularly.

And stop using le me-me arrows outside of 4chan, there is no need for it.
lol this guy pls we are leyion xD I can hack ur computer if i wnted 2 xP u better /B/! scard u nub 1v1 irl u won't >:(

Pages: 1