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Messages - The Semenovsky 1st Guards

Pages: 1
Events: EU / May we join
« on: June 15, 2013, 03:41:04 pm »
Hello everyone,

The 1y SemGuards would to to participate in this event, if it isin't to late please reply back or send me steam message. Steam account - Lyova123

Its history dates back to 1683 from Toy army of Peter I. In 1700 it was designated the Semenovsky Life Guards Regiment (after a village of Semenovskoe near Moscow, where it was initially stationed). From 1723 the regiment was quartered in St. Petersburg.
During the Great Northern War the regiment fought in the Battle of Narva, in 1703 excelled in the siege of Nyenschantz and capture of the Swedish fleet at the mouth of the Neva River, took part in the Prut campaign of 1711.
Regiment operated in the Russo-Turkish War of 1735-39), Russo-Swedish wars of 1741-1743 and 1788-1790. The entire regiment participated in the wars with France (1805, 1806–07, 1812–14), and Turkey (1828–29 and 1877–78).
In 1905, regiment participated in quelling of the armed uprising in Moscow.
During the First world war, the regiment was dispatched to the South-Western front as part of the 1st Guards Infantry Division; the reserve battalion, which remained in Petrograd took part in February revolution in 1917.
In March 1918 the Semenovsky regiment returned from the battlefront to Petrograd and was disbanded the same month.
In 2013 President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on re-establishment of the Regiment as The Semenovsky 1st Infantry separate regiment (1-й отдельный стрелковый Семёновский полк), and as part of the The Kremlin Guard.

Hello everyone,
we are the 1y SemGuards and we are a Russian Line Infantry Regiment. We only recruit mature NA members. If you would like to join, add Lyova123 on steam

No trolling
Must Live in NA
Must have teamspeak
No cursing

Pages: 1