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Messages - Tyer032392

Pages: 1 2
Welcome back Scat.

Great linebattle tonight guys.

That was a fun little event we had tonight, though it is a shame that the server crashed before we could finish the match, lol.

That was a fun LB last night, had a blast. Especially watching some of our guys take a cannon ball to the face.  :P

Fun little in-clan line battle we had today, though we definitely need a lot more training, especially me.


Great battle today for M&B Native, though I wish there was less archer spam.

Welcome one and all new recruits to our lovely little family, hope you enjoy your stay.  :)

Great to see this clan reactivated again after a good amount of time.

Hey, I just wanted to let you guys know that I am in full gear for studying for my Finals at the end of this month and won't be on very much until after the end of this month. I have also picked up an extra day to work so won't be around Wednesdays anymore for the coming month. I should not be doing anything over the summer though,

That was a decent line battle that we had today. Could of gone better, but could of also been worse, even with those pesky trolls that came in towards the end.

Sorry I did not make the Lb, steam has been anything but cooperative with me today with kicking me into offline mode.

Awesome linebattle, does anyone have a screenshot of that linebattle?

I took a few screen shots, but most of them was from the first round.

Regiments / Re: 1st (Royal) Regiment of Foot
« on: March 09, 2013, 04:42:47 am »
That was a great LB tonight, glad you guys came along.

Great LB today and tonight guys. Both were very fun and enjoyable.

that was one great line battle tonight guys!

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