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Messages - Pickett Pie

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 159
Regiments / Re: 4. Schlesisches Landwehr Infanterie Regiment (4teSLR)
« on: August 21, 2016, 08:36:33 pm »
is dat him

Off Topic / Re: Anime Discussion Thread Mk.II
« on: July 12, 2016, 05:12:11 am »
The only anime worth watching/reading in history of existence of shitty Japanese cartoons is Berserk.
3d animation disgusting
It can be okay if done right but Berserk's reminds me of a cheap local tv ad or like some shitty morning Disney shit. The golden arc flashbacks look pretty okay tho. 

No amount of dank memes can fill the void left by lawbringer  :'(

Even easier without the horse m899

Off Topic / Re: Anime Discussion Thread
« on: March 25, 2016, 11:27:00 pm »
New berserk anime will be aired in 2016, anyone into it?
Hell yeah boi shit looks hype, kinda hate that it's not gonna be in the same hand-drawn 90's style and rather in the newer easier cgi bullshit, but hey it's still some new berserk stuff.
Woah what, they are making new seasons of FLCL for it's Toonami airing? Still waiting for new season of Samurai Jack. I'd watch both.
Awh shit son I really liked FLCL, looking forward to this.

Das a good song

It's all about the skimpy sexual performance fam not the music itself cmon now.

One day I hope to be beautiful Korean girl like Lurvy.

At least it isn't as disgusting as 7te melee and competitive skill

My school is so Asian that after AP Gov tests, people sit in the back of the room and watch anime together

U fucking normie, my schools takes tests in anime. After school there is a class room full of kids who wear fox tails and fucking REEEEEE all the time who sit there an watch anime because if they go home and watch anime their father will beat them.
fuck both you lil bitches bet u don't even inject animemes straight into your veins bet you don't even tie-off with your naruto headbands or even stroke out while clutching your body pillows bro I bet u have shit-tier asuna on your waifu pillow u shitlord

Is dragon even your real fursona

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