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Messages - Rainbowgeorge

Pages: 1

-Whats your Name? My name is  Blake
-Whats your Steam ID? blakeb14
-How old are you? 15
-Do you have any experience as an admin and since when are you in the NW community? I have been an admin in 4 regiments and in the NW regs and communitys for almost a year now.
-Why should we choose you as an Admin? I am American so when the Americans come on and yall are away sleeping ill be watching out for the server I am on very often in the day.

Application accepted!

I cant remember their names, i just temp banned them after breaking our rules.

Cheers, Gefr-Rainbowgeorge

I'm just going to quote what I said previously, because this reply is basically what you said earlier. Not moving to resolve this issue.

You broke rule Nr.6 twice so you got temp banned,

Greetz, Gefr-Rainbowgeorge

One of our members mentioned our server briefly (Obviously didn't know your rules since you didn't have a server thread at that time) and got banned by you (Although you didn't give an explanation to the rest of the players after the ban), however that doesn't excuse you banning other 33rd members that was peacefully playing on your server during that time.

P.S I didn't get banned I was inquiring for our two members that got banned.

Edit: Your method for making unban/ban request will be very difficult, not everyone in the community speaks German.

You could have asked for our the rules on our Teamspeak and there is no need to warn somebody before banning and now stop spamming our thread. Im beginning to see how mature you guys are, and if we find out that you are playing with our names well talk to the owners of the game.

Not telling it again, stop sending 18tes people to troll on the 33rd siege server. One of you guys just got Perm banned. It's a sad way to be angry. Gurkha already warned, stop being silly.
Tell me his name and well se if he is not a troll of the 33rd regiment.

Edit: Your method for making unban/ban request will be very difficult, not everyone in the community speaks German.

if you klick the link that i put in youll directly get to the unban thread

I cant remember their names, i just temp banned them after breaking our rules.

Cheers, Gefr-Rainbowgeorge

You broke rule Nr.6 twice so you got temp banned,

Greetz, Gefr-Rainbowgeorge

18tes Königlich Preußisches Regimnet
is proud to present to you our Server


wich is online scince March 2013

Fort Bluecher (Fort Hohenfels)

Omaha Beach(Fort Lyon (Night))

Burg Drachenfels(Fort Fleetwood(Storm))

Burg Sternental(Fort Fleetwood(Morning))



-Racism will be punished by a serverban

-After 3 Rounds there will be a mapchange

-No teamhitting and trolling

-As defender don´t open the gates for attackers

-Foreign regiments (not german) are allowed to recruit
 if they dont spam their messages massivley
 ->eg. 2 messages per map

-No advertising of servers



Did you get banned or want to ban somebody?
To get unbanned or ban somebody visit our Website:

Do you want to join our Steamgroup?
It's: 18tes_NW_Siege Fan Group

Are you interested into becomeing an admin?

Then awnser us the following questions:

-Whats your Name?
-Whats your Steam ID?
-How old are you?
-Do you have any experience as an admin and scince when are you in the NW community?
-Why should we choose you as an Admin?

Pages: 1