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Pages: 1
Regiments / Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members
« on: April 21, 2013, 05:58:09 pm »

About Us

The 1tesElbe is a active and skilled North American regiment that plays as Prussian Landwehr, we strive to portray a skilled and mature anad amazing Landwehr regiment whilst still having fun at the same time!, the 1tes Elbe Landwehr Battalion have historical ranking systems to suit the prussian era and a simple code of conduct while we don't want to be to strict we ensure our members have the fun they want as well!


PM me the Application filled out and wait for me to review it.

In-Game Name:

Steam Name:

Previous Regiments:

Location and Timezone:

Melee Skill 1-10 (Will not affect):

Ranking System

Command Staff
Oberst - Oberst
OberstLeutnant- OberstLt

Hauptmann  - Hptm
Kapitan - Kapt
Oberleutnant- Oblt
Leutnant - Lt

Feldwebel - Fwbl
Stabs-Unteroffizier - StUffz
Unteroffizier - Uffz
Korporal - Kpl

Stabs-Gefreiter - StGfr
Ober-Gefreiter - OGfr
Gefreiter - Gfr
Soldat - Sdt
Rekrut - Rkt

Elbe Landwehr :)


Regiments / Re: Regiment List
« on: April 21, 2013, 06:20:48 am »
- Regiment Name : 1. Elbisches Landwehr Battalion

- Regiment Tag : 1tesElbe_(rank)_(name)

- Faction : Prussia

- Class : Landwehr (Line Infantry)

- Based : North America

- Thread Link : 1. Elbisches Landwehr Battalion

Pages: 1