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Messages - Villbey

Pages: 1
Regiments / Re: JLr Gaming Community + Free Teamspeak Server
« on: December 13, 2014, 02:58:53 am »
Might look into this :D

what kinds of games do you play and how big is the community. Other clans for other games e.t.c?

We play many games such as Total War, Guild Wars, WoW, lol, Mount and Blade, and many more and if we don't play your favorite game we can add it to our list!

Regiments / JLr Gaming Community + Free Teamspeak Server
« on: December 10, 2014, 01:58:13 am »
 :) Hello, I assume that most of you have clicked on this because I have offered you a free teamspeak server.  Well you are free to use the JLr community server if you join the JLr gaming community.  This is not an army its is just a gaming community, if you are a reg leader you will be able to keep your position as a reg leader and you will have absolute control over your regiment. If you want to know more about the JLr or this offer please message JLr* | Villbey on steam. 
Perks of the JLr
Help Finding NW and Mount and Blade Events
Free TS server to use
We have guilds and clans in many other games
Endless fun with other JLr members


Regiment name: JLr
Regiment leader's Steam: Villbey
Once, or permanently: Perm
Expected attendance: 6 - 8

Application to join
Regiment Name: JLr
Are you the Regiment Leader: Yes
Regiment Leader Steam: [*JLr*]Villbey
Regiment FSE Thread Link: don't have one
Projected Attendance: 7 - 11
I agree to read and follow the rules and make sure to check the thread for any updates: yup

Regiments / JLr Na NW Regiment is Recruiting
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:24:18 am »
If you would like to join a fun NA regiment for NW then please consider joining the JLr.  We are a new regiment and looking to expand and grow!  If you would like more information or you would like to join please add Villbey on steam.  Thanks :)

Regiment Name: JLr
Regiment Leader: Villbey
Yes I am the Regiment Leader: Yes
Yes I have joined the "Eatjello Presents" Steam Group: Yes
Average # that will attend: 5-10
Steam Name: Villbey
I have read the RULES  section and I agree to these terms:Yes

Regiment Name: JLr
Regiment Leader: Villbey
Yes I am the Regiment Leader: yup
Yes I have joined the "Friends of Thundersnow" Steam Group
Average # that will attend: 5-10 people
Steam Name: Villbey
I have read the RULES and REGIMENT LEADERS EXPECTATIONS section and I agree to these terms: Yes

Regiments / JLr Na NW Regiment is Recruiting
« on: October 17, 2014, 01:25:15 am »
If you would like to join a fun NA regiment for NW then please consider joining the JLr.  We are a new regiment and looking to expand and grow!  If you would like more information or you would like to join please add Villbey on steam.  Thanks :)

Hello! 8)

Pages: 1