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Messages - 74th_MacTavish

Pages: 1 2 3
Events: EU / Re: 77y Sunday Linebattle
« on: March 03, 2013, 10:22:41 pm »
by the looks of it malakith said drop it and move on and you clearly didn't
then you come here and insult them. that doesnt set you in a good spot.
if you've been in this community long rnough you know that event organisers will stick with the regiments that attend regulary

If attending regularly makes you exempt from proper behavior... Furthermore I didn't insult Malakith (at first). The strongest statement was calling him full of shit.

Also I'm simply exercising my freedom of speech. I was wronged and I posted it here for all to see as a warning, what kind of behavior they can expect.

Feel free to notice his use of calling me a (dumbass) when banning me. When you are accepted to medical school, feel free to get on my level (Malakith).

Events: EU / Re: 77y Sunday Linebattle
« on: March 03, 2013, 10:15:12 pm »
Good job..
1. Failed to ask permission to post external private discussion.
2. Failed to post any of the verbal discussion
3. Failed to post all of the Pokes and messages you sent everyone else in the Event channel.

Plenty of other regiments attend this event without any problem, your here 3 minutes and have already kicked up so much fuss people wanted you gone. So you went.

Wow you are incredibly full of shit Malakith. I sent a few pokes regarding the event set up, and chatted about the start times. I apologize for not posting that. That "Verbal" discussion was you raging at me like a child. I didn't even open my microphone lol.

Open the TS logs.

You disgust me. You should be ashamed of yourself. How you got community rep is beyond me. I was there for 3 hours btw, not 3 minutes.

"People" wanted me gone? I was insulted without reason by a regiment with who'se leaders I had problems with in mount and gladius. I didn't offend anyone in that teamspeak. I was called a faggot for no reason with 20 people there to see.

Mr. Malakith got his feelings hurt because I said I'd go to someone higher than him if he refused to do anything. Was it that difficult for you to tell them not to be offensive? Perhaps you should tell Aztir that you told me there is noone higher than you since you own the TS (which was also said publicly for all to hear). I believe the quote would be "Go to someone higher than me? I own the TS". (then the ban).

Events: EU / Re: 77y Sunday Linebattle
« on: March 03, 2013, 07:44:11 pm »
You do have alot of quarrel with people.

No, its just the vast majority of people in this community are idiots that have no idea how to behave. Not my fault.

Events: EU / Re: 77y Sunday Linebattle
« on: March 03, 2013, 07:36:44 pm »
7. Posting private conversations without permission
All too often we have seen private conversations held on Steam, IRC, other programs, private messages and boards which, find their way onto the public domain. We will no longer accept this violation of trust on our forum. If you post a chat without the consent of the other member in the chat you will be instantly muted, and the post removed.

Regiments / Re: 74th Regiment of Foot (Campbell's Highlanders) [EU]
« on: March 03, 2013, 05:45:29 pm »
Shameless Bump!

Regiments / Re: 79th (Cameron Highlanders) Regiment of Foot
« on: March 03, 2013, 02:27:01 pm »

Cameron's really?

Diplex would be insulted =(...

Regiments / Re: 74th Regiment of Foot (Campbell's Highlanders) [EU]
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:18:32 am »
He says it all the time, his sig says it, it's his favourite quote per say. As for the ban I have no idea and I shall ask him and yes it's unnecessary because what actual effect will it have? None.
I don't care if he says it all the time. Its fucking rude and disrespectful. I don't call you incompetent James nor do I say anything about the 74th because I don't know your regiment and you do not know mine. Not only that but I was in a conversation with him and he bans me. Now thirdly it will have an effect because you merced for me and I wish to merc for you too sometime James.

Lime. I did  not insult YOU, or YOUR regiment. I simply stated that your officer in command of the line was pissing me off by allowing FOF during the entire linebattle. Yes I called him incompetent which simply means he did not do a good job of leading and controling his men. You then began "warning" me in MY ts that I shouldn't say that again. Anyone in their right mind would have done the same as me. You basically took a shit on my front lawn and expected me to pick it up. In the future, before you make a post saying that I banned you for your benevolence, make sure that you capture both sides of the story.

Now I will kindly ask you to remove your flame posts from my thread immediately and I would be willing to discuss this in a private context.

Events: EU / Re: 77y Sunday Linebattle
« on: March 03, 2013, 12:16:52 am »
How early are we talking about?

Community / Re: Something Interesting From Groupfighting
« on: March 03, 2013, 12:05:16 am »
As far as dealing with this goes, FSE cannot intervene in issues concerning a privately-owned server. Similarly though, MacTavish has every right to "Warn" the community about admin abuse on private servers (As I believe many supporters of the 91st server were "Warning" people about the 84e siege server, recently).

My advice would be to find another server to use, MacTavish.

Exactly my hope Blobmania =) pointing that out.

Community / Re: #NO HOPE FOR TAVINGTON 2013!
« on: March 02, 2013, 11:25:58 pm »
And here come the lapdogs...

*Insert popcorn post here*.

Regiments / Re: 3te Kurmarkische Landwehr-Regiment
« on: March 02, 2013, 10:48:34 pm »
GL Mike, but you still smell funneh.

Events: EU / Re: 77y Sunday Linebattle
« on: March 02, 2013, 07:41:06 pm »
74th Highlanders

10-20 line

4-6 Artillery (2 cannons).


Events: EU / Re: 15th Regiment Of Foot Saturday Linebattle
« on: March 02, 2013, 03:46:48 pm »
Cenkris, our rifles have had poor attendance this week, so I'll have to change to just line for the 5thFE this week. Sorry for the late notice.
Okay NP i think JSC can cover that in your part of the server!

REGIMENT NAME - 74th Campbell's Highlanders

TROOP/CLASS - Highlanders/Artillery

AMOUNT ATTENDING - 10-20 line (Current rough estimate) 4-6 Artillery (2 cannons or 1 cannon 1 howitzer)
All arty is well and truly taken, do you still want to attend as just line?

Yea ofc. Attending as just line, no skirms.

Community / Something Interesting From Groupfighting
« on: March 02, 2013, 03:09:51 pm »

One of the 91st admins permabanned a player for shooting the first time.

I had never seen him before, or any rule breaking associated with him and I play GF on a regular basis (daily, for 2 hours on avg).

This is Tavington's response when I said they should respect the slay + kick + Temp Sequence. It truly amuses me how some people refuse to stop digging that hole...

Anyone else still in support of him getting unbanned from FSE forums? Didn't think so.

PS: Been hearing alot of great stuff about the other GF servers going up, such as the 44th_NW_Groupfighting -> Recommend.

Events: EU / Re: 15th Regiment Of Foot Saturday Linebattle
« on: March 02, 2013, 02:54:16 pm »
REGIMENT NAME - 74th Campbell's Highlanders

TROOP/CLASS - Highlanders/Artillery

AMOUNT ATTENDING - 10-20 line (Current rough estimate) 4-6 Artillery (2 cannons or 1 cannon 1 howitzer)

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