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Messages - judgedred

Pages: 1 2
Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: June 22, 2013, 12:21:48 am »
any update on why i have been mysteriously logbanned aldemar? and dont pretend as if you didnt see this because i know you did

hahaha gurkha this is the internet do you actually think i care about grammar and spelling? and the fact that you are so pig ignorant to insult someone through the internet shows you are now better than me? you clearly think your grammer is perfect even though you do not know when and how to correctly use the word although and that you have clearly just used the spell check button. you are sad gurkha you clearly use this forum to satisfy your ego and just because you have got the new big boss admin job doesnt mean you need to act the hard man and you also act as if your perfect even though you were declined from the 84e due to past behavior. seriously  you cannot take a joke, the round was going to be re- set within 5 minutes . you look down at me as if your superior but really your not you're some other guy sitting behind a computer all day every day relying on this game as your social place such importance on yourself when you are just a lonely big ego kid who plays a napoleonic wars game seriously all day because you have nothing better to do you do realise that you are the simple mided one here. i tried to use manners when dealing with this but not you, you resorted to insults. I sincerly hope someone teaches you some manners anyways what age are you? you act as if you are a 13 year old trying to look like he is 37  by pretending as if your sophisticated even though i have seen you play on the 84e and that you are far from sophisticated.

ModEdit: Please kiddies, play nice.




to gaius

Name: samsquanch
Admin who banned me: Gurkha
reason: I built simple earthwork over some cannon ammo.
time banned: 17:25

apologies: i apologize for trolling and to the ones I trolled but i didnt receive any warnings from the admins I was simply banned so if you had actually warned me I would have stopped it and the reason i did it is becasue it was a bit fun and that i would be warned to stop and I even returned back to undig my earthwork and when i did i was banned and gurkha dont call me pathetic or look down at me please treat this professionally and to insult someone like calling them pathetic from a computer in itself is hipocriticall so  please leave out the name calling and insults as I  have not said any to you and i dont see the point in it.  and on my i have played properly for the last 3 months  i was banned from the 15th over a year and a half ago and for the last 3 months i have played just fine on the 84e server but i have recently been banned as they believe i have connections with betty which i can assure you i do not.


hi guys i was permanetly banned today (14/05/13)  at approximately 17:25 gmt the reason i was banned is because i build earthwork over the cannonballs. i apologize but i think it was a bit harsh to get perma banned for that and ive seen people get a temp ban for way worse. ingame name:  samsquanch

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: May 05, 2013, 11:12:37 pm »
guys why am i banned on your server? i havent done anything to the server? i havent even played on the server for a good week and a half so what happened? there i s no reason i should be banned right now so please endevure. (ingame name :FUCKTARD)

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 19, 2013, 04:37:23 pm »
I am here to report a playe called Furkhan. He kept teamkiling me for no apparent reason. I'm not the first the first to have this happend to. I hope something is done about this player. thanks for your attention please look into this matter.This event took place at around 15:30 gmt a on the 19/03/12

Yours sincerly,

Servers / Re: 15th Humans vs Bots Server
« on: March 16, 2013, 01:05:14 am »
Hello greetings everyone :)

I was banned I would say almost a year ago now. I was spamming the letter t i dont know why I was doing it it was a dumb thing to do but i was perma banned for it. I just want to be unbanned simple as that. I always got on well with the admins there i never did anything bad before an di think the perma ban was a bit extreme. my ingame name is FUCKTARD please dont let the name fool you i have changed it but it was the name I used at the time.

Yours sincerly

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 14, 2013, 10:48:59 pm »
I would like to address the matter of custom map 13. Earlier today I posted on in-game chat saying anyone who wants a map change press one. everyone did. This map is awful. The attackers get almost no where near enough boats and every single ladder on the sides of the fort are too short to jump. thus meaning the only way to win is if you go around back attacking.This is impossible as there is not enough boats and the ones we do get are blow up by artillery. This basically means it's a freak accident for attackers to win. I sincerly hope something is done about this map.The attackers need to outnumber the fort 3 to 1 before victory is even possible.I just want to see the map atleast fixed if it cant be then i suggest you remove it. The server population drops by almost half when this map comes on and enduring an hour of this map will make you want to die of frustration.I am sure most people will agree.

Yours sincerly,

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 09, 2013, 05:49:35 pm »
wow the great 84e has never failed to impress me. Everytime I log on I see ban requests just being blatenly ignored not just mine but about 90% of all requests. I thought the 84e was supposed to be great all around but clearly not. This is how they deal with problems and it's sad considering they take pride in themselves for being considerative and just.

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: February 12, 2013, 01:43:23 am »
ingame name :FUCKTARD
servers banned from:84e-siege server
What I was doing:There was a guy trying to break the only way to get across the bridge and so I kicked him to stop breaking it and then I was permenently banned.
Time and Date:15/12/2012   at 1pm
Timezone: GMT
I know I was a bad troll and I paid my dues for that but this is a different case. The reason I have re-posted this is because I feel that I am being ignored and that I was banned unfairly. I was only trying to help. I had never trolled since my first ban and I feel that I was banned due to old grudges. I could understand a temporary ban as an attempt to teamkill but a permanent  ban I feel was a bit extreme and was down to bad relations. I realise at the time I was on thin ice but I was only trying to help and I had never teamkilled or trolled the game chat since my first ban.

Just want to say that blowing up the bridge is what you need to do to win the game. It gives the defender a great advantage so that the enemy can not overrun the defenders by flooding the bridge. That is probably why you were the only one trying to kick/attack the guy who was trying to destroy it. :P
I did not know how the map worked and I thought he was trying to stop our team. My mistake. Apologies


ingame name :FUCKTARD
servers banned from:84e-siege server
What I was doing:There was a guy trying to break the only way to get across the bridge and so I kicked him to stop breaking it and then I was permenently banned.
Time and Date:15/12/2012   at 1pm
Timezone: GMT
I know I was a bad troll and I paid my dues for that but this is a different case. The reason I have re-posted this is because I feel that I am being ignored and that I was banned unfairly. I was only trying to help. I had never trolled since my first ban and I feel that I was banned due to old grudges. I could understand a temporary ban as an attempt to teamkill but a permanent  ban I feel was a bit extreme and was down to bad relations. I realise at the time I was on thin ice but I was only trying to help and I had never teamkilled or trolled the game chat since my first ban.

Ingame name- Niels_Gerulfling
I played some games with FUCKTARD and he always behaves well. I never seen him murder teammates and he doesn't troll his fellow players. I think a perm ban is a way too severe punishment for something that happened quite a while ago and could as well have been punished by a kick or temp ban.
Thank you for your support here

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: February 11, 2013, 06:54:37 pm »
ingame name :FUCKTARD

servers banned from:84e-siege server

What I was doing:There was a guy trying to break the only way to get across the bridge and so I kicked him to stop breaking it and then I was permenently banned.

Time and Date:15/12/2012   at 1pm

Timezone: GMT

I know I was a bad troll and I paid my dues for that but this is a different case. The reason I have re-posted this is because I feel that I am being ignored and that I was banned unfairly. I was only trying to help. I had never trolled since my first ban and I feel that I was banned due to old grudges. I could understand a temporary ban as an attempt to teamkill but a permanent  ban I feel was a bit extreme and was down to bad relations. I realise at the time I was on thin ice but I was only trying to help and I had never teamkilled or trolled the game chat since my first ban.

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: December 16, 2012, 02:11:13 pm »
thanks i have put in my name now

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: December 15, 2012, 10:49:00 pm »
ingame name :FUCKTARD

servers banned from:84e-siege server

What I was doing:There was a guy trying to break the only way to get across the bridge and so I kicked him to stop breaking it and then I was permenently banned?

Time and Date:15/12/2012   at 1pm

Timezone: GMT

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / FUCKTARD
« on: December 15, 2012, 02:04:19 pm »
servers banned from:84e-siege server

What I was doing:There was a guy trying to break the only way to get across the bridge and so I kicked him to stop breaking it and then I was permenently banned?

Time and Date:15/12/2012   at 1pm

Timezone: GMT

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: November 14, 2012, 09:59:35 pm »
thank you very much aldemar and al the admins who had the patience for me

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