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Messages - deSaul

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 9
Events: EU / Re: Légion Irlandaise (Irish Legion) Friday Event [EU]
« on: August 01, 2014, 04:41:43 pm »

Regiments / Re: ¤47th (Lancashire) Regiment of Foot¤
« on: July 31, 2014, 03:37:47 pm »
just lol is what you need gg 6-4 against 48th or what it was atleast 2 points difference.

must be hard when you reset rounds & slay people for pointless reasons and outnumber us by 3 or 4 people. :P

But it was fun, gg.

Using my chopsticks and all.

If that's a goat, then I must be Chinese.

Marks and Penn should 1v1 fight irl.

Marks will just throw a sheep and win.


Regiments / Re: 48th Northamptonshire Regiment of Foot [EU/NA]
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:33:56 pm »
Price and Marks giggle, good luck Saul. If you want me to spice your thread I don't mind, old 48th was swag, svens (Not the 60th old, this idiots Dutch) a cunt.

Putting the de back into the community

lol at those play on words.

Saul my love, good luck! Lovely thread.  :-*

Regiment Name: 48th Northamptonshire Regiment of Foot
Preferred Faction: UK
Preferred Class: Line Infantry
Expected Attendance: 15-25
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Once - We'll see how it goes.
Steam name: NG Saul
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: I have read the Line infantry rules and basic rules, the others don't really apply to me or my regiment.

Regiments / Re: 96thRoF (NA) (Recruiting)
« on: July 27, 2014, 05:22:25 pm »
Good luck!  ;D

Got a 1 vs 1 today against the 4eGrens, wish us luck.

Thanks. Good to be back.

That looks fantastic, thank you.


Good job everyone yesterday for attending the training and coming to the event, a solid turnout.

Bello Civili - The Roman Civil War / Re: Please revive mod
« on: July 26, 2014, 10:40:34 pm »
People realized there are enough Roman Era mods for Warband, and kind of flocked to those for the larger communities. There was also a patch that fucked everything up, and people stopped playing because of it.

What did we fuck up, petschie??

Only reason me and my guys stopped playing was the whole "Pilumn going through shields thing." It made it no fun to make formations.

Regiments / Re: Official Regiment List
« on: July 26, 2014, 10:28:26 pm »
I'll wait on it.

Regiments / 48th Northamptonshire Regiment of Foot
« on: July 26, 2014, 10:25:54 pm »

Setting it up in advance to the next update.

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