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Messages - EnsignHiggins

Pages: 1
Regiments / Re: 9y Leib Gvardii (RECRUITING ON HOLD)
« on: August 01, 2013, 06:52:53 pm »
Well, I'm glad I joined a loving, caring, friendly community full of guys that will have my back...

Of course, who am I to question these experts and their computer...

Napoleon:I have a cavalry saber. I am on a horse. I'd better dismount to take on someone 9 inches taller and 60 pounds heavier. I'm a genius by the way...

Grape shot? Like, naval grapeshot? Whatever happened to canister? And massed volley's of... 4 guys... right...

In this 5vs 5 battle, we will see who is the better general... who uses a 6 cannon at that range against 5 guys?! With roundshot instead of canister!

Goodbye Sleek. You will be missed. I am hereby changing my name to SleekJr in your honour, and will troll the world to carry on your memory.

In reference to the recruiting company, recruiting was usually done by the second battalion in most 2 battalion regiments. They were based in England and sent newly trained troops to reinforce the 1st battalion which was on the front.

Technical Support / Unusually high ping.
« on: February 15, 2013, 04:48:04 am »
So, my ping has been pretty good across the board. 40 pings US1 and all that. However, ever since US1 got changed to NA1, I've been getting around 300 ping on it. All the other servers have the same low ping. Just wondering if theirs anything I can do about it, or if something happened to US1 when it was renamed. Thanks in advance for the help.

Pages: 1