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Messages - LeatherJacket_Of_Justice

Pages: 1 2
Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 29, 2013, 02:05:46 pm »
I am not lying, how can I possibly prove myself? Please, I have done nothing wrong and never have, I'm pleading with you to believe me, I don't know what else to do.

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 29, 2013, 01:08:29 pm »
I can't believe this is happening. I have no connections to Betty and I have done nothing wrong. I don't even know what to say, I have never had any connections to 'Betty' or her activities, why am I suddenly being accused of this?

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 29, 2013, 03:42:20 am »
Well that's not very reassuring, would anyone be able to provide a reason for the ban?


Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 29, 2013, 01:54:07 am »
Well no, I'd have nothing to put in it other than my name. I last played last night with no problems, and having just tried to join tonight, I am apparently banned. I expect its the work of a certain old lady going by the name of Emma and a thousand other names (I don't think she likes me very much).

What I can't work out is how I was banned, surely it would have to be a log ban If I wasn't on the server?

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 29, 2013, 01:32:14 am »
I appear to be banned from the server, can someone look into this for me please.

Community / Re: What are you good at/bad at?
« on: March 24, 2013, 11:13:17 pm »
Good at : Twig

Bad at : Washing

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 19, 2013, 12:02:34 am »
koloradokoolaid is a good player, he has been around a long time and is not someone who should be permanently banned.

Media / Re: Screenshots and Videos
« on: March 03, 2013, 04:21:53 am »
Partisan to the bloody end

My good friend Volt the Horse Wizard!

Volt, myself and my speccy friend conversing in the latrine

Comrades praying for me in death

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: February 27, 2013, 09:00:51 pm »
a) it doesn't look really nice and b) it would be making no sence for the defenders/constructors of the fortress to give the attackers such an advantage to take the bridge!

Remember this isn't fort simulator, it is a computer game with the intention of being fun. Play any (Good) game and you will notice that functionality is put before the environment.

And c) sorry but that really causes eye cancer for me.

How polite, please bare in mind that these conceptual images I created are not and were not intended to be works of art, you don't have to be rude.

Don't run straight across the field and you never get hit by a single cannonball (trust me, you manage this). I got hit on this map by a cannonball only 2-3 times, and 2 times I was running straight. And I know my map well enough I can say.

That's great that you know your map well enough, what about the rest of the players?

And imo moving the spawn 2m closer to the cannons doesnt make any sense.  It gives the attackers no really more time, more likely will the attacker arty train block some infantry/sappers on spawn if they all stick more together. It will steal some quick overview as well.

It is far greater a distance than two meters, the spawn positions I have suggested are near identical to what you have in map 14, and these issues you mention are not a problem.

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: February 25, 2013, 11:06:15 pm »
Hello, first let me say its good to see some of the maps have been updated and some issues have been addressed. The map with the most prominent issues being Map 13, where there have been some improvements, which is great.

 There are however still some issues, the bridge still poses a problem. With the new bridge, it can be damaged in multiple locations and is more time consuming to pass. One of the biggest problems with this new bridge is that due to some cover than has been placed on the bridge, players have a really hard time even getting across the first gap, there is only one spot a wooden plank can be placed across, as this screenshot demonstrates:

With around 100 people on, it becomes almost impossible to get on. All that needs to be done here is for those cover objects to be moved back a bit, so players have room to move.

The cannons on the fort also appear to be too excessive, there are 7 or 8 if I remember correctly point in the direction of the attackers. However the ones that are most problematic are the two that overlook the bridge. The main route that most players are going to take is covered by a crossfire of cannons balls, it becomes incredibly hard even reaching the start of the bridge. Perhaps one or two of these cannons should be removed to alleviate some of the cannon spam attackers face?

I also think the attackers spawn points need revising. With the latest version, the attackers spawns are too far back and spread over too great a volume. Some Attackers spawn much closer to the barrier protecting the spawn, whilst others spawn much farther back. I'm not sure why this is done, wouldn't it make more sense to have them all spawn in the same vicinity (Shaded area), that being the spawns closest to the fort? Here is another screenshot to help me explain my point:

The boats on the far left of the fort (from attackers perspective) are too far away to be of any use, rarely I see people using it for anything other than going for a boat ride, perhaps it should moved slightly closer to the pontoon bridge, giving attackers another option if there is not a sapper to hand?

This screenshot shows several things, the boat position, cannons that could be removed and also a concept for added cover :

The battlefield feels very barren at the moment, and cannon balls freely ravage the floor. Some added cover for the approach would be a great way to give the attackers a chance to avoid the cannon balls, for example some rocks dotted here and there that can stop a cannon ball in its tracks. Its not fun walking out of spawn to have your legs taken from under you!

And finally an idea I have with regards to the bridge, in the concept below you will see a small structure midway between the bridge. I feel a small structure like this would make this area of the map much more interesting. It gives the defenders a spot that can hold, and attackers a spot they can use to regroup and take cover if they are lucky enough to make it that far. Remember this is just a quick concept, and also remember that this is a game and forts don't need to make total sense, but something along these lines I feel could really help this map reach its potential, and make it more enjoyable for everybody, Fun is the key to a great map.

Note that I have also quickly resized the bridge, the longer the bridge is, the father the players have to travel in a bottleneck.

Please keep in mind that I am trying to help here, The map has a lot of potential which is why I am here taking the time to propose suggestions, it would be great to hear what other people think and what suggestions they can offer.

Regards, LeatherJacket

Servers / Re: 44th_NW_Siege
« on: February 24, 2013, 06:33:39 pm »
Maps look nice but isn't there already a popular siege server?  ::) With no intention of being mean/annoying here; would you not be best using your servers/mapper/numbers to create an original server? That isn't just going to sit there.

Is one siege server enough? People like variety, I think this is a great initiative that will add some much needed diversity to game.


Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: February 09, 2013, 05:30:40 am »
I am happy to see Nipplestockings unbanned, as myself and Cruor Volt have already mentioned, he is a decent player and I've never seen any flak come from him. I also share the sorrow for others that remain permanently banned for so long, I think we need to consider how many people have been banned and are simply unaware of how to request an unban, perhaps they cant (Language barriers). It would be nice if admins could show a little more mercy for players, so the community doesn't sustain excessive casualties.


General Discussion / Re: The french `surrender` chant...
« on: January 22, 2013, 01:19:59 am »
I love the French ones, the females are the funniest

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:23:23 am »
I'd like to jump in here in NippleStockings defence, I've played a lot with him and he has been around for quite a while, never have I seen any trouble come from him. He has always come across as a good and well behaved player. What has happened here does seem a bit unfair, quite often we see people go on rampages in the chat, calling people every evil word you can imagine, yet never get banned, or are kicked, or are temporarily banned.

Nipplestockings I'm sure is genuinely sorry this has happened, and I feel that his ban should not at all be permanent. There are plenty of offensive players out there that abuse in meaningful ways and intend to cause harm, in which a punishment like this is suited.


Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: January 09, 2013, 03:07:07 am »
Yet more issues with 'Custom Map 13'

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