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Messages - Rackio

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 52
Regiments / Re: 42nd "Black Watch" Regiment Of Foot [EU-Recruiting]
« on: April 27, 2016, 01:01:39 am »
web cam wanker? ???
Oh ffs  ;D
Also long time no see

good evening. i have returned from trying to be an adult.... it failed.
so back to the old ways i shall appear then disappear. as the legends foretold


Regiments / Re: 42nd "Black Watch" Regiment Of Foot [EU-Recruiting]
« on: April 27, 2016, 12:39:03 am »
web cam wanker? ???

edgy reply bro. Almost as good as Biscuit the horse

Regiments / Re: 42nd "Black Watch" Regiment Of Foot [EU-Recruiting]
« on: April 27, 2016, 12:36:16 am »
web cam wanker????

Well copenhagen 2k15 meetup great success

I don't think people who are that new ever join the NW community now.   :'(   ::)

thats because its become a cesspool of shit. the Admins are shit they rules aren't followed in lbs and you can pretty much get away with whatever you want in the official servers as the admins no longer care

Well you need to bump this then I will f*** off, maybe.

seems FSE is working again so BUMP

even though i'm not even in the regiment any more and am just the MLG pro gamer you bring in every so often when you need a win :D  (and have been playing this DLC since it came out and am bored shitless of if because well the melee is appalling compared to MM (for those of you youngsters who don't know MM is the mod that came before/created NW DLC))

Chivalry Event tonight chaps sharpen dem swords and shit

Pizza is made out of bread just pizza bread gawdddd

Hopefully later, after mass. Unless I end up going out for a meal with my cousins from England who are up, but we seen them yesterday, so it's unlikely.  :-\

And with this pizza base i shall make a new religious pizza with lots of pork so the jews and Muslims can't eat it

you online today some total war?

Yes we still play NW you aint getting this name boyo now feck off

Other Games / Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO)
« on: March 14, 2015, 02:35:17 am »

Free you say???!!!! well as a Scottish based community how could we say no to free stuff...

In all seriousness we as a community have embarked in a long adventure. The Elves have left their safe havens and the Dwarves have left there mountains the Third Age has arrived and with it the problems of Middle Earth.
We have joined together as Dwarves, Elves, Hobbits and Men to aid the fellowship rid the lands of the enemies of the free people.

Starting together in Bree we launch our adventure and in doing so will meet the lore and traditions of the Books and *cough* films... WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT ADD TOM BOMBADIL into the films... *cough*
Look at this majestic and crazy person, dancing everywhere just because he could, Like a badass

For any one else that plays were well not always the most polite or friendly people but once you get past our rough exterior were a bag of kittens and we all enjoy playing games and we are enjoying this. From people like Celtic who have been playing since Beta to the present and new players like myself joining now were having fun doing missions and learning new things about the Lord of the Rings lore.
If you play already or just want to start come and join us add me or Celtic and come talk and get shouted at by Celtic when you don't RP properly.

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