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Messages - 4eMG_Lafayette

Pages: 1
The 4eMG is looking for regiments available for Line Battle on Wednesday evenings with a membership of about ten players.

Please provide the following information:
Links to the Steam and Discord profiles of the leaders;
number of players ingame;
Availability times.

My Steam profile :

Sincerely, Regiment of France

Regiment name : 4e Régiment de marins de la Garde Impériale
Troop/Class : marins
Amount Attending : 5-15
Leader and Second steam link:   /et/
Weekly or Once?: 1/2 weeks
At what time does the event start?:   8h30 à l'heure française

Events: EU / Re: 19th Sunday Linebattle [EU]
« on: March 29, 2023, 09:59:18 pm »
Regiment Name: 4e Marins de la Garde Imperiale
Unit: Marins
Expected Attendance: 7-15
Regimental Rep' and Steam:
Backup Rep' and Steam:
Once or Weekly:weekly
I have read and accepted the rules: yes

Pages: 1