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Messages - smurfkidharley

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Re: Sunday Hot Gates Event |EU| Next Event 25/11 NEW MAP
« on: November 24, 2012, 01:39:23 pm »
Regiment Name : The Scots Guards
Unit Type (Infantry or cavalry) : Infantry
Amount of Men : 10-15
Leaders steam name : ScotsGuards Colonel Nicholls

Regiments / Re: 2nd Coldstream Guards [EU] Recruiting
« on: November 13, 2012, 11:13:48 pm »
Good luck Spartan :P

Regiments / Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« on: November 13, 2012, 09:44:04 pm »

A Brief History

The Scots Guards is historically a Foot guard regiment of the Guards Division of the British Army. Its lineage can be traced as far back as 1642, although it was only placed on the English Establishment  in 1686. The Scots Guards went on to serve in many wars to come including the war of Austrian Succession, The Seven Years War, The American War of Independence, and The French Revolutionary Wars.

The Scots Guards saw service in the Peninsula War and The Waterloo Campaign. During the Peninsula War, in 1810 the guards arrived in Cadiz, and found themselves besieged for the coming two and a half years. The French army under Marshal Soult kept the garrison of Cadiz boxed in until he detached 20,000 men to go to Badajoz. The British and Spanish sent a force of 15,000 up the coast to attack their rear but on the 5th of March, after the Spanish commander had returned to Cadiz, the British commander, Maj-General Thomas Graham and his division of 4,000 were left to fight 7,000 Frenchmen. The British had been marching for a day and night but managed to defeat the French in a short but bloody battle in which the Guards lost a third of their number. The battle honour BARROSA was awarded to the regiment. After the battle in March 1811, Graham's men returned to Cadiz but could not leave until late summer in 1812.

In 1813 the end of the war was drawing ever closer and Wellington now commanded 80,000 men, 47,000 of whom were British. But Wellington still had to claim the fortified coastal town of San Sebastian. The task of storming the fortified town was given to Lieut-Gen Thomas Graham who had commanded the Guards at Cadiz. The siege took 9 weeks from 12th July to 8th Sept and resulted in heavy casualties. A party of 200 Guards volunteers suffered the loss of 160 men. The first storming of a breach took place on 25th July and failed, but on 31st August the attack succeeded and the town was taken. The French still occupied the castle which was not surrendered until 8th September.

In 1815 the 2nd Battalion took part in the Waterloo Campaign along side the Coldstream's 2nd Battalion forming the 2nd Guards Brigade. Under the command of a former Scots Guards officer. During the battle of Waterloo, the Guards were instructed to defend the chateau of Hougoumont, despite the French onslaught the Guards held on and drove the French back.

The Scots Guards once again distinguished themselves during the battle of Alma. (Crimean War) Where in the defence of the colours, 4 of the first Victoria crosses were won. The regiment once again proved its worth at the battle of Inkerman in November when they held off a far larger and more prepared force of Russian infantry with the sheer skill and vicious melee combat.

Both the 1st and 2nd battalions of the regiment served during WW1. In July 1915 both the battalions gained 33 battle honours between them some of which are now borne onto the regimental colours. Five Victoria crosses were awarded to the Scots Guards during WW1. In November 1918, the rank of Guardsman was brought into the guard regiments to replace the Private rank given previously.

The Scots Guards is ranked as the third regiment in the Guards Division. The British Grenadier Guards take 1st and the Coldstream 2nd. The regiment historically consisted of 2 Battalions, but due to modern military cutbacks, now consists of only 1 Battalion. The Scots Guards are fiercely proud of their unbroken service and loyalty to the monarch and their hard earned reputation as a fine group of soldiers.

Rank Structure

Lieutenant Colonel

Soldiers And NCO Ranks
Regiment Serjeant Major
Colour Serjeant
Lance Corporal

If you are interested in joining or have any questions, feel free to add ScotsGuards Colonel Nicholls or smurfkidharley on steam.
We are always recruiting and hope to see you soon!


Disbanded! Sorry :)

Regiments / Re: 3rd Regiment Of Foot Guards, The Scots Guards (Recruiting)
« on: November 12, 2012, 10:18:49 pm »
This is probably on the front page of this thread, but the regiment has been officially disbanded. We have merged into the 2nd Coldstream. It's been a fun ride, but there's no place for small regiments any more it would seem.

Regiments / Re: 3rd Regiment Of Foot Guards, The Scots Guards (Recruiting)
« on: November 11, 2012, 10:42:11 pm »
Thanks guys :P

Regiments / Re: 3rd Regiment Of Foot Guards, The Scots Guards (Recruiting)
« on: November 11, 2012, 10:24:02 pm »
Thanks guys :D

Regiments / Re: 3rd Regiment Of Foot Guards, The Scots Guards (Recruiting)
« on: November 11, 2012, 09:59:01 pm »
Thank you gentlemen.

Regiments / Re: 3rd Regiment Of Foot Guards, The Scots Guards (Recruiting)
« on: November 11, 2012, 09:48:34 pm »
Reserved for future use :P

Regiments / The Scots Guards - Disbanded.
« on: November 11, 2012, 09:43:19 pm »

A Brief History

The Scots Guards is historically a Foot guard regiment of the Guards Division of the British Army. Its lineage can be traced as far back as 1642, although it was only placed on the English Establishment  in 1686. The Scots Guards went on to serve in many wars to come including the war of Austrian Succession, The Seven Years War, The American War of Independence, and The French Revolutionary Wars.

The Scots Guards saw service in the Peninsula War and The Waterloo Campaign. During the Peninsula War, in 1810 the guards arrived in Cadiz, and found themselves besieged for the coming two and a half years. The French army under Marshal Soult kept the garrison of Cadiz boxed in until he detached 20,000 men to go to Badajoz. The British and Spanish sent a force of 15,000 up the coast to attack their rear but on the 5th of March, after the Spanish commander had returned to Cadiz, the British commander, Maj-General Thomas Graham and his division of 4,000 were left to fight 7,000 Frenchmen. The British had been marching for a day and night but managed to defeat the French in a short but bloody battle in which the Guards lost a third of their number. The battle honour BARROSA was awarded to the regiment. After the battle in March 1811, Graham's men returned to Cadiz but could not leave until late summer in 1812.

In 1813 the end of the war was drawing ever closer and Wellington now commanded 80,000 men, 47,000 of whom were British. But Wellington still had to claim the fortified coastal town of San Sebastian. The task of storming the fortified town was given to Lieut-Gen Thomas Graham who had commanded the Guards at Cadiz. The siege took 9 weeks from 12th July to 8th Sept and resulted in heavy casualties. A party of 200 Guards volunteers suffered the loss of 160 men. The first storming of a breach took place on 25th July and failed, but on 31st August the attack succeeded and the town was taken. The French still occupied the castle which was not surrendered until 8th September.

In 1815 the 2nd Battalion took part in the Waterloo Campaign along side the Coldstream's 2nd Battalion forming the 2nd Guards Brigade. Under the command of a former Scots Guards officer. During the battle of Waterloo, the Guards were instructed to defend the chateau of Hougoumont, despite the French onslaught the Guards held on and drove the French back.

The Scots Guards once again distinguished themselves during the battle of Alma. (Crimean War) Where in the defence of the colours, 4 of the first Victoria crosses were won. The regiment once again proved its worth at the battle of Inkerman in November when they held off a far larger and more prepared force of Russian infantry with the sheer skill and vicious melee combat.

Both the 1st and 2nd battalions of the regiment served during WW1. In July 1915 both the battalions gained 33 battle honours between them some of which are now borne onto the regimental colours. Five Victoria crosses were awarded to the Scots Guards during WW1. In November 1918, the rank of Guardsman was brought into the guard regiments to replace the Private rank given previously.

The Scots Guards is ranked as the third regiment in the Guards Division. The British Grenadier Guards take 1st and the Coldstream 2nd. The regiment historically consisted of 2 Battalions, but due to modern military cutbacks, now consists of only 1 Battalion. The Scots Guards are fiercely proud of their unbroken service and loyalty to the monarch and their hard earned reputation as a fine group of soldiers.

Standard Application

To join the regiment, complete this form and send it to smurfkidharley (Colonel Nicholls) on steam.
Alternatively, the application can be sent in the form of a PM or Reply to this thread.

Any Previous Experience with regiments (Y/N):
Do you speak English fluently?
Do you have Teamspeak (Y/N):
Do you have a microphone (Y/N):
Can you behave in a mature manner (Y/N):
Do you play NW often (Y/N):
What time zone are you in?   
Can you attend at least one training per week held at 7Pm GMT on Mondays and saturdays and at 6Pm GMT on Sundays? (Y/N):
Note - Teamspeak is required, if you don't have it, get it.

Guard Application

Can you chamber?
How well would you rate your melee skill from 1-10, with 1 being lowest, 10 being highest?
How well would you rate your shooting skill from 1-10, with 1 being lowest, 10 being highest?
Are you a veteran to MM/NW?
Can you block well?
Are you active?
Note - Guard applicants must also complete the standard application if not previously in the Scots Guards.


Lieutenant Colonel

Soldiers And NCO Ranks
Regiment Serjeant Major
Colour Serjeant
Lance Corporal

Other Information
Trainings are officially held on Sundays and Mondays at 6 and 7pm GMT respectively.
Teamspeak IP -
The Scots Guards is historically a Foot Guard regiment, so we tend to play as Foot Guard.
I (Colonel Nicholls) am from the UK so training times and events will be scheduled using U.K time.
Bringing in recruits will get you promoted quicker, if your discipline and skills are adequate.
If you are exceptionally skilled in melee or ranged, you may get a promotion for it.
If your behaviour is perfect, you will likely be promoted over time, no matter what your skill level.

Pages: 1