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Messages - Colonel Starks

Pages: 1
Community / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 27, 2022, 05:05:12 am »
Hello! My name is Jacob, also referred to as Starks. I am 17 years old and a history fanatic. I have been to Gettysburg, Appomattox, Virginia Military Institute, Antietam, and the Historical site of Petersburg. I currently reenact for a group called "Sons of Confederate Veterans" and looking to expand my historical gallery of weapons, uniforms, and objects used in the Civil War.

You can contact @

Discord: Starks#1511


72nd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment


On May 24th, 2022, Colonel Starks authorized the official formation of the 72nd Pennsylvania Volunteers, nicknamed the Baxter's Zouaves. The 72ndPA is a semi-professional, English-speaking group. Acting as an organized and disciplined unit of infantrymen, we serve to do our duty through thick and thin. We follow a simple code for our brotherhood: "Disciplina vincit diem!" or "Discipline wins the day!" No matter the difficulty ahead of us, we will persevere through any problem we come across because we do so together. We perform in events weekly, showcasing our good vibes and fun times for the whole community to witness. Besides gaming, our members also partake in avid conversations regarding what interests them, including tabletop games, history, music, and more. The core concept of our regiment is a place for strangers to become friends and for friends to become brothers. Outside of events, members are encouraged to spend time with each other and to become friends outside of the game. We have had members from all over the globe, predominantly from the United States and Canada, and continue to encourage anyone who is interested to join and be a part of this community regardless of location.


The 79th Pennyslvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment "Baxter's Fire Zouaves" [NA] are recruiting today!
We are a brand new addition and a dedicated regiment that has decided to start a legacy in BcOF.

To enlist today join our communications server!

Our steam group!



Commissioned Officers [3]
Colonel Starks
Captain Buritto
Captain Destroider
Non-Commissioned Officers [2]
First Sergeant Repaul
Sergeant Poldi
Enlisted [9]
Corporal Holy
Private Johnny
Private BarnacleBoy
Private Kods
Private Sigz
Private dimenti
Private Warrior
Volunteer Turtlez
Volunteer Pacifist
Volunteer AcidImperator
Volunteer Top
Volunteer Gold
[/td][/tr][/table]Thread by Starks[/td][/tr][/table]

Pages: 1