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Messages - apatheticbe4ver

Pages: 1
Discord Info and Unban Requests / Apathetic Beaver#1655 unban appeal
« on: March 26, 2023, 03:37:36 am »
What was happening when you got banned: i forget bro it was like 2 years ago
Did you break any other rules prior to your ban? (this may include any prior bans, or any other rules you were or were not punished for) yeah a fuckton
Time and date when the account was banned: 1/25/22
Timezone: est
Why should you be unbanned? it has been like a year, the person in question that caused the drama is gone and i just want to come back i apologise for holding a childish vendetta, im just tryna have fun in the community again <3

Community name: Apathetic Beaver
Steam Name: Apathetic Beaver
Age: 15
Location/Timezone: EST
Applying for (NA1 or EU1):NA1
Regiments: TB/24thGA
About yourself: awesome beaver guy
Why you would be a good admin: ive admined on gmod servers before and discords
Will you be able to help administer the Public Linebattle or other possible events on the official servers?: yes
Previous Experience (if any):gmod, various SCP:SL Discord server
Your steam ID 64: 76561199032908265

Regiments (Game Clans) / 33rd Regiment Of The Foot is Mustering Today!
« on: March 03, 2022, 03:35:35 am »
"A Mari Usque ad Mare!"
The Canadian Forces are calling for able bodied men to fill the ranks for the 33rd Regiment of The Foot.

Battles and History of the 33rd Regiment of The Foot

The first large scale battle The 33rd found themselves in was in 1775 when some rowdy Americans broke away from the Empire, causing war. The 33rd was noted for it's Professionalism and Capability, almost unheard of from any other regiment in the British Army at the time. The first engagement of the 33rd was at The Battle of Sullivan's Island, also known as the First Siege of Charleston in early 1776 where British forces attempted to breakthrough the cities defenses. In august of that same year, the 33rd were involved in the Battle of Long Island, where a heavy defeat was given out to the revolting Americans, who retreated to Manhattan. The regiments next action came 2 weeks later, at the battle of Harlem Heights. After British forces had landed in New York, a force of British Light Infantry were pursuing an American Scout Patrol, and extended the forces too far. This had caused panic, as they were in danger of being cutoff in a counter attack. Luckily, the 33rd formed part of Lord Cornwallis' Reserve Corps were sent in to support the withdrawl. The 33rd were also involved in The Battle of Fort Washington, however after that the 33rd were not involved in a major battle until September of 1777, where they took part in The Battle of Brandywine where the British suffered 550 casualties, to the Americans ~1000, almost double. The regiment took action in the same year, at the Battle of Germantown, and The Battle of White Marsh, where they fought the Americans retreating from Germantown. The following year was just as active as the last, with the 33rd engaging at the Battle of Monmouth, the largest one day engagement of the war. Two years later, the regiment took part in the Siege of Charleston. The American general, Benjamin Lincoln, negotiated a surrender, and surrendered 7000 troops along with himself to British Forces.

After the American Revolution, the 33rd Regiment of The Foot was at Waterloo, stopping Napoleon's army under the 5th Brigade, commanded by Major General Sir Colin Halkett.

After some garrisoning in the West Indies, the 33rd Regiment of The Foot took part in the Crimean War against Russia, and contributed to major battles, such as The Siege of Sevastopol.

The first Victoria cross recipient transferred to The 33rd Regiment of The Foot in 1864, a certain Alexander Roberts Dunn, as a Lt.Col. Alexander Dunn, and many others in the 33rd were Canadian Volunteers.

What we offer:
We are a brand new regiment, and as such have many enlisted, NCO, and CO spots to be filled. We hope to offer you a good and laidback experience while in the regiment, as in all fairness we just wanna sit down, play a fun game and share a few laughs with each other.

!We are primarily based out of the NA timezones, however if you're willing to go to events whenever it suits you we're fine with having you ;D


Regiments (Game Clans) / Re: 1st Texas
« on: February 12, 2022, 10:22:24 pm »
Hey lads we're totally rebranding from 1stHanoverian to 1st Texas, since nobody has claimed it yet, cya all soon ! ;)

best of luck thorn! also, really cool banner  ;D good luck!

Regiments (Game Clans) / Re: Evil Brigade Recruiting
« on: February 09, 2022, 12:54:05 am »
Evil Brigade
The Evil Brigade group is formed our job is to defend our land and citizens from the Chungus hordes. Our moto is "death to chungus". We do have benefits such as free health and dental care and will pay 50 million Reichsmark to your family if you die in our glorious service.
We have a long history of battles against the Chungus
Battle List
Fort Chungus
Second Battle of Chungus Hill
Battle of North Chungus
Battle of Chungus Courthouse
Many other small skirmish's during the great war against the Chungus
The Chungus are coming back in force come join to fight for the survival of humanity AGAINST the CHUNGUS

Ranking System
In Join order going down

-Evil Brigade-
Captain Noob
- Company A "Son's of Mars"-
First Lieutenant Worrer
Veteran Jazz
Veteran Nartu
Private Blood and Guts
Private Ghostkiller
Private Shay
Private Roland
Meatshield Iscashen
Meatshield Robert
Meatshield Rockmonstr1
Meatshield Crazy
Meatshield BTK

- Company B "Beaver's Legion"-
Sergeant Beaver
Corporal Bucket
Private Hotspot
Meatshield Chris C
Meatshield Noah
Meatshield sladd
Meatshield Awesomepelt
Meatshield Boingo
Meatshield Ed
Meatshield Splash
Meatshield Joe
Meatshield Snappler

We are looking for recuits
We use teamspeak 3 for events
Rare Colorized Photo of God Chungus before he destroyed a town

This thread is still work in progress

they wont let me out help please

Regiments (Game Clans) / Re: 1st Texas is now mustering!!
« on: February 08, 2022, 04:11:53 am »

Regiments (Game Clans) / Re: 1st Texas is now mustering!!
« on: February 08, 2022, 04:09:22 am »
thank you

Regiments (Game Clans) / 1st Texas is now mustering!!
« on: February 08, 2022, 03:41:41 am »

Discord Info and Unban Requests / Re: Apathetic Beavers unban appeal
« on: January 31, 2022, 11:12:18 pm »
What was happening when you got banned: I was bullying moraine
Did you break any other rules prior to your ban? (this may include any prior bans, or any other rules you were or were not punished for) yeah ive gotten muted a couple times before
Time and date when the account was banned 1/25/22
Timezone EST
Why should you be unbanned? I will no longer bully moraine

Hello Beaver,
During our PMs, you had told me your vendetta was over some reasoning that Moraine shouldn't be mod over some other incident where you saw him as bias. That was addressed between Moraine and I, and the problem no longer exists. You, however, decided to take it beyond a level of reasonability, and bring that problem round to an event that happened in the real world - despite consistent warnings from several moderators, and even a developer. If you have a problem with one of my moderators, then you may address this problem to me in PM and I can sort the issue out properly, much like I did at the beginning of this whole thing over argie and the bias. There is no need for this kind of thing.

I even gave you a chance, after you had already been muted and warned before for the same thing, when I shouldn't have. But yet, you still continued. This unban request also gives me no information that indicates you would stop in the future, not only that, but you also said so in another Discord that you wouldn't drop it in the future if you came back.

So, that leaves me with 1 question: What reason would there be, for me to allow such toxicity that makes unnecessary work for us all back into the community?

I have pmed you, on multiple occasions, and get no reply. I am sorry for bullying the power hungry mod that is moraine, and if I have to stop harassing him to be let back in then so be it, I'll stop.
I felt a need to weigh in on this so here I go.

Part of what we look for in a situation where we're going to unban is that it actually feels like you know you've done something wrong, when you get combative like this, and start spouting out things that are demonstrably false (I checked with Romulus, there are only two times according to him where he has not responded to you, once when you messaged him during NA hours, at which point he was asleep, then asked the same question later when he was awake at which point he responded, and once asking to be unmuted after already being unmuted, which he felt was not worth responding to) on top of continuing to fail to show any proper understanding of why you crossed a line in a really big way show, at least to me, that if we were to unban you, you would just continue what you've been doing this entire time.

Discord Info and Unban Requests / Re: Apathetic Beavers unban appeal
« on: January 31, 2022, 08:51:58 pm »
Why should you be unbanned? I will no longer bully moraine
Thanks for letting us know that this is a lie.

I was under the impression that you would've been more honest and actually grow up for once, be the bigger man, and stop with personally attacking someone based on a very traumatic experience they've had in the past. But you've proven us time and time again that you've never even taken a hint at being the better person in this whole debacle over what I can only assume is just a personal vendetta at this point. You can be a much better person than this Beaver, but you gotta stop this fury of madness before it comes and bites back at you again.

The decesion ultimately lies with Romulus on this one though.
lmao what

Discord Info and Unban Requests / Re: Apathetic Beavers unban appeal
« on: January 31, 2022, 08:50:35 pm »
What was happening when you got banned: I was bullying moraine
Did you break any other rules prior to your ban? (this may include any prior bans, or any other rules you were or were not punished for) yeah ive gotten muted a couple times before
Time and date when the account was banned 1/25/22
Timezone EST
Why should you be unbanned? I will no longer bully moraine

Hello Beaver,
During our PMs, you had told me your vendetta was over some reasoning that Moraine shouldn't be mod over some other incident where you saw him as bias. That was addressed between Moraine and I, and the problem no longer exists. You, however, decided to take it beyond a level of reasonability, and bring that problem round to an event that happened in the real world - despite consistent warnings from several moderators, and even a developer. If you have a problem with one of my moderators, then you may address this problem to me in PM and I can sort the issue out properly, much like I did at the beginning of this whole thing over argie and the bias. There is no need for this kind of thing.

I even gave you a chance, after you had already been muted and warned before for the same thing, when I shouldn't have. But yet, you still continued. This unban request also gives me no information that indicates you would stop in the future, not only that, but you also said so in another Discord that you wouldn't drop it in the future if you came back.

So, that leaves me with 1 question: What reason would there be, for me to allow such toxicity that makes unnecessary work for us all back into the community?

I have pmed you, on multiple occasions, and get no reply. I am sorry for bullying the power hungry mod that is moraine, and if I have to stop harassing him to be let back in then so be it, I'll stop.

Discord Info and Unban Requests / Apathetic Beavers unban appeal
« on: January 31, 2022, 03:12:32 am »
What was happening when you got banned: I was bullying moraine
Did you break any other rules prior to your ban? (this may include any prior bans, or any other rules you were or were not punished for) yeah ive gotten muted a couple times before
Time and date when the account was banned 1/25/22
Timezone EST
Why should you be unbanned? I will no longer bully moraine

Pages: 1