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Messages - backsdrummer

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Re: Single player option?
« on: January 22, 2022, 05:31:53 pm »
Thank you for even considering it and getting back to me! 

If there is anything I can do to support you guys just ask. I already worked as a volunteer for Grand Tactician, Civil War and will happily support you as well.

General Discussion / Re: Single player option?
« on: January 22, 2022, 03:11:48 pm »
OK. I apologize for being long winded, but the point I'm trying to make is that BCoF could have as much or more to offer as a real-time strategy game with campaign play. I know I'd like the game much more if it were RTS commander mode with a chance of promotion, etc. and I'll bet you would sell a lot more copies of the game if you could pull this off. As a FPS it's good, but as a RTS with units routing & etc. it would be AWESOME.

General Discussion / Re: Single player option?
« on: January 22, 2022, 05:38:49 am »
That's a thought. I'll look into it. I love the commander mode, although I wish units routed instead of fighting to the last man.

I should add that I also prefer single-player because I like the old school mount and blade single player campaigns where players recruited their force and interacted with NPCs.  I think this could be done for ACW, especially if one limited the campaign to a single region like Missouri-Eastern Kansas-North Arkansas, or perhaps Virginia-Maryland-Pennsylvania.  Players could recruit a force (which is historical) and interact with other officers. Instead of being awarded a castle or city a character could be promoted or earn some special weapon or something. I think that would be fun and add some context to the battles.

Just my 2 cents.

General Discussion / Single player option?
« on: January 21, 2022, 08:17:55 pm »
I love what I'm seeing in this game, but I don't have the time in my schedule to join a clan/regiment and attend drills, etc.  I sure wish there will eventually be a single player option for guys like me who just want to play a short while at odd times and then leave.

General Discussion / Re: What regiment do you want added for BCoF?
« on: January 21, 2022, 08:15:50 pm »
Zouaves. Please have Zouaves for both sides. 

Pages: 1