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Messages - hifi

Pages: 1
Regiments / Re: 55th Westmoreland Regiment of Foot Official
« on: January 29, 2022, 11:06:17 pm »
We stand proud and strong!  ;D

Regiments / Re: 55th "Westmorland" Regiment of Foot [EU] Est. 4/9/2020
« on: November 10, 2021, 06:43:06 pm »
I am sad to see our dear regiment come to an end!  :'(

I can't really put in words how much the 55th meant to me but I will try.

It was always an honor to serve with you on the battlefield and off the battlefield, it was a great time with many laughs and interesting conversations. The people I meet made me smile and light up every day for a long time. I felt part of something, even though I never was the best in melee, the funniest, the smartest, or the most talkative I still felt like I could contribute and that my existence had a meaning in the reg. This regiment has forever changed me and made me into the person I am today. I truly wish all of the members of the 55th a wonderful and lucky life and if any of you ever come to Sweden, just chat me up and let's go take a coffee or beer. ;D

Thank you all for this time! <3


Pages: 1