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Messages - Mattyja876

Pages: 1
Community name: PRO_TRAVELLER
Steam Name: JcanVybez
Age: 29
Location/Timezone: NA
Applying for (NA1 or EU1): NA1
Regiments: None
About yourself: Lawful Neutral :p 
Why you would be a good admin: Been admin on and off Minisiege for years now. Seeking to fill a similar roll here in the main server. I'm mature and don't bring personal biases into admining. Nothing more or less than server rules/policy. Not overly strict, after all, overall player experience is usually the guiding factor. Based on my observations, the main server rules are similar to that of Minisiege so it should be a natural fit and easy adjustment. 
Will you be able to help administer the Public Linebattle or other possible events on the official servers?: Not interested in Linebattles at this time, however, any other kind of event I'd be glad to help.
Previous Experience (if any): Former admin for Miniseige over a few years, on and off.
Your steam ID 64: 76561198048643114

Servers / Re: ♞ Cavalry Groupfighting Official
« on: February 14, 2021, 05:24:54 am »
Minisiege. you really are a nobody. I thought you were an inf player in disguise. ahahahaha

Thanks for displaying the same level of maturity as you do when admining. I'm sure you don't even realize that your'e using offensive language ..or maybe you do and the rules don't apply to this server's admins? Clearly, our definitions of what an admin should be is worlds apart. If the entire admin team backs you up on this, then I couldn't expect anything better from this conversation. Totally different standards

Servers / Re: ♞ Cavalry Groupfighting Official
« on: February 13, 2021, 11:12:15 pm »
Well we'll make this the final response then. Just because you say something, doesn't make it true. And saying it more times over won't help that.
Also, apologies for assuming it was a throwaway, you'd said you were a "more experienced admin", making me assume that you know, your guid might show up on a forum search, or at least be a slightly lower number lol, and none of us knew you. Also you account has 6 posts, all on this thread I think, or at least close to that...

Happy to end this conversation with some minor corrections to your last set of assumptions. - Take your own advice - Just because you say something, doesn't make it true.

1. GUID number does not equate to time admining.
2. I've read your application request 660390, you've only been admin on small servers, you haven't actually been handling large amounts of random players over the years, side by side, it's very likely that I've experienced more players and situations as an admin on my server year to year, day to day. Of course, I could be wrong....but your application info combined with your actual conduct really only points to one thing.
3. We exist in two different bubbles, why would you think that your friends set some sort of standard? I can see that you don't play miniseige very often at now I will assume that you don't really go outside of your cavalry bubble.

There's no point to this anymore, it's really just a pissing contest now.

Anyway, feel free to stop by another server like Miniseige. If you find that you like it, I'd encourage you to register -  - and join our discord maybe too.


Servers / Re: ♞ Cavalry Groupfighting Official
« on: February 13, 2021, 12:33:25 pm »
Look, I'd appreciate it if you stopped replying with this with...VERY bold assumptions. The Server owner has spoken and upheld your ban, try to quit while you're ahead.
While I appreciate your skillfull rhetoric of trying to take a moral high ground, it would perhaps hold more credence if:
1) You were speaking with your real identity rather than a throwaway account
  Throwaway account? What? My name and my GUID remains the same, I admin with this account.... I've literally had it for years. Same name and everything.
2) You hadn't tried to get out of your ban by messaging privately over steam, rather than the proper process (in which you were quite rightly denied)
   Perhaps ask WHY I privately messaged (IN THIS VERY FORUM, not steam)... it starts something like "Hey, I'm not sure if you've seen my unban request etc etc etc, just checking
3) You as a "more experienced admin" knowing that logs expire, hadn't conveniently waited for that to happen before posting your initial unban request in order to allow you to attempt to distort the truth
    On the server I have experience admining, I can see logs that go back much farther than a week or two....  how was I (or anyone) to know that your logs expire so quickly??
4) it had actually been an individual decision to perm you as you had claimed rather than a group one (also at the time of the original log ban, the logs hadn't expired, so they were looked over at the time even if we don't have them now)
     Fair, again, How would I know that unless I was told? YOU have that information, which was never shared with me until now. Regardless, see comments re: server owner
5) You had at any point shown, if not contrition, at least a willingness to stop escalating. Literally all you had to have done was stop typing and you would've been fine. Regardless of who was in the right, it would've been the smart thing to do to not hurl insults. You "wholeheartedly agree that the first slay was necessary", in which case you could've just not verbally attacked me for it in the first place.
    As an admin, you must know that I mean escalation in terms of punishments - Slays, Temp bans, Perm Bans. As I said, 90% of our conversation was about your interpretation of the rules and your punishments.... What you mean is, you think it would have been smart for me to not ask you WHY you did the things you did, rather I should have just shut up and took it... because YOU have the power. Now...if that isn't textbook admin abuse, Idk what is. By "Verbal attacks" I assume you mean me questioning your conduct. If you mean actual insults, which you also hurled, that largely happened at the very end after a multitude of ridiculous, rapid-fire slays and temp bans... I'm not sure how you expect people to respond to abuse online, but they generally don't appreciate it. I would never expect someone to take that and be silent in return for allowing them to stay on a specific server.

I "had" (I do now because you're wasting my time and energy) nothing against you at the time, so there would be no reason for me to punish unnecessarily. The proof of which being that I have literally no idea who you are.
   True, that was the first time we ever met/spoke to each other, I likewise had no idea who you were either. Right again, there was no reason to punish unnecessarily, yet it happened. rapid fire slays for asking about your interpretation of the rules and asking for clarity regarding your own conduct? ... I'm not an admin here, but if that is actually how this server operates, I am surprised you have players left.

Not my server, Not my problem I said to shadey, Tomas can do what he wants, I'll just avoid him since he won't be reprimanded. Again for the last time, I respect the decision of the server owner regardless of my own view. Tomas, none of your incorrect assumptions or anything else you say will change my mind about your conduct.

Servers / Re: ♞ Cavalry Groupfighting Official
« on: February 13, 2021, 10:44:06 am »
I wholeheartedly agree that the first slay was necessary, but you Tomas, clearly escalated the discussion. How any other admin could read that and not see my point is beyond me, but then again, I admin on a different server with a different mindset and set of rules. The fact that 90% of the logs is a back and forth between us where I am asking you to explain your previous actions is ridiculous. I will absolutely not apologize for that. I will apologize for the beginning and somewhat for the end, albeit provoked by you. I still find the majority of your actions and speech unreasonable and provocatory. The one piece of advice I will give you as a more experience admin (not on this server), is to remain professional and humble, especially when dealing with players asking for an explanation of your interpretation of the rules. Amazing that "Do not question an admin" can be given as an acceptable reason for a slay, that is extremely provocatory to say the very least. That kind of admining would never fly on Minisiege.

Again, the owner of this server has stated their opinion, and I will always hold that as right and final. So regardless of how we got here and our differences related to your conduct, the server owner has the right to do as they please with their server.   

Servers / Re: ♞ Cavalry Groupfighting Official
« on: February 12, 2021, 05:47:47 pm »
I was unbanned by Shadey, rebanned by the same admin...Tomas. But since you are the server owner, you have the final say in the matter. Of course, I would be interested to know what evidence you have since I had requested someone look into my complaint of admin abuse, but apparently the logs had expired....and the ban was about the logs. From one admin to another, I would have expected the issue to have been resolved but...well... I have to say that things are a bit confusing with this server and its administration.

But alright, you are the owner so whatever reason you may personally have is ultimately good enough for me.

Servers / Re: ♞ Cavalry Groupfighting Official
« on: February 06, 2021, 10:11:47 pm »

Name: Pro_Traveller
Unique GUID: 1593114
Who banned you?: Tomas
Why were you banned?: because I asked a question. - was legitimate admin abuse.
Apology (If deemed necessary): Absolutely not

Servers / Re: ♞ Cavalry Groupfighting Official
« on: December 28, 2020, 01:20:35 pm »
Noted. Thanks for your reply, however, I think the ban should be left in place since I won't be returning with his behavior unchecked. All the best.

Servers / Re: ♞ Cavalry Groupfighting Official
« on: December 27, 2020, 02:31:25 pm »

Time and Date: Not sure, approximately one week ago
Evidence (If any): Chat logs
Description of the incident: Admin Tomas unreasonably provoked and escalated a situation for which he banned me. I would like the head admin to review the chat logs and provide feedback. Specifically, the incident in which I joined and asked if Tomas was indeed the admin I had encountered previously. Tomas then made quite a rude and sarcastic remark. I then asked if he was not breaking the rule of being an "ass" in chat, which I then corrected by saying "jerk" because I figured "ass" although it was only being used to refer to the rule and not to any person, would be too harsh for his liking. Regardless, Tomas then began to escalate the situation in a manner which I find ridiculous. I would appreciate a senior admin replying to this. If it stands that Tomas had done nothing wrong, fine. Let the ban stand because I find his execution of the rules appalling.
Name of the admin in question: Tomas

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