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Messages - Ledger

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Off Topic / Re: Your opinion on LGBT
« on: July 07, 2021, 05:48:33 am »
In time people will realize that religion is beneficial to society. It doesn't matter if god is not real. It has its place.

Quite the opposite actually. Especially with the religions that currently dominate the globe (mainly forms of Christianity and Islam). Humans are changing and our society will only follow that trend more and more as older generations die and younger ones come into power. People are naturally good and to imply that without religion people are bad or will be immoral is absolutely retarded. Organized religion usually brings negativity into peoples lives, hearts and minds. Look at the horrible things that religion has caused through out history and is causing today. Crusades and jihads alone show how horrible it was and there are endless examples of how bad it usually is... People hate each other because of books written by cave men. They think their gods and religion gives them righteousness and the ability to judge their fellow man.

I was raised by a roman catholic family and attended catholic school for majority of my life. I would be willing to bet I have said more Our Fathers, Hail Marys and spent more time kneeling in a church praying and singing hymns than most people. Yet I still do not believe those teachings because to me they are so obviously false why would I. It may have some good intentions and lessons to learn. But in general organized religion is just bad. Belief in god and an afterlife is totally fine and I certainly do believe in a god and some form of afterlife myself. But judgement and hatred are things that exist in petty humans. I refuse to believe that whatever this magical incredible life and universe came from its as petty and simple minded as human beings and the things the bible talks about. You do not need a church or a defined religion to believe in these things or have good morals and be a good person. And to allow ancient texts to dictate or lives is only holding back humanity from achieving utopia which should be humanity's goal.

I am however quite proud of the Catholic Church trying to evolve and match a modern society. Accepting the potential existence of aliens and being more kind and accepting of homosexuality and people in general. But it still has a long way to go... Independent Christian churches in the US however are utterly disgusting and should be banned.


People read one page of a Hitchens book or watch a 30 second Richard Dawkins video and all of a sudden they start hating on religion. I'm not arguing about the validity of religion or "Religions truths". If religion gets people to move forward in life it's beneficial. Certain "delusions" can be beneficial to your life.

Also, this notion of people being "bad" cos of religion and that the world would be sunshine and rainbows without it is absolutely retarded. The weak die the powerful thrive.

I should clarify I am not hating on religion. I am hating on organized religion. Especially Christianity in the US. You do not understand because you have never witnessed it being from the EU. In NA many of these churches turn to cults. They teach kids that the world is ending every other week and to fear a wrathful god and eternal damnation. They literally brainwash their congregations and make them hate anyone not in their churches and they keep their members living in fear. They also take donations for personal gains and pretend its gods will that they have private jets and mega mansions. And my beliefs are based off my life experiences and what I have observed around me. Ive spent more time thinking about my beliefs then anything else in life. And again I am not against people using religion to comfort themselves and find some kind of meaning or purpose. But when they start using that religion to judge others and spread hatred and fear, I draw the line. Many of these fuckers literally pretend to be actual prophets that speak to god directly. And millions believe them... Its disgustingly sad.

Trust, there are certain coutries in the EU that are run by the church.

Off Topic / Re: Your opinion on LGBT
« on: July 07, 2021, 04:01:28 am »
In time people will realize that religion is beneficial to society. It doesn't matter if god is not real. It has its place.

Quite the opposite actually. Especially with the religions that currently dominate the globe (mainly forms of Christianity and Islam). Humans are changing and our society will only follow that trend more and more as older generations die and younger ones come into power. People are naturally good and to imply that without religion people are bad or will be immoral is absolutely retarded. Organized religion usually brings negativity into peoples lives, hearts and minds. Look at the horrible things that religion has caused through out history and is causing today. Crusades and jihads alone show how horrible it was and there are endless examples of how bad it usually is... People hate each other because of books written by cave men. They think their gods and religion gives them righteousness and the ability to judge their fellow man.

I was raised by a roman catholic family and attended catholic school for majority of my life. I would be willing to bet I have said more Our Fathers, Hail Marys and spent more time kneeling in a church praying and singing hymns than most people. Yet I still do not believe those teachings because to me they are so obviously false why would I. It may have some good intentions and lessons to learn. But in general organized religion is just bad. Belief in god and an afterlife is totally fine and I certainly do believe in a god and some form of afterlife myself. But judgement and hatred are things that exist in petty humans. I refuse to believe that whatever this magical incredible life and universe came from its as petty and simple minded as human beings and the things the bible talks about. You do not need a church or a defined religion to believe in these things or have good morals and be a good person. And to allow ancient texts to dictate or lives is only holding back humanity from achieving utopia which should be humanity's goal.

I am however quite proud of the Catholic Church trying to evolve and match a modern society. Accepting the potential existence of aliens and being more kind and accepting of homosexuality and people in general. But it still has a long way to go... Independent Christian churches in the US however are utterly disgusting and should be banned.

People read one page of a Hitchens book or watch a 30 second Richard Dawkins video and all of a sudden they start hating on religion. I'm not arguing about the validity of religion or "Religions truths". If religion gets people to move forward in life it's beneficial. Certain "delusions" can be beneficial to your life.

Also, this notion of people being "bad" cos of religion and that the world would be sunshine and rainbows without it is absolutely retarded. The weak die the powerful thrive.

Off Topic / Re: Your opinion on LGBT
« on: July 07, 2021, 12:16:55 am »
In time people will realize that religion is beneficial to society. It doesn't matter if god is not real. It has its place.

Off Topic / Re: Your opinion on LGBT
« on: July 04, 2021, 06:01:42 pm »
I've never heard of gay crusaders or gay terrorists.


Off Topic / Re: Your opinion on LGBT
« on: July 04, 2021, 04:27:29 pm »
I differentiate between fags and gays. A gay is a person that takes it up the ass or whatever the fuck and doesn't try to convert you. A fag is a person that takes it up the ass along with actively trying to convert you and thinks the world owes them something. 

Fags are by far, the most annoying, passive aggressive people you'll ever meet in your life, especially in the corporate world. They'll make unsolicited remarks, make unwarranted advancements and annoy the shit out of you. They cry and moan over being oppressed whilst at the same time corporations have pride-themed logos, embassies flew pride flags and HR departments succumb to their whims and wishes.  A bunch of self-victimized, mentally unstable morons that back in the early 2000s kept saying shit like "Oh, what are you so afraid of, it's not like we're going to teach your kids to be queers.".

I don't give a shit if you're gay. I don't give a fuck if you stick a gerbil up your fucking ass, but don't try to convert me or force me to be what you are.  Don't get me started on "trans".

If you changed ”fag” to christian or religion x your statement would almost be correct.

Religion is beneficial to society.

Off Topic / Re: Your opinion on LGBT
« on: July 04, 2021, 03:26:13 pm »
I differentiate between fags and gays. A gay is a person that takes it up the ass or whatever the fuck and doesn't try to convert you. A fag is a person that takes it up the ass along with actively trying to convert you and thinks the world owes them something. 

Fags are by far, the most annoying, passive aggressive people you'll ever meet in your life, especially in the corporate world. They'll make unsolicited remarks, make unwarranted advancements and annoy the shit out of you. They cry and moan over being oppressed whilst at the same time corporations have pride-themed logos, embassies flew pride flags and HR departments succumb to their whims and wishes.  A bunch of self-victimized, mentally unstable morons that back in the early 2000s kept saying shit like "Oh, what are you so afraid of, it's not like we're going to teach your kids to be queers.".

I don't give a shit if you're gay. I don't give a fuck if you stick a gerbil up your fucking ass, but don't try to convert me or force me to be what you are.  Don't get me started on "trans"

Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 29, 2021, 03:29:00 pm »
Exercise and being fit > Jab

The only science I trust is broscience cos we are always proven right in the end.

Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 22, 2021, 11:59:54 am »
Stop fear-mongering and being hysterical over a virus that kills 0.2% of people infected. And the vast majority of them are fat or old folk.

Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 19, 2021, 01:15:48 am »
The same people who obey all the lockdowns and wear masks without throwing a fuss are the same people that would have given the Jews unsolicited vacation coupons, free baths and train tickets.

Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 18, 2021, 10:59:16 am »
If you're "immunocompromised" then stay inside, don't go out. Or since masks work so well, wear a fucking mask. People who don't want to take the vaccine or wear a mask shouldn't be forced to do so.

They have, and they do. But why advise them to stay in their homes indefintely when there's a clear path to them not having to? You would rather advise millions of people to continue to stay inside indefinitely than suck it up and take a vaccine like everyone else, are you really that selfish?

It's my life. I shouldn't be forced to take a vaccine I don't want to take. From today onward I'll consider myself a super-spreader. Me and my dick will be considered super-spreaders.

Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 18, 2021, 10:49:59 am »
If you're "immunocompromised" then stay inside, don't go out. Or since masks work so well, wear a fucking mask. People who don't want to take the vaccine or wear a mask shouldn't be forced to do so.

Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 17, 2021, 01:41:02 pm »

Take the vaccine if you wish to do so, wear a mask till the end of time if you so please. Don't force me to do either. Problem solved.

Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 14, 2021, 02:33:44 am »
Wear your mask, take your vaccine and don't tell me how to live. BE A SLAVE.  I'm not going to take a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.98% survivability rate and the majority of deaths are obese (78%+). Protect the elderly, let the healthy people live their lives.

And screw the ~10% getting long Covid syndrome (who are athletes aswell by the way)? Such a flawed logic, I can’t believe that there’s still people expressing such bullshit after all we’ve seen by now. Getting COVID is basically dicing what Kind of symptoms and progress you get, even as a normal person

Living life is dicing.

If all these BS lockdowns were for health they would have sorted out obesity and substance abuse a long time ago.

The governments of the world and the media blowing this situation out of proportion will have long-term consequences when shit actually hits the fan. You've had year long lockdowns over something that's not that deadly to the vast majority of the population.

Most of the population enjoy the lockdowns cos they live shit lives and would rather sit at home and binge watch netflix than do something about their shitty lives. People just needed an excuse to be losers. People who want to live their life, who want to achieve something regardless of how challenging life might seem never wanted any of this shit. No lockdowns, no travel restrictions, nothing. Keep being slaves.

Off Topic / Re: The General Political Thread
« on: May 13, 2021, 12:53:13 am »
I'm not a fan of riots but you can argue that they were rioting against a system they find/found to be tyrannical which in my book could be justifiable reason to commit acts of violence in some circumstances.

I find your mind fucked up, I'm going to beat you up. Dumbass logic to burn down businesses.

You're a professional victim, that's it.

Off Topic / Re: The General Political Thread
« on: May 11, 2021, 10:54:30 pm »


3.Banks don't give a shit.

4.Only losers get addicted

5. Blacks don't get accepted cos they score lower. #Cope

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