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Messages - LeCrazyy

Pages: 1
Mapping / Crazyy's Maps
« on: April 25, 2019, 05:18:55 pm »
I've made a few maps (mostly commander battles) so I thought I might as well share a few for anyone who happens by them. I've put them all into a single Drive folder, all the scene codes can be found in the text file: scenecodes.txt, anyone is free to use and modify them to whatever they want.
I'm also not dead, so any questions or whatever I can probably answer somewhat quickly, I tend to check the forums at least once a week.
Current maps:
House Map - a 20* scale house that is designed for a casual fun Battle or TDM or DM, though I plan to add AI meshing so commander battles will be available for it, even though it would be fairly buggy.
Snow Arena - A basic arena for group fights or duel, some decor over the walls to represent a village behind it.
Spooky Arena - A small arena for Group fight or duel that I made for Halloween, has a secret dungeon.
Ram Ranch + Snow version - A joke map made for a friend and their server.
Training map - The original was not by me, even though it is a popular map, i'm not entirely sure who the original creator was, but I think its the 3eVolt training map, back in an old reg I edited it for them, includes a snowy version and a Halloween version.
CB(CommanderBattles) Plains Map - Has a farm and hill on one side and a small town for the other, separated by a large open area.
CB Fort Map - Very snowy with one side having a fort and the other having a very defensive hill, it isn't very well balanced though.
CB Beach map - A quick map I set up for a request, just a beach background with a large sandy area.
CB Desert Map - A big desert with a very large centre hill then a small town for hiding in.
CB Waterloo Map - Originally I planned to do a lot more with this but didn't find much time and lost motivation, it semi-represents the Waterloo battlefield, though I didn't know much about it whilst making it, so could be entirely wrong, but it is a very big map meant for large commander battle games.

EDIT - Here is some pictures.
Commander Battles Maps
Other Maps

Events: EU / Re: 1Rhein Friday-Siege [OPEN SLOTS]
« on: October 25, 2018, 01:59:57 pm »
Regiment Name: Disowned Duke's Company(DDC)
Preferred faction: Rhein
Class: Light
Expected attendance: 5 - 8
Do you want to attend once, or weekly ?: Just once at this time.
Regiment leader's Steam name: [Leader] Arcendium ( [In charge of event] lefterisT ( [Me who signed up] Crazyy []

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Wednesday Conquest [EU]
« on: October 24, 2018, 11:14:43 am »
Regiment Name: Disowned Duke's Company (DDC)
Preferred Faction: Rheinbund
Preferred Class: Line
Expected Attendance: 5-8
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Once for now, maybe regular later.
Leader's steam profile link: (first link is leader)
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes I have read and agreed to them.

Pages: 1