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Messages - Walter(nohbdy)

Pages: 1
I remember playing OSRS on my grandma's PC for the first time. I thought it was the coolest shit ever. Nice soundtrack.

Why are we talking like rick and morty fans?

Community Name: Walter or Attila
GUID: 674674
Steam Link:
Do you agree to all the rules (also have you read them) and league conduct?: Yes
Interested in captaincy or will you if necessary?: I will if necessary

Leaving my mark in this historical moment

Warband Pro Circuit / Re: WPC Teams and trades
« on: September 15, 2018, 05:08:58 am »
In game name: Walter, nohbdy
GUID: 674674
How long have you played warband: Since Sep 4. 2012
Competitive history: 93rd, 15e, 87th. Nr23, 63e, some reg called 1stFRG, I didn't really play for regiments before 2017. Only solo.
Especial mentions like throphies Etc: Well known player who was falsely accused of hacking.

Pages: 1