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Messages - NWFL Official

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Added the new players to rosters, if your roster has anyone it shouldn't do then please let me know.

- Herishey

We should have enough referee's for sure now so referee sign ups are closed, thanks.

- Herishey

In terms of the whole shenanigans of controversy between PrideofNi, Eddie and Bagins.

I am currently investigating this, and will continue to do so, the score will remain at its current state until enough evidence can be gathered to either disqualify players, null the match, or dismiss the claim all together.

Oh -snip- Bagins, PrideofNi and Eddie are all under Scrutiny and watch at this current moment.


Roster and Team Updates:

XMD: Troister removed and Disqualified, refusing to play with his assigned team

Money will be refunded to team XMD when the trading window becomes present.

Any other queries about players or problems please contact me

- HerculesTP

Hursty wasnt the captain of XMD. Therefor this whole argument is just stupid. MightyPainn shouldnt be organising matches with TBE, which he does every other day 15 minutes before the starts of league matches.

Fuck em.

Hursty wasn't the original captain of XMD correct, but due to mightys inactivity, and previous discussions, both me and herishey agreed hursty would take the captain role about a week ago. My own fault for not updating the thread of new captains, but have been busy recently.  As for re-scheduling, XMD and LeJockBrave have until next Monday (12th) to complete both their first and Second Match

We appreciate the fact its caused confusion, but the decision is final. Let's hear no more of it and move on. Thanks.

- HerculesTP

XMD vs LeJockBrave

This match is up for some scrutiny due to timings, captain roles etc.

Hurtsy is the new captain of XMD, therefore Mightypain's application for a match is Invalid. the match however was agreed upon, and was due to start at 8:15, not 8:00.  I cannot give a free win to something that is just a miss-communication.  This is XMD's fault internally, but was completely out of their control. XMD and leJockBrave will re-organise their match, if they cannot arrange it this week, i will allow a special exception for them to complete it by next week. Which means both of their matches need to be done next week. Next time this happens again within XMD, i will not be so considerate.

Thanks a lot to MightyIrishMan for handling the match following match criteria to the rules and handling it maturely.


Thanks Chicken, added to the OP. Please send the files to Hercules as I'm a retard and will lose them.

- Herishey

We will be aiming to start on the 29th of January, you will get a week to play each match and I will create brackets sometime this week. Please make sure you've all read up on the rules by then and get ready to start up.

We will have three official servers going up next week.

Thread is updated.

- Herishey

Can captains also please message Hercules or myself the team names you wish to use. In terms of the transfer window each team will be given a budget based on their standing in the league to spend on trading players or buying players when we open the sign-ups again during the transfer window. If any of your team players back out before then as they quit NW or whatever reason they use then you will be refunded their price to use in this transfer window as well.

- Herishey

Can people hand in Transfer requests? or demand a pay rise to play??

Unfortunately you are all slaves to your captains. No but if you seriously have a problem playing for the captain you were put with (And i mean proper beef, not just "oh i don't think he can lead *throwuptheY* jock xoxox) then please contact Me or Herishey and we will sort it out.  Even if you are in my team, i would prefer you let me know instead of just not finding it enjoyable or not wanting to play. We will probably sort something out like you have to play for them a minimum of rounds/matches and then you will be put p for automatic transfer. But this is all up to herishey. Just throwing ideas out there. Players have no say in their price, captain or team. Contact me if you have questions or have problems with your team.

- HerculesTP

- Participants update: Marxeil to replace Chicken as Captain. Marxeil please read captain responsibilities, and think of a team name ready for the bidding. If you cannot choose a team name for the bidding, don't worry, there will be plenty of chance.  Once bidding is complete and the teams have been organised, a team report will be posted to the front of the forums, for everyone to see who they are playing with. In ANY team, the captain has unlimited power over their team (Positions/formation/subs etc.) But if they are unable to attend matches, may choose someone to partake for them or may request help of their team of course. Thanks alot :)

Also not 100% if herishey will be here as he is offline currently. Make sure you have me on steam for the ts IP etc:

Need the current captains to add me on steam (or message me cuz i can't find you):
- Bobertini
- SpicyDwarf
- Salakien
- Melsyo


So will you stream ?

If we do not stream, the bidding sheet will be available for all to see, so you can keep track of all the live bids and changes. The teamspeak will be given out privately to all captains 30 minutes before bidding is due to start.


MarxeiL can have my Cpt. position, might be a bit late for this but I had to confirm some stuff before taking this decision.

I'm not reconsidering this decision as part of it has to do with me not being able to attend to the biddingand being away for several days later this month and in February (amongst others reasons)

There has been another scenario of this with Mightypain and Hursty. For this to work, and to avoid bias of course, Marxeil will have to join Chickens team permanently, and to make it as fair s possible, Hursty will have to join ts with Mightys name e.g. "Mightypain (Hursty)" or "Chicken (Marxeil)" just due to the rules being we will be bidding in coherence with names going down the teamspeak, therefore if Hursty and Marxeil are used, the order will be different, messing up the spreadsheet and bidding template.

Another problem is that Hursty and Marxeil will have to join their respected captains, i will leave the decision up to herishey, but for this to work, the value of both hursty and marxeil will have to be removed from their respected captains budget.

Participants page updated, Prices added onto player profiles, 2 prices are missing, and will be calculated and added ASAP


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