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Messages - Saphir

Pages: 1
A. Your regiment name - IVe corps 8e régiment d'artillerie Marin
B. Your regiment numbers and preferred class -7~15
C. Your regiment leader contact information -
D. Do you agree with rules and are you ready to play (yes/no) - yes in weekly :)

European Lights Cup / Re: European Lights Cup - Season 1
« on: June 20, 2021, 08:00:33 pm »
68e 10 - 0 31e

They can't afforte a match so Zark told they was forfeit

European Lights Cup / Re: European Lights Cup - Season 1
« on: June 20, 2021, 02:25:51 pm »
All i can say is : can't wait to see your record

And it's you how wanted to play without Referee and it's when we were in 6-3 for us you starded to cry cause you know you will lose this match

plus don't forget the round void we gave you :) cause 1 of your man shoot my last standing man "IN CHARGE"

And for finish just because there is no death from a shot does not mean that there is no FIC

European Lights Cup / Re: European Lights Cup - Season 1
« on: June 20, 2021, 11:23:37 am »
68e 7 - 3 7th

This match was just a shame there was the FIC practically every round the two regiments have them times when they were hiding behind the rocks and camping behind a hill for more than 3~4min on some round but we were finally able to finish the match after 1h20 of games

European Lights Cup / Re: European Lights Cup - Season 1
« on: June 07, 2021, 05:44:55 pm »
"To be honest we felt a lot more disadvantaged this match due to the big melee players you brought on your roster, we were 5-2 behind and still managed to pull it to a 5-5 at the end."
I'm talking about Rules and refeering not about my Rooster or player i brought it's totaly diferent

From my point of view the round voided we did only 1 Fic. After that we will surely never agree on this point.

"I never saw any of my guys fight with little swords,"

Officer aim
officers should stand 4-5 spaces from the line to avoid any issues.

I've got OA 2 times if i remember well and i didn't get revive but to be fair 1 i was in charge

After to be clear i have nothing against you and your regiment Skitty

European Lights Cup / Re: European Lights Cup - Season 1
« on: June 07, 2021, 03:28:43 pm »
You should review your judgment because we were clearly disadvantaged for the whole match and we managed to make a tie. From my point of view you were clearly for our opponent.

You voided a round because [1] of my men Fic and you slayed him so at that point we were even; then you reset the round cause they were yelling in the chat. [that was the 2nd round]
and during the match I saw several things that went against the rules like one fighting with a cavalry musket, I asked you to slay him but you didn't; another who was fighting with his little sword, same thing; and their officer was revived all the time after being shot in the middle of their formation.

And for finish on the 9th round they Fic like us in the 2nd round, but the player who Fic was not slayed and we didn't get reset whereas that was the same situation (everyone was always using x + left-click / right-click when we shot at close distance).

That + we were forbid to +1 so we played perfect balance despite having more men.

I have a record of the match if needed


Player Name: Saphir
Steam link:
Do you accept the tournament rules : yes

Regimental sign-up
Regiment Name: IVe_68e hussart
Regiment Leaders (Links are required):
Regimental Referee (At least 1):Saphir | Remao
Regiment Roster (With GUID's): Later

Events: EU / Re: 46e Thursday Event [EU]
« on: April 20, 2021, 03:47:43 pm »
   Regiment name : IVe_Corps | 8e Régiment D'artillerie Marin
Troop/Class : Art
Amount Attending :8-12 weekly 2 canon if possible :)
Leader and Second steam link:
Weekly or Once?:Weekly
At what time does the event start?: As you like   

Servers / Re: The Groupfighting Server V3
« on: March 26, 2021, 12:32:53 pm »
In-game Name: Blowjacky
Admin Who Banned You (If Known):Autoban i guess
Reason For Ban:Teamkilling
Time/date (If Known):1 days
Apology/Statement Against Ban: Someone was delaying on the wall so i tried to kill him but my teammate was covering it up so i decide to spam in.
I wouln't do it again and sorry for that
Player ID (If Known): 468043

Name: Saphir / Poignet_Droit
ID: 468043
Interested in captaining (yes/no):no
Do you agree to the rules?: yes
Do you accept the captaining responsibilities?:no

Pages: 1