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Messages - 59th_Lt_Rhaegar

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Re: Imperial Army & 10th_JBH Wednesday LB | Unique Ruleset
« on: August 31, 2016, 07:02:17 pm »
Regiment Name: 59th Regiment Of Foot
Regiment Leader's Steam:
Numbers attending:12
Class:Light Infanty/Rifles
Wishing to attend once or regulary?:Once

Events: EU / Re: 51st Official Monday Trench Battle - New post
« on: January 25, 2016, 09:10:46 pm »
Regiment name: 59th Regiment of Foot - Light Company
Regiment 1st In Command: Cpt_Jacky
Regiment 2nd In Command: Lt_Rhaegar

Unit Type: Rifles
Predicted Attendance: 20-25

Regular or one off: Regular

Have you read & do you agree to the rules: Yes.

Servers / Re: Community Roleplay Server
« on: December 30, 2015, 05:07:04 am »
Truly this is all incredibly sad. It's schisms like this within the larger community that damage all. Really this is feeling a lot like a messy divorce, two people tearing and accusing each other. I just want to play video games and enjoy myself and make sure there is an environment where the people who play with me can enjoy themselves too. The guys under me, I hope, already have the common sense and respect to know how to conduct themselves appropriately and I wish everyone else invloved to be the same. #oneplanet#oneNW#onelove

Servers / Re: Community Roleplay Server
« on: December 29, 2015, 01:19:43 pm »
Good luck troops, always good to see more servers being loved and cared for.

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