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Messages - Overpower

Pages: 1
Servers / Re: 59th Jailbreak Edition.
« on: September 14, 2015, 10:53:40 pm »
So I was playing on the official "59th_Jailbreak" server today on the Napoleonic Wars addon, and it turns out that, beneath the map "Dust (Day)", the map-maker has seen fit to include a Swastika, made out of bones. Now, some would argue that it is hidden, because it was in a room beneath the compound serving as a prison, yet many prisoners seemed aware of its location and went into there frequently. The admins even commanded the prisoners to get into the "weed room", as they call it. Now don't get me wrong, I can take a joke and all, but whoever thought this was a good idea should really rethink that. My family is partly Jewish and has lost not only relatives but many dear friends in the Holocaust. Just try to put yourselves into my position here, and you will see how this appears quite immature and ignorant to the adult world.

When confronting the admins ingame about this, I was met with some rather rude answers. Some players even went so far as to explain how the swastika really is an old Buddhist symbol, yet the more educated of you surely know that that one was counter-clockwise, whereas this one isn't - I assume intentionally. Indeed, this is the symbol the Nazis had perverted and made their own. But back on topic, apparently arguing the above point with the admins is a bannable offense, as I soon was temporarily banned from playing. Is this the image you want to portrait to the rest of the community?

I have included a screenshot of the symbol and, thanks to a friend of mine, another screenshot of the log, showing my ban and my, admittedly emotional comments. Again, try to put yourselves into my shoes. Please remove the symbol from the map and show that you are capable of acting like mature members of the community.

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