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Messages - -[TRR]- Pte. Forrest

Pages: 1
Off Topic / Re: Lord of The Rings
« on: February 04, 2013, 11:05:25 am »
* Uruk-Hai !
* Goblins
* Orcs

The Mess Hall / Re: Why did you choose your nickname?
« on: February 04, 2013, 11:03:04 am »
Life's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get! - Forrest Gump   :P

Name of the server you were on: NW Official EU1
Name of the person causing trouble: 1stWPL_A2_Kpt_Jack  and DH_livgarde-serg_spy
Nature of their offense: TKing + Griefing/Trolling arty
Time and date of their offense: 28/12/12, at 12:45-1:10pm.
If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: I was the Arty guy they trolled and TKed.

-Any proof if you have it, For instance screenshots. (use spoilers!)

Here is when the 1st guy kept TKing me:

- From here, the one Trolling me (arty) and Tking.

you can see on that screenshot that I tked 3 guys, including the 2 TKers by accident, because  DH_livgarde-serg_spy jumped infront of the barrel when I shot and killed the other TKer too and some innocent bystander.

Sideword: GoKiller was there the map before and saw that DH_livgarde-serg_spy was griefing me with arty, he even warned him. But afterwards, Gokiller left and they started doing it again.

Today, 28/12/12; at lets say noon, 2 guys (1stWPL_A2_Kpt_Jack and DH_livgarde-serg_Spy) were TK'ing and griefing arty by always jumping infront of the barrels.

- 1stWPL_A2_Kpt_Jack  Always TKed me ( here is the proof, I hope its enough;;

- DH_livgarde-serg_Spy Griefed me with Arty alot, you can ask Gokiller that because he was there for like 1 map. ( Here is the proof = that was when he jumped infront of me barrel and killed the other TKer, 1stWPL_A2_Kpt_Jack,

I hope this is enough evidence to ban these trolls/TKers.

Just passing through here, watching comments

I did the test now, I didn't even notice it ! O.O (MPC links ofc)

Damn you and your Star Trek, MPC

Good luck fellahs! Augy has such a sexy accent   :-[

Why thank you, the trick is to drink motor-oil and smoke a lot of weed.

Now I know what I shall be doing tonight in that case!

Or you could just go and live in Holland for 10 years and pick up the accent! Works just fine and keeps you healthy! ;)

New forums, hell yeah!

Pages: 1