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Messages - aroslaw46

Pages: 1 2
Surprised 7pp wasn't picked for league 2 considering they are quite alot older than most of those regiments.

I must say i'm kinda stunned considering we took part in last two nwls. And making 3rd league would not be that hard  >:(

Regiment: 7. Pułk Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: VK Tuesday Event (Need Lines!!)
« on: January 14, 2017, 08:09:15 pm »
Regiment name: 7. Pułk Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego
Regiment unit(s): Line
Regiment numbers: 10-20 (depends)
Regiment contact(s):
Will you be coming weekly? (Yes/No) We'll see about that

Napoleonic Wars League / Re: NWL - League 3
« on: January 09, 2017, 04:28:04 pm »
Regiments: 7pp - 3eMG
Date: 13.01.2017 (Friday)
Time: 19:30 GMT
Referee: Needed

Napoleonic Wars League / Re: NWL - League 3
« on: December 31, 2016, 12:53:54 am »
Who cares, you Polish are all the same


Napoleonic Wars League / Re: NWL - League 3
« on: December 30, 2016, 10:20:26 pm »
Yeah GG! I have a question btw. Why is it redirecting to a 16pp guy after clicking on my regiment's name rather than on my steam profile?

Events: EU / Re: Historical Event : Peninsular War. 10.12.2016
« on: December 07, 2016, 02:05:19 pm »
Regiment name: 7. Pułk Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego
Prefered nation: France
Unit in phase 2: Infantry
Unit in phase 3: Infantry
Unit in phase 4: Infantry
Unit in phase 5: Infantry
Unit in phase 6: Infantry
Unit in phase 7: Infantry
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Steam link of 2 leaders :
Have you read and accepted the rules ?: Yup

Napoleonic Wars League / Re: NWL - League 3
« on: November 25, 2016, 10:56:36 pm »
it was a nice match i must say

Regiment: 7. Pułk Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: Historical Event: Battle of Waterloo 5.11.16
« on: October 31, 2016, 10:42:43 am »
Regiment Name: 7. Pułk Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego   
Prefered Nation: France
Unit in Phase 1: Line
Unit in Phase 2: Grenadiers
Unit in Phase 3,5,6,7: Grenadiers
Unit in Phase 4: Cav
Numbers: 15-20
Steam link of 2 leaders:
Have you read and accepted the rules?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: Historical Event: Battle of Eylau. 1.10.16
« on: September 26, 2016, 10:04:14 pm »
Regiment name: 7 pułk piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego
Prefered nation: France
Unit in phase 2: Infantry
Unit in phase 3: Infantry
Unit in phase 4: Infantry
Unit in phase 5: Cavalery
Estimated attendance: +-20
Steam link of 2 leaders :�
Have you read and accepted the rules ?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: Historical event: Battle of Leipzig 10.09*1 line spot left
« on: September 05, 2016, 06:34:52 pm »
Regiment name: 7 Pułk Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego
Prefered nation: French Empire
Unit in phase 2: Infantry
Unit in phase 4: Cavalry
Unit in phase 5: Infantry
Unit in phase 6: Infantry
Estimated attendance: 15-20
Steam link of 2 leaders :   
Have you read and accepted the rules ?: Yes

Petrograd_LB   3-7  7pp       

Events: EU / Re: Preobraz_Event *9.04.16
« on: April 06, 2016, 05:35:49 pm »
Regiment name: 7.Pułk Piechoty
Prefered nation: France
Prefered class: Line
Estimated attendence: 15-20
Once or weekly?:weekly
Steam link of 2 leaders:
Did you read the rules  ?: yes

Regiment Name: 7. Pułk Piechoty
Regiment Leader's/Representatives Steam: [7pp]aroslaw46
Class applying for: Line
Numbers attending: 20-25
Would you like to sign up weekly?: we'll see
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated?: yes

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