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Messages - obi bro kenobi

Pages: 1
Location: North America
Age: 19
Previous Experience: I originally played apart of the NaS with the 14th for about a month before my work schedule clashed with practices and battles (my character name was Jack Riverrunson if i recall correctly). It was so much fun and just an incredible role play experience. DiplexHeated is an amazing commander who inspires his troops to stay in character and really gives the feel of Civil War line battle.

Why do you want to join?: To recreate and get back involved with this amazing community. I can't think of anywhere else you can find this sort of gameplay along with those who are willing to stay in character through thick and thin. Between that, and I'm looking for a new game to get actively involved and committed for during the summer, to which I would love for that game to NaS. 

Pages: 1